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TDA2P-ACD: "multi_radar_capture_fft_display" usecase for tda2px


Part Number:TDA2P-ACD


I am building a multi-radar-capture satellite system using TDA2px processor. I found a use-case in the radar SDK 3.05 -"multi_radar_capture_fft_display" use-case that is quite relevant to what I am looking for. However, this use-case is limited to TDA3X EVM only currently. Assuming that I have the hardware setup ready, could you tell me how to modify this use-case to make it compatible with TDA2Px?

I look forward to your reply. Thank you!

Best Regards,


ADS1274: SPI working


Part Number:ADS1274

Hi, I'm working with a ADS1274EVM board in mode FS and a DSK6455 processor.

Now I'm developing a board based on the 6745 processor, but I need that the ADS1274/8 works in SPI mode, and I don´t undestand well how it works. The relationships between fMOD, fCLK and fDATA are given in Tables 6, 3 and 8. Then, if I use fCLK 27 MHz, fDATA = 52734 KHz (HR mode), but my I don´t undestand this:

- Is fSCLK = fDATA?

- On page 30 (datasheet), SPI interface description, second column, I can read "SCLK may be run as fast as the CLK frequency." How is possible fSCLK = fCLK? What happens with the relationships mentioned above?

- Can I use 27 MHz on CLK pin (ADS1274) and generate SCLK signal from 6745 processor? Is it not need any synchronization between those signals? On the DSK6455-ADS1274EVM, the 27 MHz is redirected to the processor for synchronization.


Linux/PROCESSOR-SDK-AM437X: Dedicated Data Throuput in MUSB



Tool/software: Linux

Hello everyone

We are planning to design a system for operating a usb slave device with minimum data throughput requirements of 150 Mbps under Linux Debian OS. By our experience AM335x series would not meet the above requirements. Which Sitara series processor family would you recommend for this effort? Whould AM437x processor serries meet our USB Data Rate standards.

Thanks in Advance.



Part Number:LAUNCHXL-F28379D

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Dear Sir., good afternoon.

My name is Mechelangelo.

I´m a beginner on LAUNCHXL-F28379D.  I had test the example project "led_ex1_blinky_cpu01" and it worked properly.

But I'm tryiing to compile the example project "aa_gpio_001_setup_cpu1" (I just change the name for not insert error in original "gpio_setup_cpu1" project) and  the following errors was stated during project building. I try to compile the original "gpio_setup_cpu1" ad the same errors was stated.

Please, what is happen?

AM3715: Microcontroller for Detecting Extremely Small Time Values


Part Number:AM3715

Hello, I'm here as an undergraduate electrical engineering student currently enrolled in my Senior Design course. What I'm asking for may or may not be achievable, as the end goal of the desired device for my project is fairly difficult to accomplish with Earth-based tests and affordable electronics. However, I must ask nonetheless, for my knowledge of what's out there is very limited. So in essence, what we're trying to do is to make a time dilation-resistant clock that self-adjusts its clock frequency in response to its velocity and its distance from Earth. To do this, we settled on obtaining a high clock-speed microcontroller coupled with an extremely precise accelerometer. The amount of time we're going to be dealing with in actual tests would be in the tens of nanoseconds. If you could advise me as to what sort of microcontroller and sensor technology could best suit the nature of this project, it would be of tremendous help. Some initial searches led me to these 800 MHz processors, the AM3715 and AM3703 , but if there's faster/better ones out there (1 GHz?), please let me know.

RTOS/MSP432E401Y: Help me understand the source of Driverlib's sysctl.c register definitions


Part Number:MSP432E401Y

Tool/software: TI-RTOS

I am digging into the DriverLib code in an attempt to understand why my application isn't executing a timer callback. I randomly chose one file, sysctl.c, from the DriverLib to start digging around inside of. I can't figure where these values come from:



// The base addresses of the various peripheral control registers.



