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BQ24618: Battery-Detection Flow Chart


Part Number:BQ24618

On page 24 of the part datasheet: www.ti.com/.../bq24618.pdf the battery detection flow chart and all the info below it (including the graph) implies that if VFB is above VRECH then the battery is absent. However, in the upper right-hand corner of the flow chart there is a paragraph that states: "The battery detection routine runs on power up, or if VFB falls below VRECH due to removing a battery or discharging a battery". If the VFB below VRECH means that the battery is present, why would removing the battery bring VFB below VRECH? Is there something I'm missing?


TMS320DM8148: Decoding Deinterlaced Video


Part Number:TMS320DM8148


We are using DVRRDK4 on DM8148.

Our usecase needs Interlace Video(PAL) Encoding and decoding. We are able to do Interlace encoding, write to H.264 file. The encoding is proper, VLC is able to decode it. Video is also fine. But when we give the encoded video to decoder, decode it and display we are facing a issue. The video is moving up and down by 2,3 lines. The video keeps on moving up and down.

To identify whether it is decoder issue or display issue, we have written the decoded YUV in to a file. We are playing it using YUV viewer. It also moving up and down rapidly. Hence it is a decoding issue.

It seems like some wrong interpretation of Odd and Even lines is causing this issue.

We have set process call in decoder parameter to field level only.

decPrm.chCreateParams[0].processCallLevel            = VDEC_FIELDLEVELPROCESSCALL;

Should I set any more parameters in decoder ?


Pranay kumar

DS90UB953-Q1: AC coupling capacitor values


Part Number:DS90UB953-Q1


Why is it recommended to have 100nF and 47nF on the outputs DOUT+ and DOUT- respectively for the AC coupling capacitors for coaxial asynchronous mode?

Why can we not place same capacitor values on both (+ and -)?

We think this would make the output driver stage loaded non-symmetrically which is usually never good idea for EMC.

Is there something special in output driver stage that needs non-symetrical impedance termination?



BQ76930: Button on BOOT pin (TS1) of BQ76930


Part Number:BQ76930

Hi all,

I would have a question regarding on the BOOT-TS1-/DISPLAY:

I want to have a button on TS1 line to wake up the BMS from SHIP to NORMAL mode(at the first boot and after auto ship). I would like to use this button to control the RSOC LEDs too (/DISPLAY).  In normally TS1 is used for the MOSFETs temperature,  (10K NTC)

It´s ok or can it cause any problem?

Best regards


TPS53355: Recommended Replacement

CC2640R2F: Why example of multi_role need pair, but simple_peripheral do not?


Part Number:CC2640R2F


When a phone connects to example multi_role, the pairing is required. But when simple_peripheral connects to phone, the pairing do not need. Is there any difference GATT service?

Best regards,

Victor Chu

WEBENCH® Tools/BQ34Z100EVM: learning status not updated to 0x05 . no update values in current , remaining capacity etc.


Part Number:BQ34Z100EVM

Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools

Hello Everyone,

Iam testing lead acid battery  of type 12v, 1.3Ah , iam able to get voltage by updating voltage divider value. but iam not able to get another values.

As per suggestion in posts , 

0. Configure dataflash, pack chemistry, perform calibration and export GG File (for later comparison)
1. Enable IT
2. Send Reset command (0x0041)
3. Charge the pack to charge termination.
4. Rest until the OCVTAKEN flag sets
5. C/7 Discharge to the termination voltage
6. Rest until the OCVTAKEN flag sets. At this point, QMax should update and the Update Status should increment to 0x05
7. Charge the pack to charge termination
8. Rest until OCVTAKEN flag sets
9. C/7 Discharge to the termination voltage
10. Rest until the OCVTAKEN flag sets. At this point, the Ra table should update and Update Status should increment to 0x06

I  followed dis steps, no change in values , learning status is still  in 0x04.

only ocvtaken flag is set after charging.

CCS/TMS320F28377D: What does GPIO Index mean in datasheet or reference manual?


Part Number:TMS320F28377D

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I want to use GPIO48 and GPIO49 as Tx and Rx of serial communication. I need to change GMUX and MUX registers. In TI library (F2837xD_Gpio.c) there is a function  void GPIO_SetupPinMux(Uint16 pin, Uint16 cpu, Uint16 peripheral). I use this function to change registers. Mux register (GPBMUX2) is changed correctly, but Group Mux register (GPBGMUX2) is not changed properly. It writes always zero instead of proper value. If I write correct value into group multiplex register, everything works.

