Dear all,
I'm using custom board with AM3352.
I need to only 3 uarts without cpld and lcd. (used profile 0)
Just like baseboard type of AM335x GP EVM.
I modified some code below.
/* General Purpose EVM */
static struct evm_dev_cfg gen_purp_evm_dev_cfg[] = {
#ifdef __MCTALK__ // 130408 mrstranger
{volume_keys_init, DEV_ON_DGHTR_BRD, PROFILE_0},
{uart2_init, DEV_ON_DGHTR_BRD, PROFILE_3},
But, I can't used uart2. (/dev/ttyO2)
How can i used uart2 on profile 0 of AM335x EVM?
Please give me some advice.
Thanks and Regards,
MS Kim.