Part Number:TIDA-00701
I have been looking at the TIDA-00701 (100W, 24V) power supply reference design, and was wondering if it's possible to change the output from 24V to 28V? If so, which parts would be affected?
Thank you in advance,
Part Number:TIDA-00701
I have been looking at the TIDA-00701 (100W, 24V) power supply reference design, and was wondering if it's possible to change the output from 24V to 28V? If so, which parts would be affected?
Thank you in advance,
Part Number:TPS40210
I am looking for an upgraded PWM to the UCC2800 with an integrated soft-start and enable circuit and was able to find the TPS40210. The current UCC2800 is used in a fixed off time circuit application as is shown in an older application note. Would you know of any reason that the TPS40210 would not work in a fixed off time application? Also, there are two resistors internal to the TPS40210 that create the comparator equivalent voltage (2.65V on the UCC2800), is it possible to get values for those to calculate the timing if this component would support the fixed off time application?
Part Number:CC2640
Newbie question; I want to put my data in the advertising message (broadcast) so I do not need the connection overhead to get on a data channel. However, I am worried that someone may get closer to my Central, spoof my advertising message and send bogus data to my Central. Yes, I said 'newie'. Assuming I can pair and bond at least once, is there a way to encrypt my broadcasted attributes so that my target Peripheral will know it is not the desired Central sending the message, or do I have to connect and jump to data channel to get my encrypted data sent?
Part Number:TL441
Hi there,
I built the same circuit shown on Fig 15 but couldn’t exhibit such a good linearity (except for between 0.01V and 0.5V DC) so i got two questions:
1. Would you give me some examples for variable resistors parameters?
2. Is this datasheet actually reproducible? I doubt such a good linearity of this shown figure because I couldn’t reproduce it.
Is anyone use TL441 like this?
Thanks in advance.
Part Number:DM385
I am trying to debug my camera driver in the McFW from the latest IPNC_RDK and am following the instructions from a previous thread. My problem is that the code refers to these cores as VIDEO-M3 and VPSS-M3 which run the images ipnc_rdk_fw_m3video.xem3 and ipnc_rdk_fw_m3vpss.xem3, respectively. I know my driver is compiled into the latter image and so runs on the VPSS-M3 core. However, the CCXML file simply refers to these cores as DUCATI_M0/Cortex_M3_RTOS and DUCATI_M1/Cortex_M3_ISS. Which processor is running which image, and how could I have figured this out?
Part Number:TPS562219A
We are developing a product, product is medical related, IoT based. Input power to the product is 12 v DC via good quality adapter, At the circut side we need 3.3 v DC fixed output voltage and 1.5 Amp to 2 Amp current (1.5 or 2 Amp) , so 12 v - 3.3 v = 8.7 V , so we have decided instead of LDO , switching regulator will be better so, according to our requirement which product should we use. * It is a medical product so it will go through the tests of EMI , EMC, FDA , CE etc so according to this please suggest product*
Part Number:TMS320F28069
Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler
I am facing an interesting issue with the TI compiler.
My code (a communication hub) compiles fine with O3 but not with O4. The issue seems to be related to the SPI and Gpio header files provided by TI.
How should this issue be avoided/solved?