In datasheet (tms320f28377d.pdf, page 41, Table 4-3) or technical reference manual (spruhm8g.pdf, page 914, Table 7-8) ther is a column with name GPIO index. 

What is GPIO index? Shall I write something into some registers for this index?

Here is the funcntion in TI library (F2837xD_Gpio.c)

    // GPIO_SetupPinMux - Set the peripheral muxing for the specified pin. The
    //                    appropriate parameters can be found in the GPIO Muxed
    //                    Pins table(4.4) in the  datasheet. Use the GPIO index
    //                    row (0 to 15) to select a muxing option for the GPIO.
    void GPIO_SetupPinMux(Uint16 pin, Uint16 cpu, Uint16 peripheral)
        volatile Uint32 *gpioBaseAddr;
        volatile Uint32 *mux, *gmux, *csel;
        Uint16 pin32, pin16, pin8;

        pin32 = pin % 32;
        pin16 = pin % 16;
        pin8 = pin % 8;

        gpioBaseAddr = (Uint32 *)&GpioCtrlRegs + (pin/32) * GPY_CTRL_OFFSET;

        //Sanity check for valid cpu and peripheral values
        if (cpu > GPIO_MUX_CPU2CLA || peripheral > 0xF)

        //Create pointers to the appropriate registers. This is a workaround
        //for the way GPIO registers are defined. The standard definition
        //in the header file makes it very easy to do named accesses of one
        //register or bit, but hard to do arbitrary numerical accesses. It's
        //easier to have an array of GPIO modules with identical registers,
        //including arrays for multi-register groups like GPyCSEL1-4. But
        //the header file doesn't define anything we can turn into an array,
        //so manual pointer arithmetic is used instead.
        mux = gpioBaseAddr + GPYMUX + pin32/16;
        gmux = gpioBaseAddr + GPYGMUX + pin32/16;
        csel = gpioBaseAddr + GPYCSEL + pin32/8;

        //Now for the actual function

        //To change the muxing, set the peripheral mux to 0/GPIO first to avoid
        //glitches, then change the group mux, then set the peripheral mux to
        //its target value. Finally, set the CPU select. This procedure is
        //described in the TRM. Unfortunately, since we don't know the pin in
        //advance we can't hardcode a bitfield reference, so there's some
        //tricky bit twiddling here.
        *mux &= ~(0x3UL << (2*pin16));
        *gmux &= ~(0x3UL << (2*pin16));
        *gmux |= (Uint32)((peripheral >> 2) & 0x3UL) << (2*pin16);
        *mux |= (Uint32)(peripheral & 0x3UL) << (2*pin16);

        *csel &= ~(0x3L << (4*pin8));
        *csel |= (Uint32)(cpu & 0x3L) << (4*pin8);

        //WARNING: This code does not touch the analog mode select registers,
        //which are needed to give the USB module control of its IOs.

Linux: How to mount SD card to Linux for writing Data from Linux OS or IPC


Tool/software: Linux

Hi there, I have managed to get OMAP-L138 SoC to boot the Linux on ARM core from uSD card. The Linux version is 4.9.28 

Is there a way to create an data partition on the SD card and mount it on Linux at boot up? 

And is there an example to show how to write data to the mounted partition,. Thanks in advance.

Compiler/OPT8241-CDK-EVM: Android/OPT8241-CDK-EVM: Voxel SDK for Android on ARM


Part Number:OPT8241-CDK-EVM

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler


I'm looking to build from source in an Open-Q 820 with Android according to the guide (github.com/.../73). I had several problems to achieve it, I managed to cross compile several of the libraries modifying the code, but finally at the time of cross compile part of systemd I stopped given the large amount of time I had invested. Do you have any more updated guide to achieve this goal?

To avoid problems with Android, I'm trying to get a debian image for Open-Q 820. If I get this image could I run the process they have to compile the requirements in Ubuntu? They also commented to me that the image of debian that they have is not complete and does not have support for ISP (Image Signal Processor), this would cause a problem? One last question, the sensor OPT8241-CDK-EVM, need some driver or is it enough compile Voxel and its requirements to use it?

Kind Regards


CC2564: CC2564MODNEM: HFP-AG Connection to a car like a mobile phone


Part Number:CC2564


we are currently working on a project where we want to connect the cc2564 to the car like a mobile phone. We would like to use the HFP AG interface to exchange audio. We also want to send phone book contacts to the car in vCard format.

We use the following hardware:
CC2564MODAEM Module Evaluation Board
CC256XEM-STADAPT Adapter board for the STM32F4

On the other hand, a car with hands-free system (in this case a C4 picasso).

