I using the workbook examples and labs from the website with the specified hardware.
Stellaris Lauchpad LM4F120 & KentecEB-LM4F120-L35
CCS Version:, Stellarisware from SW-LM3S-9453.exe
Things have gone well upto the Kentec example "grlib_demo" project and
I'm stopped over the following error which I have no clue as to what to do to resolve; the console message as follows;
CORTEX_M4_0: GEL: Encountered a problem loading file: C:\Users\KenG\workspace_v5_2\grlib_demo\Debug\grlib_demo.out Could not open file.
I got smart here and created an empty file in the location requested on the build the file message went away but;
Problems window has the following;
Description Resource Path Location Type gmake: *** No rule to make target `C:/StellarisWare/boards/MyLaunchPadBoard/utils/ustdlib.c', needed by `utils/ustdlib.obj'. grlib_demo Unknown C/C++ Problem
I fussed around reloading Stellarisware and also downloading the example from Kentec, with out any results.
Any clues would be appreciated.