Please see below:
error: symbol "memset" redeclared with incompatible type:
"int [ExplSign]()"
in "../SOURCE/inc/DpDiag.c" at line 132 and:
"void *(void *, int, unsigned long)"
g_master.h" at line 149)
error: symbol "GpioDataRegs" redeclared with incompatible type:
"volatile struct GPIO_DATA_REGS
_GPADAT off: 0 (union GPADAT_REG)
_GPASET off: 32 (union GPADAT_REG)
_GPACLEAR off: 64 (union GPADAT_REG)
_GPATOGGLE off: 96 (union GPADAT_REG)
_GPBDAT off:128 (union GPBDAT_REG)
_GPBSET off:160 (union GPBDAT_REG)
_GPBCLEAR off:192 (union GPBDAT_REG)
_GPBTOGGLE off:224 (union GPBDAT_REG)
_rsvd1 off:256 (Uint16[8])
_AIODAT off:384 (union AIODAT_REG)
_AIOSET off:416 (union AIODAT_REG)
_AIOCLEAR off:448 (union AIODAT_REG)
_AIOTOGGLE off:480 (union AIODAT_REG)"
x_Gpio.h" at line 333 and:
"volatile struct GPIO_DATA_REGS
_GPADAT off: 0 (union GPADAT_REG)
_GPASET off: 32 (union GPADAT_REG)
_GPACLEAR off: 64 (union GPADAT_REG)
_GPATOGGLE off: 96 (union GPADAT_REG)
_GPBDAT off:128 (union GPBDAT_REG)
_GPBSET off:160 (union GPBDAT_REG)
_GPBCLEAR off:192 (union GPBDAT_REG)
_GPBTOGGLE off:224 (union GPBDAT_REG)
_rsvd1 off:256 (Uint16[8])
_AIODAT off:384 (union AIODAT_REG)
_AIOSET off:416 (union AIODAT_REG)
_AIOCLEAR off:448 (union AIODAT_REG)
_AIOTOGGLE off:480 (union AIODAT_REG)"
x_Gpio.h" at line 333)
error: symbol "SpiaRegs" redeclared with incompatible type:
"volatile struct SPI_REGS
_SPICCR off: 0 (union SPICCR_REG)
_SPICTL off: 16 (union SPICTL_REG)
_SPISTS off: 32 (union SPISTS_REG)
_rsvd1 off: 48 (Uint16)
_SPIBRR off: 64 (Uint16)
_rsvd2 off: 80 (Uint16)
_SPIRXEMU off: 96 (Uint16)
_SPIRXBUF off:112 (Uint16)
_SPITXBUF off:128 (Uint16)
_SPIDAT off:144 (Uint16)
_SPIFFTX off:160 (union SPIFFTX_REG)
_SPIFFRX off:176 (union SPIFFRX_REG)
_SPIFFCT off:192 (union SPIFFCT_REG)
_rsvd3 off:208 (Uint16[2])
_SPIPRI off:240 (union SPIPRI_REG)"
x_Spi.h" at line 144 and:
"volatile struct SPI_REGS
_SPICCR off: 0 (union SPICCR_REG)
_SPICTL off: 16 (union SPICTL_REG)
_SPISTS off: 32 (union SPISTS_REG)
_rsvd1 off: 48 (Uint16)
_SPIBRR off: 64 (Uint16)
_rsvd2 off: 80 (Uint16)
_SPIRXEMU off: 96 (Uint16)
_SPIRXBUF off:112 (Uint16)
_SPITXBUF off:128 (Uint16)
_SPIDAT off:144 (Uint16)
_SPIFFTX off:160 (union SPIFFTX_REG)
_SPIFFRX off:176 (union SPIFFRX_REG)
_SPIFFCT off:192 (union SPIFFCT_REG)
_rsvd3 off:208 (Uint16[2])
_SPIPRI off:240 (union SPIPRI_REG)"
x_Spi.h" at line 144)
>> Compilation failure
>> Compilation failure
Part Number:BQ34Z100-G1
In reading the data sheet for the fuel gauge part b134z100-G1 it is not clear if the msb or the lsb of the sub command is sent first.
Is writing 0x00, 0x41 and 0x00 to the device the correct sequence to write to perform device reset?
Or should it be 0x00,0x00, 0x41?
Part Number:MSP430FR2633
I am currently trying to use the the captivate MCU development kit to communicate with our another host MSP430F149 controller.
I am using the 8 button of the BSWP demo bard to mimic our touch display.
I know that with the captivate design tool, you can select either UART, BulkI2C or register I2C communication mode.
As per your design guide, if we want to use the captivate microcontroller MSP430FR2633 with the another host processor, the ideal communication mode will be the Register I2C mode.
