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TMS320F28377D: spi high speed


Part Number:TMS320F28377D


F28377-SPI has high speed mode activated by SpiaRegs.***.bit.HS_MODE,If I do not enable high speed mode, configure the low speed clock to 200M with ClkCfgRegs.LOSPCP.bit.LSPCLKDIV =0.

Can I configure SPIBRR to 4 or 9 for 40M or 20M, or must I enable High Speed Mode? When should the high speed mode be used, what is the highest clock frequency in high speed mode, 200M?

thank you!

CC2564B: BLE Advertisement stop during the thermal cycling test (-40 deg C to 85 deg C)


Part Number:CC2564B


We are using PAN1326B (CC2564B) Panasonic module with Bluetopia version 1.5R2 in one of the product. Bluetooh module interface with MSP430F2418 using 3 wire interface (Rx, TX and GND). during the weekend / continuous 4 to 5 days of testing with couple of device, we found few devices are BLE is not advertise. then we root case it with the debugger and identified, code is struck in the stack, its not at all coming out. So we decided to restart the device once in a 24 hrs; now we don't see this issue.

Since now we are doing the temperature cycling in the chamber -40 deg C to + 85 Deg C at 2 to 3 cycles and holding one hour for -40 and +85 Deg C, then continue to kept for +85 Deg C in 48 to 72 hrs. during this time BLE is not advertisement and triggering to reset the device. This reset leads for our device data log missing. Is there any way to check BLE health using the Bluetooth stack API's ? 

Please conform any one has tested with  -40 deg C to + 85 Deg C environment conditions ?

How do we address the BLE advertisement stop issue ? without resting the device.

Please suggest / recommend to handle the BLE error handling. what are the error conditions needs to take the actions ?  

Note: PAN1326B module and MSP430F2418 microcontroller is used with BGA Package. Bluetooth debug UART signals are not brought out in the PCB; because of board density. As of now BT / BLE combo module we are using only BLE functionality.


Narayanan. S

TMS320F28035: builde error


Part Number:TMS320F28035


Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

On Debugging the the code,i get the error in the following picture.

Anyone tell me how to rectify this problem.

TPS54341: Issue with TPS54341 Buck as auxiliary power source


Part Number:TPS54341

I am implementing a full bridge LLC resonant main circuit using a Resonant controller which has soft start capability i.e. during startup the operating frequency starts from 1MHz and rolls off till feedback takes over the control. For providing the required bias voltage of 15V, I am using TPS54341 controller based buck converter (500KHz) as auxiliary circuit for converting 28VDC input to 15VDC output.  

Problem: When the resonant controller is ENABLE (after bias voltage (Vcc) is applied) , output of buck converter is falling from 15V and oscillating between 10V and 8V with low frequency defined by soft start capacitor. i.e. buck converter is found to be undergoing a hiccup, with time interval defined by soft start capacitor.

Steps Performed: 

  1. When the resonant controller is biased from external 15V power source, the controller is starting and operating fine. The external 15V power source is showing 0.4A as steady state load current with a current spike on ENABLE of 1.5A peak.
  2. When auxiliary circuit output is connected to rheostat (separately, without connecting to resonant controller) and loaded, the circuit maintained 15V output till 3.5A  load current is drawn. The circuit output voltage is satisfactory even for sudden 3.5A loads. On further increasing the load current (above 3.5A) the output voltage started to fall gradually with load current. 
  3. Auxiliary circuit output is connected to VCC pin of resonant controller,
    1. Resonant controller is in DISABLE state, Vcc voltage of 15V from auxiliary output is present.
    2. Once ENABLE for resonant controller is given, voltage falls and oscillates between 8V & 10V (ramp up and down). Probing switch node shows IC is in hiccup mode.

Please help me understand why I am facing issue only when I use voltage from Buck converter for powering resonant controller. Thanks.

EDLC charging from LiSoCl2 primary battery


I'm looking for suggestions on a part to regulate current to charge a 220mF EDLC from a LiSoCl2 battery. The current output of the battery can be as high as 50mA, but ideally lower, and the battery's open-circuit voltage is 3.6. I've seen the Energy Buffering for Long-Life Applications app note, which may be a possible solution, but perhaps there is something that is a little less complex. Thanks!

