question about scalar framerate
Dear all: I am using DVRRDK3.0 with DM8168EVM. I create a chain, src->sclr->nsf->ipcOutVpss->ipcInVideo->enc->ipcBitsOutVideo->ipcBitsInHost. I set the sclr...
View ArticleDRV8301-LS31-KIT problem with Code Composer
Hi,I am using DRV8301-LS31-KIT for my master thesis and I'm having some problems with starting motor using Code Composer. I got this kit a week ago so I'm new to this. The only thing I have to do is to...
View ArticleBooster chip for Weighing scale using ADS1230
Hi,I am using ADS1230 for weighing scale application. The Weighing Scale is Battery driven (3.7V LI-Po). If I use a Booster chip for generating 5V for excitation which is VREF,will there be any...
View Articlecc2540 start sending notifications on demand
Hi to all the experts,I need your help as I don't know how to implement the following:I have a cc2540 device which code's is based on the simple peripheral code, my goal is for the device to start...
View ArticleEvaluation tool installation on windows 8
Hello,While I install evaluation tool (CC256x_Bluetooth_Hardware_Evaluation_Tool_V1.0_Setup) and SDK (CC256x_MSP430_Bluetopia_SDK_v1-3_Setup) on Windows 8 x64, error is occurred and I think it comes...
View ArticleTLV320AIC3104 android 4.0 driver
Hi TI partnerDoes it have available Android 4.0 driver of TLV320AIC3104?Thanks
View ArticleDM8168 PCIe IpcFramesOutLink
Hi I want to capture video from PCIe,In my usecase,I use the ipcFramesOutHost Link and ipcFramesInVpss link ,and I invoke Vsys_allocBuf() to allocate shard region firstly,then,pass it to...
View ArticleRE: AISgen fails to configure DDR2
Hello,I'm developing a software (for bare metal, without OS) for custom board within OMAP-L138 (d800k008 ROM version). My DSP code size is ~ 600 kB and I must to load it into DDR2 during booting. But...
View ArticleCCS 5.4 install failed on Win7/64bit
HiI have problems to install CCS 5.4 on Windows 7 / 64bit.I have tried it with administrator rigths, McAfee off, local administrator, with offline installation and web installation, but it doesn_t...
View ArticleOMAP5 EVM with WiLink 8.0 module
Hello,Have anyone tried to integrate WiLink 8.0 module with OMAP5432 EVM ?Thanks,Alexey
View ArticleuDMA and ADC ping pong interrupt issue
Hello all.I am using uDMA to get two channels of data of 1024 points each from the ADC0 sampling at 48KHz. Both channels (let's call them CHa and CHb) are sampled at the same time, so at the end of the...
View ArticleSensorTag characteristic read problem
hi,i am establishing link between CC2540 USB dongle and SensorTag using BTool.when i perform "read using characteristic UUID" to read IR temperature , humidity or other sensor parameter i am getting...
View ArticleTLV320AIC3204 ADC Processing Blocks
Hi,On my target board BCLK is used as input to PLL.Trying to use ADC Processing Blocks to filter some DC noise.PLL initialization code:I2Cwrite(CODEC_ADDR,0x00,0x00); //Initialize to Page...
View ArticleDoes AIC32x4 support Mono channel I2S bus ?
I want to use AIC32x4 with mono mode ? But I did not see any support on AIC32x4 datasheet. Does AIC32x4 support Mono channel I2S bus ?I use AIC32x4 with these configurations ://...
View ArticleSPİ Proglem
Hi everyone,I can't send data to spi. Code is here. Please help me.#include <stdint.h>#include <stdbool.h>#include "inc/hw_types.h"#include "inc/hw_memmap.h"#include "inc/hw_ssi.h"#include...
View ArticleHigh-speed SerDes with functional earth shielding poor supply burst immunity?
Hi guys, I am developing a product for machine vision using a high-speed video link over a distance of about 15 meters (~ 50 feet).The differential signal lines are coupled by 100 nF ceramic...
View ArticleCC2540 USB Dongle not work with BTool 1.3
Dear,I had CC2540EMK-USB and installed BTool 1.3 on my PC, WinXP. My PC already installed Microsoft .NET 3.5 SP1. USB driver is automatic install (Cebal controlled device -> CC2540 USB dongle).When...
View ArticleWondering about GCC Hard FPU Support
In a project that I'm working on (software can be found here), I'm trying to use the FPU on the TM4C123 (the Launchpad LM4F120 part, rebranded). I'm able to compile successfully using -mfloat-abi=soft,...
View ArticleSSI Slave Receives only 0x00
Hello,I have a board with 2 processors:1. F28M3552C1 (Concerto) as SSI Master.2. LM4F232 as SSI Slave.8 bit mode 400000 bitrate.I am sending bytes from the master to the slave, and also on each slave...
View Articletms320vc5505 timer
hai i am using the tms320vc5505 usbstick and by enabling the timer and i toggle the led for every 50ms it works fine when we run in the initial stage and after some time it automatically...
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