Actually my question is, if we do not want to use the register I2C mode and if we want to use the MSP430FR2633 as the Slave to our master MSP430F149 micro, how should initialize the MSP430FR2633 as the slave ??
The whole idea is that our host micro MSP430F149 read the captivate MCU MSP430FR2633 at every 33 millisecond, and depending upon the button touched our host micro will do different functions.
To read the data from MSP430FR2633, the MSP430F149 sent the slave address of the MSP430FR2633 with READ byte. Once the captivate MSP430FR2633 recevied the address it will transmit the six bytes of data with information of which button recently touched.
Part Number:LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1
Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
running the SBP_OAD example, on CCS 7.4, I'm able to single-step a few instructions, but letting the debugging continue (F8), the debugging fails with this message:
Cortex_M4_0: GEL Output: Memory Map Initialization Complete. Cortex_M4_0: GEL Output: Board Reset Complete. Cortex_M4_0: JTAG Communication Error: (Error -1170 @ 0x0) Unable to access the DAP. Reset the device, and retry the operation. If error persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK). (Emulation package Cortex_M4_0: Failed to remove the debug state from the target before disconnecting. There may still be breakpoint op-codes embedded in program memory. It is recommended that you reset the emulator before you connect and reload your program before you continue debugging
I'm also having problem detecting the launchpad on the "flash programmer 2" application. I get this message after activating the APP:
C:\ti\ccsv7\ccs_base\common\uscif\xds110>xdsdfu.exe -e USB Device Firmware Upgrade Utility Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved. Scanning USB buses for supported XDS110 devices... <<<< Device 0 >>>> VID: 0x0451 PID: 0xbef3 Device Name: XDS110 Embed with CMSIS-DAP Version: Manufacturer: Texas Instruments Serial Num: L11002N2 Mode: Runtime Found 1 device. C:\ti\ccsv7\ccs_base\common\uscif\xds110>
Part Number:F28M35H52C
I am working with the TI F28M35H52Cexperimenter kit (including the controlCARD Release 2.0 and the Docking-Stn USB-EMU R3). I want to use the UART output on this chip to send data to a UART to RS485 converter chip. How do I do this? I have been unable to find a pin diagram or schematic that shows how the pins on the docking station evaluation board map to the pins on the FM28M35x itself.
Thanks in advance.
Part Number:ADS1282
I am using ADS1282 for converting milliVolt signals. It is used in the default config, with REFs as +2.5V and -2.5V and is in the continuous mode, at 1000Sps data rate.
I need help with two issues--
(i) I gave a 20 mV input signal and got a dataset which has EBB34817.. as output and with zeroes in between.
(ii) When I gave 200 mV signal, in addition to the zeroes coming in between, I got two sets of different values at the output. (9636E191, 1B458580 )
I tried giving other signal values also, but one of the above patterns result.
As I am new to this, any help would be greatly appreciated.
The sample data files are attached
Request help
Thanks in advance
Part Number:TMS320F280049M
I have setup TMS320F280049 to drive two switches whose pulses are complementary, have 50% duty-cycle, and have 150ns deadtime between them. The frequency of pulses varies from 50kHz to 1MHz. I am changing the frequency by changing voltage at the ADC input by varying a variable resistor which is connected at ADC input. Reading the ADC register and calculation of the frequency of pulses is performed in fixed frequency ISR which is triggered by ADC End of conversion pulse and updating the PWM registers (TBPRD,CMPA,CMPB) is performed in EPWM1 ISR which is a higher priority interrupt triggered when EPWM 1 CTR=0. EPWM1 interrupt is nested in ADC interrupt. The ADC start of conversion is triggered by CPU TIMER 0 which runs at fixed frequency of 50kHz.
EPWM pulses with 50% duty-cycle are generated by writing to CMPA and CMPB registers independently a level equal to TBPRD/2. EPWMB pulse is then inverted in deadband module to generate a complementary pulse.