#define SYSCTL_PPBASE           0x400fe300

#define SYSCTL_SRBASE           0x400fe500

#define SYSCTL_RCGCBASE         0x400fe600

#define SYSCTL_SCGCBASE         0x400fe700

#define SYSCTL_DCGCBASE         0x400fe800

#define SYSCTL_PCBASE           0x400fe900

#define SYSCTL_PRBASE           0x400fea00

Furthermore, I cannot find mention in either the MSP432E401 data sheet or user guide about peripheral present registers. What am I overlooking here?





Part Number:BQ35100

Hi TI team,

Now, I am studying to use BQ35100 in ACC mode. I would like to have more explanation about this mode and confirm my understanding of datasheet.

In our application, most of the time our system is in low power and our profile current presents a very quick active current around a few 1-100ms and not exceed 100mA.

Datasheet say: "In this mode, the bq35100 device measures and updates cell voltage, cell temperature, and load current every 1 s and begins accumulating after GAUGE_START is received.[...]"

That why I am seeking that ACC mode could not be able measureour profile current because sampling of this mode is every 1s. Could ACC mode be able to monitor capacity with type of current profile (when current go to high during a few ms)?



CC3220MODA: Is Texas Instrument SSID0/TX same as SPI MOSI? Hope To Program the CC3220MODA FLASH with TM4C1294 SSI


Part Number:CC3220MODA

We are spinning our PCB on which the CC3220MODA is placed. We are fixing the access to the UART0 on Pins 46 and 47 for factory programing.  However we have on board a TM4C1294 with unused  capability and intend to wire up the PCB so that the TM4c1294 could program the SPI-FLASH on the CC3220MODA.  We think this might lest us do field software upgrade to the CC3220MODA through a LAN interface on the TM4C1294.

While I have years of experience with SPI buss TI SSI module is new to me and I want to make sure I understand what I think the documentation is telling me.  Document SPMS433B (Tiva™ TM4C1294NCPDT Microcontroller DATA SHEET) on page 1226 says "The QSSI module acts as a master or slave interface for synchronous serial communication with peripheral devices that have either Freescale SPI, or Texas Instruments synchronous serial interfaces."

Am I correct that the SSInXDAT0/TX is the SPI inteface signal MOSI?
Am I correct that the SSInXDAT0/RX is the SPI inteface signal MISO?
Am I correct that the SSInClk is the SPI inteface signal CLK?
Am I correct that the SSInFss is the SPI inteface signal nCS?

CC2541: cc2541 - Port 0 Interrupt does not work with Timer 3 interrupt


Part Number:CC2541

I have used timer 3 in free running mode to generate a particular waveform. But when timer 3 isr is running, I don't get any other gpio interrupt. How can I solve this issue?

CCS/TMS320F28335: WHY we are using volatile ? what is the use of volatile qualifier in c ,please suggest me


Part Number:TMS320F28335

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Dear sir/ madam, 

                         what is the use of volatile  in GPIO initilization ,and on function of PieVectTable() function.I am not understanding.please if you knowa why and when to use volatile qualifier?

                           I am waiting ue reply.


Images where volatile  used.

Your faithfully,


LMX2595EVM: Lock time issue


Part Number:LMX2595EVM

Hi TI-Experts,

I am dealing with some lock time issue with the EVM LMX2595.

If I shfit the frequency from

10475MHz to 10525MHz (PFD = 200MHz, Frac Mode) --> Lock Time = 20us

9975MHz to 10025MHz (PFD = 200MHz, Frac mode) --> lock time = 120ms


I try different sets up :

9960MHz to 10020MHz (PFD = 20MHz, Int mode) ---> lock time = 20us

9975MHz to 10025MHz (PFD = 50MHz, Frac mode) --> lock time = 75us

9999MHz to 10001MHz (PFD = 200MHz, Frac mode) --> lock time = 1s

For each configuration I write the registers with the TICS Pro interface

- I configure the PLL (frequency, PFD_DLY, quick cal EN = 1,...)