And the following software:
CC256x STM32 Bluetopia SDK v4.0.2.2 ---> NoOS ---> HFPAGDemo

for logiciel we use
Putty Program
Logger 5.0

I Follow tuto processors.wiki.ti.com/.../CC256x_TI’s_Bluetooth_Stack_Basic_HFGAGDemo_APP
all works up to the command OpenAudioGatewayClient, after 5 or 6 secondes the port close itself.

See putty log below:

Bluetooth Stack ID: 1
WBS Support initialized.
Device Chipset: 4.1
BTPS Version  :
Project Type  : 6
FW Version    : 7.26
App Name      : HFPAGDemo
App Version   : 0.5
GAP_Set_Discoverability_Mode(dmGeneralDiscoverable, 0).
GAP_Register_Remote_Authentication() Success.

* Command Options: Inquiry, DisplayInquiryList, Pair,            *
*                  EndPairing, PINCodeResponse, PassKeyResponse, *
*                  UserConfirmationResponse,                     *
*                  SetDiscoverabilityMode, SetConnectabilityMode,*
*                  SetPairabilityMode,                           *
*                  ChangeSimplePairingParameters,                *
*                  GetLocalAddress, SetLocalName, GetLocalName,  *
*                  SetClassOfDevice, GetClassOfDevice,           *
*                  GetRemoteName, ManageAudio,                   *
*                  OpenAudioGatewayClient, CloseAgClient,        *
*                  ServiceDiscovery, UpdateControlIndicators,    *
*                  CallWaiting, SendCallerIdNotification,        *
*                  SetRingIndication, RingIndication,            *
*                  SetVoiceRecognitionActivation,                *
*                  SetSpeakerGain, SetMicroPhoneGain,            *
*                  DisableRemoteSoundEnhancement,                *
*                  SendOperatorInfo, SendIncomingCallState,      *
*                  SendSubNumber, SendCallList,                  *
*                  Help                                          *

Return Value is 0 GAP_Perform_Inquiry() SUCCESS.

GAP Inquiry Entry Result: 0x2C5A059B2F09.

GAP Inquiry Entry Result: 0x000780C4B723.

GAP_Inquiry_Result: 2 Found.
GAP Inquiry Result: 1, 0x2C5A059B2F09.
GAP Inquiry Result: 2, 0x000780C4B723.

HFAGRE16>pair 2
GAP_Initiate_Bonding (Dedicated): Function Successful.

atLinkKeyRequest: 0x000780C4B723
GAP_Authentication_Response() Success.

atPINCodeRequest: 0x000780C4B723

Respond with the command: PINCodeResponse

HFAGRE16>ServiceDiscovery 2 12
SDP_Service_Search_Attribute_Request(Handsfree) Success.

SDP Service Search Attribute Response Received (Size = 0x0010)
Service Record: 1:
Attribute ID 0x0000
Type: Unsigned Int = 0x00010000
Attribute ID 0x0001
Type: Data Element Sequence
Type: UUID_16 = 0x111E
Type: UUID_16 = 0x1203
Attribute ID 0x0004
Type: Data Element Sequence
Type: Data Element Sequence
Type: UUID_16 = 0x0100
Type: Data Element Sequence
Type: UUID_16 = 0x0003
Type: Unsigned Int = 0x02
Attribute ID 0x0009
Type: Data Element Sequence
Type: Data Element Sequence
Type: UUID_16 = 0x111E
Type: Unsigned Int = 0x0106
Attribute ID 0x0311
Type: Unsigned Int = 0x003E
Attribute ID 0x0005
Type: Data Element Sequence
Type: UUID_16 = 0x1002
Attribute ID 0x0006
Type: Data Element Sequence
Type: Unsigned Int = 0x656E
Type: Unsigned Int = 0x006A
Type: Unsigned Int = 0x0100
Attribute ID 0x0100
Type: Text String = Hands-Free

atAuthenticationStatus: 16 Board: 0x000780C4B723

HFRE16>OpenAudioGatewayClient 2 2
Bluetooth Device Address: 0x000780C4B723
Open Remote HandsFree Port = 0002
HFRE_Open_Remote_HandsFree_Port: Function Successful ID = 0001.
OpenRemoteHandsFreePort: HFRE_Update_Current_Control_Indicator_Status Function Status 0.

HFRE Open Port Confirmation, ID: 0x0001, Status: 0x0000.

HFRE Open Service Level Connection Indication, ID: 0x0001
                     RemoteSupportedFeaturesValid: TRUE
                          RemoteSupportedFeatures: 0x0000009E
                  RemoteCallHoldMultipartySupport: 0x00000000
HFRE_Enable Call Line Identification

HFAGRE16>HFRE Network Operator Selection Format Indication, ID: 0x0001 Format: 3.

