BQ24450 Component Calculation Help
Hello,I am planning on using the BQ24450 to charge two 12V 3.4Ah SLA batteries. When trying to calculate the component values Im having difficulty with the following equation:Vboost = Vref × (RA + RB +...
View ArticleCC2540 antenna
Is it possible to add an external antenna (SMA connector) to the CC2540DK-Mini design, keeping also the PCB antenna on board? If yes, where should the SMA connector be located in respect to the PCB...
View ArticleProblem about pins used for SPI of EM430F5137RF900 in CC-6LOWPAN-DK-868
We bought CC-6LOWPAN-DK-868 kit, and two EM430F5137RF900 are used as the node in the kit.Since EM430F5137RF900 has 2 USCI ports, we want to connect the EM430F5137RF900 with other board via...
View ArticlePCM3070 MiniDSP Instruction Control Registers
Hi,I'm working on a design that couples together PCM3070 and TAS5708. I'm utilizing both I2S and line outs of PCM3070.I'm using the 8x4x frameworkFS = 48KhzCODEC_CLKIN = 86.016MhzNADC, NDAC = 2MADC,...
View ArticleHow can I get mklib to create a runtime library?
How can I create the runtime library rts430xl.lib? I have tried both Code Composer Studio and mklib and I have not had success with either one yet. If it is relevant information, I have cygwin...
View ArticleTL2575-05I Heat, noise and wrong output
Hi,I'm troubleshooting a circuit built by a fellow electrician. I traced the problem back to TL2575. Already at a 12V input voltage, the IC is getting really noisy and extremely hot. On the other hand,...
View ArticleAnyone see this linker error when attempting OAD in BLE stack v1.3?
Hello,I'm trying out OAD on the cc254x. I've added FEATURE_OAD to the preprocessor defines.I've also added /profiles/OAD to the library search path.When building my app or the sensortag app, I see...
View ArticleTPS40057 PWMIC Reference design Slaa476 40V input DC DC won't start
The schematic for the DC DC converter is the reference design shown in 40V_Power_Stage_Board_PMP5306_RevD5.pdf. I am using the DC DC as a battery charger. I am trouble-shooting the PWMIC to determine...
View ArticleTL16C752C Driver & Example
Hello.How can I get the TL16C752C driver & example? Is there the driver for linux? I'm using dm816x.BR,_John_
View ArticleAM3352 board Nand not find
I am making a new board use the TI AM3352 and 29F2G08ABAEA (NAND),nearly the same as ARM MPU AM335x EVM Base Board 15x15 Package Schematic (Rev 1.1A). We do not use the LCD and the daughterboard.And...
View Article6678 multicore programming problem
Hi,I am using shared region method to achieve multicore programming. Currently I am doing a small test within two cores. I put a vector u in the MSMCSRAM, and use core 0 and core 1 to modify the first...
View ArticleOMAP 3530 DSS issue
I am using the OMAP3530 DSS to perform a mirror on a 800x600 YUV image and observing some distortions in the output image. I have attached the image with mirror and without mirror to describe the...
View ArticleVery basic question about GPIO
Hi, folks.I have very basic question about GPIO configuration. My board is Stellaris Launchpad with LM4F120H5QR and I'm trying to run simple code like this below:...
View Articledebug capture video
Hello,Using RDK, I try to see what is the best and simplest method for debugging captured video.At first I thought that preview of video should be used, but that may put complexity on usecase (chains)...
View ArticleNew PurePath Wireless Audio firmware released - FW1.4.1
Everyone, As you may or may not have seen the new FW1.4.1 is available for download. This new release contains some features which originated here at the E2E forum, so please keep the feedback...
View ArticleHow two change encode framerate?
Hi,I use DVRRDK for development. Hardware platform is EVM8168.My code is used for test encode raw data from files(interlace data) --> IpcFramesOutHLOS -->...
View ArticleHow using the L2RAM of C674x DSP in IPNC
Hi,I used the IPNC of APPRO Corp.Now, I want to allocate a memory in L2RAM of DSP.I find in the file "config_512M.bld" have the following code:And in the file "BIOS_c6xdsp.cfg" have the following...
View ArticleC2000 PWM question
Hi,I am new to Microcontroller. The product which I am using is C2000 Launchpad. I tried several examples on PWM, but still got a question on it.I can understand there are three ePWM peripherals,...
View ArticleOMAPL138 frequency setting
Hi all,I have a question on the CPU frequency。My board power supply chip is TPS65070 , just like the logicpd design, and now processor work frequency is 300M. But now I want to increase the...
View ArticleCortex-LM4F Floating Point Conundrum
Hello Community,I am stumped with the FPU co-processor on an Cortex-LM4F using CCS v5.2.1.00018.A brief explanation of my issue: Enabling or Disabling the FPU through StellarisWare libraries doesn't...
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