- Export the register map with TICS PRO and save the file

- Same procedure for another frequency

- Import the register map file with a different frequency on TIC PRO

- Write all register on TICS PRO and measure the lock time

I attached the register maps for 9975MHz and 10025MHz

(Please visit the site to view this file)

(Please visit the site to view this file)

Thanks for your help,


BQ25708: 1S Cell application, BQ25708 stop charger Battery when set CV voltage exceed 4.288V , set lower than 4.288V, the charger is normal


Part Number:BQ25708


1S Cell application, BQ25708 stop charger Battery when set CV voltage exceed 4.288V , set lower than 4.288V, the charger is normal

so what probably happens ?

TUSB4041I: Pin setting in standalone


Part Number:TUSB4041I


Using TUSB4041I in standalone(without EEPROM/SMBus), how should below pins be set?




Best Regards,


OPA189: Warm up drift / thermal shock


Part Number:OPA189

I've been playing with OPA189 as the front end for some weighing instrumentation. I seem to be seeing a surprising amount of drift when the device is first switched on or if it is subject to a thermal shock; is this specified anywhere?

CCS/LAUNCHXL-F28379D: Difficulty building demo project (ADC Sample Mode)


Part Number:LAUNCHXL-F28379D

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hey all,

I just got this board to use for my design team, and I'm trying to build the demo project just to get a feel for it. I installed controlsuite and reinstalled CCS with the C2000 box checked. I also installed the latest version of C2000Ware. I've gotten the error message below when building. When I click F2837xD_Adc.c in the file list, I get the message "File not found: /Example_28379D_LaunchPad/F2837xD_Adc.c." The file exists in the controlsuite and C2000Ware paths, but not the actual project folder. I think this might be an issue with the build variables, but I don't know why they wouldn't point where they're supposed to. The "../../../" in the middle of the path moves it back to the "Users" level, and I think that might be part of the issue.

Thanks for your help.


