I'm currently working on the LM4F232 Eval Board. I have trouble trying to use the Arial Font that I have converted using the ftrasterize tool.
I have successful converted the .ttf files to the C source. I have also place the converted C files into the Font folder in the grlib folder.
The codes that I use to display as follow:
//background widget
Canvas(g_sForeground, &g_sBackground, 0, 0 ,
&g_sCFAL96x64x16, 10, 10, 96, 64,
ClrGreen, 0, ClrBlack,
g_sFontFont24, "Test", 0, 0);
However there are 3 errors:
Description Resource Path Location Type
#10010 errors encountered during linking; "GraphicsWidget.out" not GraphicsWidget C/C++ Problem
#10234-D</a> unresolved symbols remain GraphicsWidget C/C++ Problem
unresolved symbol g_sFontFont24, first referenced in ./main.obj GraphicsWidget C/C++ Problem
I am assuming there are some issues with the linking as I have also included the new font header in the grlib.h already.