SSL output mismatch in BCP PUSCH
Hi, I have two questions.First, I am observing 32 words header in the soft slicer output. What does the header mean? I can't find it in the BCP’s user guides.Second, , I found that the LLR mismatch at...
View Articleinquiry about BQ24100
Hi. I have a question for BQ24100.When BQ24100 is Off status(Vin = 0V, BAT = On, #CE = GND), STAT1 is open?? or pull-down?? Plz let me know default Status of STAT1. Thanks
View ArticleLM50CIM PCN # 20125303 REVISION A
As the PCN # 20125303 Revision A mentioned the proposed 1 ship date from 10/30/12, pls help to confirm the ship date of new material of LM50CIM3/NOPB & LM50CIM3X/NOPB. The date code is helpful for...
View Article816x evm can't boot from nand flash after pwoer on
Dear,I used U-boot to burn uboot.bin to nand flash, steps as below.Step1:SD boot mode SW3---BTM[4:0] ==> 10111 (other pins should be 0 i.e. OFF) SW4---(as appropriate depending on where the ENV...
View ArticleMonitoring Smartreflex output in TMDSEVM6678L
Hi,I am tasked to monitor and measure how the CVDD voltage varies in the C6678 Eval board under various operating loads.I understand that the output of CVDD is controlled by SmartReflex. The UCD9222...
View ArticleLink down interrupt would not come if don't read MR1 in the Ehternet...
Hello all, I enabled the link down interrupt for the Ethernet controller to detect the unplugging of cable. And found a strange thing. If it doesn't read MR1 in the interrupt handler the interrupt...
View Articlegetting a command from RS-232 device
Hi,I'm new here. I looked a lot, but didn't found an existing post that I can use.I need to write a little program that gets a command from a sensor by RS-232 and turn on the Led for a Sec.I tried to...
View ArticleUsing new fonts on LM4F232 Eval Board
Hi,I'm currently working on the LM4F232 Eval Board. I have trouble trying to use the Arial Font that I have converted using the ftrasterize tool.I have successful converted the .ttf files to the C...
View ArticleUse F28335 PWM Port as DAC With 10MHz Conversion Rate
Hi all, I wish to use the PWM port (not HRPWM) as a DAC with 10 MHz conversion rate. So I set the time-based period of ePWM 6 to 14 (The CPU frequency is set to 150MHz) to generate a 10MHz PWM...
View ArticleBQ20z75v180 BQEasy got stuck in Step5 Cycle
When setting up gas gauging using BQEasy, I got stuck in Step5, Cycle.There are three parts in Step5. Part1 completed successfully. Part2 got stuck, which is a repeat of Part1. I repeated Part1...
View ArticleEasy way to write to the LCD - MSP430f5438A on MSP4305438 Experimenter Board
Hi,I'm trying to find the right and easiest way to write strings to the LCD display.I can say that although I read a lot, I'm still confused.could someone explain this subject step by step please? I'm...
View Articlerepeat transaction sequence number proble?
Hi I use the ZStack 2.5.1a for CC2530.I found that the end device repeat transaction the data when it can receive the acknowledgement form its parent(actually its parent has repone it the...
View ArticleDoes CPTS detect the Ethernet Port Events by checking what?
Hi.I'm using AM335x GeneralPurpose EVM to implement PTP(IEEE1588). But, even if it transmits a PTP time sync packet, CPTS cannot detect an Ethernet port transmit event. In addition, even if it receives...
View Articlebinding question
Hi all,How can I know whether the coordinator and end device binding successful with each other?Thank u!
View ArticleBB-XM graphics not working for OpenGL ES, SGX demos - PVRShell: Unable to...
I am a newbie seeking to develop Qt apps and graphics demos to add to the Matrix GUI for a touch screen demo.The 2011 Boston ESC image boots. However I do not see any graphics output from applications...
View ArticleBios Cache and CSL Cache
Hello,I don't feel like an expert on caching so this may be some simple questions.1. I was wondering, when and why I should use BIOS cache and if there is an example? 2. I am using CSL caching. When...
View ArticleTPS7A6550-Q1 output capacitor
I have a quetion of output capacitor value for TPS7A6550-Q1.There are not any specifications of the value for output capacitor in the datasheet.And the customer wants to use 330uF and low ESR...
View ArticleError: e46 for CC300 + MSP430FR5739
Hi,I have downloaded the application "WIFI Sensor Application" for MSP430FR5739 + CC300 experiment board. I have separately created the work space and added cc300Host_driver and cc300_SPI files...
View ArticlePRUSS access to external memory DDR2
Hi,how to access DDR2 from pru0 ? i want to transfer a large data between pru0 and ARM.i download the latest AM335x TRM and i can't found the constant table, the chapter 4 only l have the introduction...
View ArticleLM57 V(TEMP) Design Considerations
I would like to design a simple board which controls a resistor as a heater. At T(1), heater (resistor) will be ON and at T(2), heater will be OFF and T(1)<T(2).I can set the R(SENSE) and hysteresis...
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