HFAGRE16>HFRE Network Operator Selection Indication, ID: 0x0001.

HFRE Close Port Indication, ID: 0x0001, Status: 0x0000.



What are the possible causes?
I join you log via logger 5

(Please visit the site to view this file)



Part Number:TMS320F28379D


  I don't know how to use the FIFO to receive CAN data .Please help me  thanks!I'd like to accept the same ID CAN use FIFO data.I am using assembly language.

TMS320F28069M: BOOSTXL-DRV8301 TM320F28069M



LAunchPadXL TM320F28069M development board BOOSTXL-DRV8301 driver board, running proj_lab13b case, for the first time, the electric control motor will sometimes turn around, and the forward and backward direction is wrong. As long as the first time is correct, there will be no mistakes in the back.

CC3200: Overwriting bin files


Part Number:CC3200

Hi guys,

The last bin file that is in my device was when I did the wlan station project that I followed on the T.I channel on YouTube which was a really good teaching experience on my side. Now I wanted to go back to AP mode so I flashed the bin file of the http server example to the device. I then tested it by plugging to an external power supply source and I was able to connect to the "mysimplelink" SSID.

My questions are:

1. was that the correct process in writing a new bin file to the device? Or

2. Should I reformat it and update the firmware after using a service pack then writing the new bin file?

3. Using the reference screenshot below I was following the wlan station example at the T.I channel on YouTube I had to import these project files from the sdk. So I am assuming 

    that since I am doing the wlan station project, all the other four project files namely driverlib, oslib, simplelink, ri_rtos_config are the base project files which are mandatory

    for the device to work? and whatever you add on top of these four base project files will determine the nature of the project? I'm a real beginner here so I'm trying to understand how the system works. 

    Thanks in advance!


OMAP-L138: Execution Time


Part Number:OMAP-L138

I want to calculate Execution time of Certain part of code. Please let me know How to do this...?


UCC3808-1: Is UCC3808 suited for Full-Bridge


Part Number:UCC3808-1

UCC3808 d/s specified that it just can be for Push-Pull topology. I'd like to know if it can be for the full-bridge topology or Half-Bridge topology as well? if not so, why?

In the LM5030 d/s, it specified it can be for the push-pull, half/full bridge. i wanna to know what's the difference between UCC3808-x and LM5030 device?

My customer would like to use existing solution of UCC3808 on Full-bridge. is that possible? Thanks.



TMS320F28035: F28035 wake up from Low Power Mode

RTOS/EVMK2G: USB Driver Enumeration issue


Part Number:EVMK2G



I  am having one K2G-EVM and using TI RTOS (Processor SDK) on it. The PSDK have USB driver and it implements mass storage class.

I am trying to enumerate an iPhone. I am not concerned about any USB class now. I am just trying to get the device descriptor.

With iPhone models like iPhone 6, iPhone SE and iPhone X, I am able to get the device descriptor with the existing PSDK USB driver without any modification.

But for iPhone 5c, I am unable to do the same. Unlike other iPhones, iPhone 5c is not even getting charged when I connect it to the K2G board.

I am debugging the code and I have found the following:

  • In working scenario, once I get event interrupt in USBSTS register,  I go ahead and read DWC_USB_PORTSC1 register where I get value 0x206E1. The 0th bit (Current Connect Status bit) transitions to 1 indicating that a device is connected. The Port Link State bits(bit 8:5) is 7 which means Link is in Polling State.

  • In case of iPhone 5c, I get the event interrupt in USBSTS register but when I read DWC_USB_PORTSC1 register, I get value 0x202a0. The 0th bit (Current Connect Status bit) is still 0 and the value of Port Link State bit is 5 which means Link is in RxDetect Sate.

Would you please suggest me where should I look to fix the issue?



BQ25703A: Aerospace suitable charger IC


Part Number:BQ25703A


I would like to know if the Charger IC bq25703A is suitable for battery charge applications in space? Or if there are any recomended alternatives for spacecraft applications?

There are some features of the bq25703A which aren't necessary like the USB OTG, but an host interface like the i2c would be great.

TS5A3359: ON-State Leakage Current Test


Part Number:TS5A3359

Hi Team,

I noticed in the TS5A3359 datasheet, section 6.6 the "NO ON leakage current" parameter test conditions refers to 'Figure 19'. However, I believe it should be referring to Figure 20. Correct?

It looks like this would need to be update for all the supply conditions, not just the 3.3V condition.


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