TMS320F28035: function InitPieVectTable() for interrupt vector table initialization。


Part Number:TMS320F28035


I would like to ask, in the routine of the Piccolo processor, the function InitPieVectTable() for interrupt vector table initialization, where the source and destination addresses of the vector table need to add 3 (Source = Source + 3, Dest = Dest + 3; ) Where is the source of this plus 3? In contrast, the Delfino series processors do not need ‘plus 3’. Which one can tell you, thank you very much。

AM3359: MII0 Connection Between AM3359/AMIC110 and Ethernet PHY


Part Number:AM3359


I have question regarding the MII connection between AM3359/AMIC110 and Ethernet PHY for Port 0.

In AMIC110 ICE (TMDXICE110) schematic, "AM_PHY1_LED1 (V2 of AMIC110)" and "AM_PHY1_RXCLK (V4 of AMIC110)" nets routed through Switch (U10).

whereas in AM3359 ICE (TMDSICE3359) schematic, "PR1_MII0_RXLINK_SPEED (V2 of AM3359)" and "PRUETH0_RXERR_COL_PROC (V3 of AM3359)" nets routed through Switch (U4).

Why in AMIC110 ICE pin V4 and in AM3359 ICE pin V3 is disconnected from PHY during boot?


Varun R

LDC1101: LDC1101 / LHR RPMIN Setting


Part Number:LDC1101


Please let me ask about LHR RPMIN setting. There is RPMIN SETTING value in Table 36, but I'm not sure how to calculate this value. For example, how can I calculate 0.75kohm? I tried to use 0.6V that is nominal sensor amplitude of 1.2Vpp but the result is 0.785kohm, not 0.75kohm.

Best Regards,

Satoshi / Japan Disty

AM3703: NOR boot questions


Part Number:AM3703

Hi everybody , 

I  need  to redesign  my AM3703CUS board   and  change NOR flash memory .  I  must boot  and XIP  in NOR  ,   no OS  on board .

I m  using  this page  as reference   --> processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/AM3715/03_GPMC_Subsystem#16-bit_NOR_with_external_latch.C2.A0   

so please some confirmation :

1-  is AM3703  capable to boot  from muxed and not muxed   NOR   if I  use  schematics as  previous page ?   anything  to consider highlight  in the two cases ? 

2-  after booting  ,  only  thing to consider in the two cases ( muxed or not )  is  proper setting of GPMC  ?  anything to  highlight ?

thank you 



SM320VC5421-EP: Latest version CCS device support list


Part Number:SM320VC5421-EP


I have been trying to find a list of all the DSP supported by latest version of Code Composer Studio (version 8.0 seems to be latest version) 

The TI website has loads of documents but there seems to be missing a simple parametric search to have a full list of what DSP is supported by what version of CCS.

SM320VC5421 is only supported by CCS 3.0 (obsolete version unless you want to use WinXP)

So a full parametric search with a more exhaustive list of DSP parameters would help.

If the parametric search could have CSS version and also the package type of the DSP device (BGA, QFP..etc...), this would help greatly in finding alternative to the VC5421 DSP a lot faster.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards


CCS/CC3220: Firmware-Downgrade


Part Number:CC3220

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Our customer wants to perform any time a rollback to the previous Image. Even though a new update was successful and committed, he wants to have the possibility to roll back to the last version later on.

Our approach:
Before an OTA update starts, create a copy of the actual mculfashimg.bin (read mculfashimg.bin -> write in mcuflsasimgcopy.bin) . Then perform a regular update.
If at some time a custom rollback is necessary, the copy of the mcu binary will be read back to the mcuflashimg.bin (read mculfashimgcopy.bin -> write in mcuflsasimg.bin)
Both file are created with failsafe mode. This means, a bigger SFLASH has to be considered. But do you think, that this approach is feasible?
Thanks for your support.

Will the Sin/Cos Encoders be a rotary transformer in the TIDA-00176 design?



As the title says,anyone knows?thank you。

InstaSPIN-MOTION, brushless motors with Hall



Does InstaSPIN-MOTION now support brushless motors with Hall?


TUSB544: If we connect USB disk of USB3.0 and use type C to charge the system, TUSB544 did not work normally.


Part Number:TUSB544


We use TUSB544 to realize USB redriver,

If we connect USB disk of USB3.0 and use type C to charge the system, TUSB544 did not work normally.

And we check the registers about TUSB544, we find these registers are changed, showed the below information:

Initialized registers:

0x0a = 0x18
0x0b = 0x00
0x0c = 0x60
0x10 = 0x99
0x11 = 0x99
0x12 = 0x00
0x13 = 0x00
0x20 = 0x22
0x21 = 0xff
0x22 = 0x04
0x23 = 0x03

Abnormal registers:
0x0a = 0x01
0x0b = 0x00
0x0c = 0x00
0x10 = 0x88
0x11 = 0x88
0x12 = 0x00
0x13 = 0x10
0x20 = 0xaa
0x21 = 0xaa
0x22 = 0x00
0x23 = 0x00

Could you give some suggestions about TUSB544's issue?