There is some other calculation taking place in ADC ISR based on the input voltage, which has nothing to do with the calculation of the frequency, CMPA and CMPB. The total calculation time of ADC ISR is 9.5us and EPWM1 ISR is ~360ns (as only updating of EPWM registers take place in this routine).
The deadtime between the pulses is constant and setup only once during intialization to 150ns.
With this setup, I observed that deadtime between the two pulses was collapsing randomly to <50ns, which means 150ns deadtime was not maintained.
I experimented and observed, that this can only happen if for some reason executed values of CMPA and CMPB are not equal. This should not happen if I am updating both the registers one after the other with a same value =TBPRD/2 in a higher priority interrupt EPWM1 ISR which is nested inside ADC interrupt.
If EPWM1 ISR is higher priority, first all registers should be updated and then the program counter should go back to ADC ISR to calculate the next value of frequency.
I was temporarily able to solve the deadtime collapse issue by setting a flag high when program counter is in ADC ISR and calculating frequency. When flag is high, I do not allow EPWM 1 registers to update in EPWM1 ISR, even though, EPWM1 ISR can still interrupt ADC ISR. Once, calculation is finished, I make flag go low and then EPWM 1 registers can update in EPWM1 ISR. This way deadtime maintained at 150ns.
However, this is a brute force way of solving the issue. I would like a better solution/ suggestion from TI to solve this problem.
Part Number:TCI6638K2K
Part Number:TMS320F28377S
I created a simple model of this buck converter in Matlab Simulink using the specs given in the datasheet. Using a 200kHz switching frequency and 4.8 uH inductance, I get a large current ripple due to the low inductance value. I was wondering if this was the actual value as stated of 4.8 uH or if there is a discrepancy? Also implementing current control in the model is difficult due the large ripple. When I went through the open loop/closed loop examples in TIDU986–September 2015 documentation, there are no large variations in the output: Gui_IL1. This is why I'm asking if anyone knows if 4.8 uH is the actual value of the inductor in the buck converter.
Part Number:CC2531
I am running ZStack-CC2530-2.5.1a with a custom software application, although the issue is tied to stack behavior in general, and not our implementation in particular.
\We are running into the following situation.
An end device is associated to a coordinator.
The end device performs a data request and the coordinator indicates there is no data.
The Coordinator is powered off and back on. It restarts the network before the next data request from the end device.
The End Device wakes up and sends another data request. The coordinator again informs the end device there is no data for it.
Later the end device sends an application level message to the coordinator, and we expect an application level response. Unfortunately the Coordinator is unable to respond with an application level message because it no longer has a route to the end device (due to the restart.)
We are using short addressing.
I am unable to send an direct message to the device as there is no route.
Is there a way to manually re-add the device to the routing tables?
Part Number:BQ34Z100-G1
We are set up to use an internal temperature sensor. I have a 10k pulldown on the TS line. When we set the configuration to use the Internal Temp Sensor and calibrate, our read temperature is way off.
When our set temp is 22C, our read calibrated temp is ~45C
When our set temp is 2C (which is known to be wrong, our room is actually 22C), our read calibrated temp is closer to ~25C
I am curious why there is this massive offset and why we have to lie to the chip in order to get the temperature sensor within an acceptable range?
The error is not even close to within tolerance given by the datasheet
Part Number:ADC12DJ3200EVM
I am unable to connect to this device using ADxxDJxx00 GUI. Error FT_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND. I have followed the troubleshooting guide as per SLAU701a and still have this issue. The device had worked previously and shows no sign of HW damage. I am able to see the device using the FT_PROG application, and have the correct FTDI device drivers installed. I am unsure as to what the issue is but can confirm it is not HW related, as I can consistently reproduce it on two ADC12DJ3200EVM platforms. Please advise. -Dan
Part Number:TAS2505
Adding this part to a PIC24FJ64G702 part, and wondered if anyone else has done this in the past? Trying to speed up the development process!