I want to capture video from PCIe,In my usecase,I use the ipcFramesOutHost Link and ipcFramesInVpss link ,and I invoke Vsys_allocBuf() to allocate shard region firstly,then,pass it to ipcFramesOut_putFullFrames.
IpcFramesOutLink_getEmptyVideoFrames---->get data from PCIe----->IpcFramesOutLink_putFullVideoFramesIn
In my program,we connect and disconnect PCIe dynamically,the issue is that when I connect 4 times ,the M3VPSS will down with the infomation:
218030:!!!SLAVE CORE [VPSS-M3] DOWN!!!
mmap of [0xbe9e0000:36864]
mmap virt addresss:0x413b7000
munmap of [0x413b7000:36864]
[m3vpss ] 256337: Assertion @ Line: 2099 in links_m3vpss/avsync/avsync_m3vpss.c: freeFrameList->numFrames < UTILS_ARRAYSIZE(freeFrameList->frames) : failed !!!
218030:!!!SLAVE CORE [VPSS-M3] DOWN!!!
mmap of [0xbe9e0000:36864]
mmap virt addresss:0x413b7000
munmap of [0x413b7000:36864]
[m3vpss ] 256337: Assertion @ Line: 2099 in links_m3vpss/avsync/avsync_m3vpss.c: freeFrameList->numFrames < UTILS_ARRAYSIZE(freeFrameList->frames) : failed !!!
I want to know the reason lead to this issue.
Looking forward to your reply.