Best regards

Luck Wu

RTOS: how to obtain the system time use SYSBIOS ?




Does the SYSBIOS system have OSTimeGet function similar to ucos to obtain the system time?

thank you。

RTOS/AM3358: Ethernet storm attack issue


Part Number:AM3358


Hi TI Support team,

We are using AM3358 embedded linux using phy KSZ8081. We are using the speed of 100mbps in our product.

We see that when storm attack like TCP, UDP or ethernet storm is performed, we are not able to rate limit the packets coming to the device.

We also have the patch below for enabling coalescing including multicast broadcast limit.


This patch seem to work in 10Mbps mode but not in 100Mbps mode.

Please help us in resolving the storm attacks in 100Mbps mode of operation by providing us a method for rate limiting.


With Regards,

N.Raghu Raman.

CCS/F28M35H52C: CCSv7.2 upgrade failed due to an error occurred.


Part Number:F28M35H52C

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hello All,

when i upgrade the CCS v7.2 to latest compiler tools using "check for updates" on Help taps. but seems always failed to update blocking by the above error shows.

what's the problem? how can i fix this?

thanks in advance.


TL432B: shunt reference WCCA discussion


Part Number:TL432B

Hi, I'm using TL432B-Q1 in my project. I'm doing worst-case-condition-analysis.


Per TL432BQDBZRQ1 datasheet, it defined many items, eg. reference voltage Vref and deviation of reference voltage over full temperature range VI(dev)...

The system will do calibration at the factory. The operating temperature of the product is -40oC to +125oC. The application is same as Figure 3 in datasheet with R1=1k, R2=3.01k, 5V input.


Which item can be eliminated by doing the calibration?

Which item should be taken into account?

MSP430FR6047: USSLib_01_40_00_06 configuring to start measurement by T0 CCR2


Part Number:MSP430FR6047

Dear Sir,

Our water meter project is based on CCS project UltrasonicWaterFR6047_01_40_00_01 which uses USSLib_01_40_00_06.

As a start point we used default configuration settings in USS_userConfig.c where

.triggerConfig = USS_Triger_Configuration_Software_Trigger;

and everything goes well.

We also registered some callbacks:

USS_registerSAPHInterruptCallback(USS_SAPH_Interrupt_SEQDN, SeqDoneCallback);

USS_registerSDHSInterruptCallback(USS_SDHS_Interrupt_ACQDONE, AcqDoneCallback);

which are invoked from library also.

But when we changed  USSLib setting to start measurement from TA0 CCR2:

.triggerConfig =USS_Triger_Configuration_External_Trigger1;

then we met next problems:

1. We found that USS Xtal is not started after calling USSLibGUIApp_Init so we added next code:

HspllUssInitParam.oscillatorType = HSPLL_XTAL_GATING_COUNTER_LENGTH_4096;
HspllUssInitParam.xtlOutput = HSPLL_XTAL_OUTPUT_DISABLE;
HspllUssInitParam.oscillatorEnable = HSPLL_XTAL_ENABLE;

HSPLL_xtalInit(HSPLL_BASE, &HspllUssInitParam);

2. Our registered callbacks are note invoked untill we added next code:



So we have next questions:

1. Is there another variant of CCS project UltrasonicWaterFR6047_01_40_00_01 which triggers USSLib by TA0 CCR2 or RTC, not by Software?

2. If we trigger USSLib by TA0 CCR2 what else we should configure by ourselves?

3. As we found callback on USS_SDHS_Interrupt_ACQDONE invokes two times on one measurement trigger. Is it because of two measurements in sequence?

.sequenceSelection = USS_measurement_capture_sequence_ch0_ch1;

4. What callback should we use to know that measurements are finished and we can invoke USS_runAlgorithmsFixedPoint function? As for now we use callback on USS_SDHS_Interrupt_ACQDONE.

Thank You very much for You answers.

CCS/TMS320C6748: no source available for "0x713D4E",when TMS320C6748 debugs!


Part Number:TMS320C6748

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

when entering the debug environment ,the problem occurs sometimes and my program can not find the main entrypoint,However,When  I  restart the CPU in CCSv5.5,The DSP becomes normal. I have increase the Stack and Heap Size at 32K in CCS.my program runs in the L2 and Shared RAM.

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