We bought CC-6LOWPAN-DK-868 kit, and two EM430F5137RF900 are used as the node in the kit.
Since EM430F5137RF900 has 2 USCI ports, we want to connect the EM430F5137RF900 with other board via SPI.
According to the schematics of EM430F5137RF900 , it seems the Port 1.3, Port 1.4, Port 1.5, Port 1.6, Port 1.7, Port 1.8 are connect with the USCI related terminals P1.7, P1.6 , P1.5 , P1.4 , P1.3 , P1.2 of the chip CC430 respectively.
But in the CC-6LOWPAN-DK-868 User’s Guide (http://www.ti.com/lit/ug/swru298/swru298.pdf), page 34, it mentions “The Debug interface that can be used in NanoSocket is using UCA0 UART. The RX pin can be found on EM430F5137RF900 Port1.7 (CON5.7) and the TX pin on P1.6 (CON5.6).”
This makes me confused about the pins.
If I want use 3 pins of one SPI port on EM430F5137RF900, which port and which pins can I use to do the hardware connection to the other board?
If we connect SPI pins, does it bring some influence on the EM430F5137RF900 debugging, since the debug interface uses UART?
Thank you very much!