The Symbol __TRDR__ taking 14MB of memory space
Hi Experts,I am building DSP COFF executable in which __TRDR__ sysmbol is taking 14MB of space. This is a symbol/function generated by automated code of XDC. What is this __TRDR__ and how this space...
View ArticleNoise Reduction - LMV1089
Dears We are researches at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil (, that develops/implements noise reduction and echo cancelling algorithms. Following the...
View ArticleDoes the PCM4204 meets I2S specification?
* I issue this subject, because there were no answer from TI member for my question about PCM4204, 64 BCK problem.* No answer means, there are no solution, and all agree about it. Does the PCM4204...
View ArticleHow to scale a 720P/1080P YUV422 video in SwMsLink in DVRRDK 3.0?
Hello,Now we use dm8168 to designa custom video box.And now we use DM8168 to get video frame from FPGA via PCIe,the video frame is YUV422.If DM8168 display this video directly,it is perfect.However,if...
View ArticleSend command through Serial com to CC2531
Hi everyone,i'm working on a project, and i need to send command through Serial com to my CC2531 Zigbee Dongle, using Java.there is someone who ever try that with java code? i search for code examples...
View ArticleUART2 Not Working
Hi, Am using LM4F232H5QD Evalution Board. I am currently trying to program the uart_echo example code. this code working fine for the UART0. but the same code when used for the UART2 its not working....
View ArticleTMDSPLCKIT-V3,V-2
G3-library of a TMDSPLCKIT-V3 based on F28069 provides to change the start tone frequency and the number of carriers at a G3-OFDM-signal. I'd like to reduce the frequency spacing between the G3-OFDM...
View ArticleConnection problems
Hi!I recently bought a TMS320F28027 and i can connect via PuTTY.exe to it but the code composer says it cant connect to the device. The demo program doesn't work either even if i push the restart...
View ArticleMulticast cc300 msp430f5739
Hello,I use cc3000 with msp430f5739 developed board. I want to smart confing cc3000 and then multicast device.Does cc3000 support multicast? I find some code on link...
View ArticleSys/Bios Runtime Exception when executing an Assembly code
Hello,I've written a standard C66 assembly routine in C6678, which is tested without exceptions and provided expected results when no "Sys/Bios" is used.Now, when I run it on a single task of Sys/Bios,...
View ArticleWhere is the Stellaris PinMux Utility?
Hi @all,i'm trying to find the Stellaris PinMux Utility for Tiva C processors. At i can download the documentation and watch a video of someone using the tool but i...
View ArticleBuilding 3rd party driver
Has anyone build a 3rd party driver for the DM81xx?We are trying to build the driver for a USB timing device that we would like to use with the DM8168. We can build it on our Ubuntu development system...
View ArticleMSP430F6779: System Frequency vs Supply Voltage
Hi,In datasheet it is written that MSP430F6779 can work at maximum 8Mhz if Supply Voltage is 1.8V.Above limitation is for MCLK according to the device datasheet. My question is that if DCO output has...
View Articlegstreamer, v4l2 capture/display: omx assertion failed
Dear All,I'm working with a custom dm814x hardware capturing a 1080p60 stream over VIN0 with gstreamer (builded from SVN with tagTAG_GST_DM81XX_00_05_00_00)Whenever I would like to stop acquisition,...
View ArticleOMAP5 Linux and userspace packages.
Hi,I'm trying to use SGX based gstreamer video sinks on a non-debian based distribution. Where can I find TI kernel source and SGX user-space, kernel modules and TI user-space components ? Are they...
View ArticleMSP-EXP430fr5739 FRAM problems
msp-EXP430fr5739 FRAM example of Texas Instruments did not work then chargefor example, there is writtenNOTE: Running this example for extended periods will impact the FRAM do I fix...
View ArticleTMS320F28234: right shift operations have wrong results
Hello all,I'm programming a TMS320F28234 with CCSv4.1.2.00027. Now I got the following error:The assignment x = y >> z; has a wrong result. If I set a breakpoint at the concerning line and add (y...
View ArticleIBIS Model for ADS1251
Is there an IBIS Model available for ADS1251, or can I use the ADS1255?I like to know the output impedance, rise and fall time for DOUT. Thanks, Dennis
View ArticleCC2538 Balun Design
The CC2538 describes the "Optium Load Impedance" as 66+j64. My first thought is to take the complex conjugate to get the output impedance of the CC2538 (66-j64) to design a balun; however, is 66-j64...
View ArticleCCS 5.3.0 crashing during launching of selected configuration
CCS 5.3.0 crashing during launching of selected configuration. Log message provided below## An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:## EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005)...
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