**** Build of configuration CPU1_Flash for project Example_28379D_LaunchPad **** "C:\\ti\\ccsv8\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k all Building file: "../Example_F28379D_LaunchPadDemo.c" Invoking: C2000 Compiler "C:/ti/ccsv8/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_18.1.2.LTS/bin/cl2000" -v28 -ml -mt --vcu_support=vcu2 --tmu_support=tmu0 --cla_support=cla1 --float_support=fpu32 --include_path="C:/ti/ccsv8/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_18.1.2.LTS/include" --include_path="C:/Users/device_support/F2837xD/v200/F2837xD_headers/include" --include_path="C:/Users/device_support/F2837xD/v200/F2837xD_common/include" --advice:performance=all -g --define=CPU1 --define=_LAUNCHXL_F28379D --define=_FLASH --display_error_number --diag_suppress=1311 --diag_warning=225 --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="Example_F28379D_LaunchPadDemo.d_raw" "../Example_F28379D_LaunchPadDemo.c" >> Compilation failure subdir_rules.mk:9: recipe for target 'Example_F28379D_LaunchPadDemo.obj' failed "../Example_F28379D_LaunchPadDemo.c", line 32: fatal error #1965: cannot open source file "F28x_Project.h" 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "../Example_F28379D_LaunchPadDemo.c". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [Example_F28379D_LaunchPadDemo.obj] Error 1 gmake: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/device_support/F2837xD/v200/F2837xD_common/source/F2837xD_Adc.c', needed by 'F2837xD_Adc.obj'. gmake: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/device_support/F2837xD/v200/F2837xD_common/source/F2837xD_CodeStartBranch.asm', needed by 'F2837xD_CodeStartBranch.obj'. gmake: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/device_support/F2837xD/v200/F2837xD_common/source/F2837xD_CpuTimers.c', needed by 'F2837xD_CpuTimers.obj'. gmake: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/device_support/F2837xD/v200/F2837xD_common/source/F2837xD_DefaultISR.c', needed by 'F2837xD_DefaultISR.obj'. gmake: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/device_support/F2837xD/v200/F2837xD_headers/source/F2837xD_GlobalVariableDefs.c', needed by 'F2837xD_GlobalVariableDefs.obj'. gmake: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/device_support/F2837xD/v200/F2837xD_common/source/F2837xD_Gpio.c', needed by 'F2837xD_Gpio.obj'. gmake: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/device_support/F2837xD/v200/F2837xD_common/source/F2837xD_PieCtrl.c', needed by 'F2837xD_PieCtrl.obj'. gmake: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/device_support/F2837xD/v200/F2837xD_common/source/F2837xD_PieVect.c', needed by 'F2837xD_PieVect.obj'. gmake: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/device_support/F2837xD/v200/F2837xD_common/source/F2837xD_Sci.c', needed by 'F2837xD_Sci.obj'. gmake: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/device_support/F2837xD/v200/F2837xD_common/source/F2837xD_SysCtrl.c', needed by 'F2837xD_SysCtrl.obj'. gmake: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/device_support/F2837xD/v200/F2837xD_common/source/F2837xD_usDelay.asm', needed by 'F2837xD_usDelay.obj'. Building file: "../sci_io.c" Invoking: C2000 Compiler "C:/ti/ccsv8/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_18.1.2.LTS/bin/cl2000" -v28 -ml -mt --vcu_support=vcu2 --tmu_support=tmu0 --cla_support=cla1 --float_support=fpu32 --include_path="C:/ti/ccsv8/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_18.1.2.LTS/include" --include_path="C:/Users/device_support/F2837xD/v200/F2837xD_headers/include" --include_path="C:/Users/device_support/F2837xD/v200/F2837xD_common/include" --advice:performance=all -g --define=CPU1 --define=_LAUNCHXL_F28379D --define=_FLASH --display_error_number --diag_suppress=1311 --diag_warning=225 --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="sci_io.d_raw" "../sci_io.c" >> Compilation failure subdir_rules.mk:93: recipe for target 'sci_io.obj' failed "../sci_io.c", line 24: fatal error #1965: cannot open source file "F28x_Project.h" 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "../sci_io.c". Compilation terminated. gmake: *** [sci_io.obj] Error 1 gmake: Target 'all' not remade because of errors. **** Build Finished ****

CC2420: Measured Power (1 Meter RSSI)


Part Number:CC2420


I need to know the Measured Power, or in other words, the average value of the RSSI in a reference distance of one meter, of the cc2420 chip.  I've read it's Datasheet, and all i found was a graph, figure 27, that depicts the value of RSSI in relation to the input power, with no information about distance whatsoever.  Does anyone know this sort of information, or have access to a table that  involves   RSSI, input power and distance?

Thank you,


CC2640R2F: Detect in Sleep mode vs Active Mode


Part Number:CC2640R2F

Hello team,

Hope you are doing well. When you get a chance please provide some insight into below customer question:

The application requires detecting another device whenever it is in the vicinity. Would CC2640R2F be able to detect this signal in sleep mode or does it have to always be in Active mode since power consumption is critical for this application.



CC2640: Enabling BLE Transmitter to output continues tone


Part Number:CC2640

Hey there,

I am having problems pairing with other devices, I have ported the simple_central example, which worked on the reference board, to my custom board and now it does not work.

Are there any evaluation/debug controls that would put the BLE xmitter into a  constant output mode. I'm thinking a simple sign wave would be fine. With this I would measure the power of the reference board and check it with our custom board.



LM5160: In Fly-buck topology application


Part Number:LM5160


    I have fly-buck topology application.

    Vin=4.5-65V, Vo=12V, Io=2A

    I find LM5160's datasheet Io=1.5A, but website is 2A, which one is correct?

    Is there any suggest IC in fly-buck application?


DRV8825: DRV8825 Overcurrent Protection


Part Number:DRV8825

We are running a protoneer CNC shield v2.58/v2.60 on a raspberry pi 3 B with DRV8825s on X, Y, and Z. Grbl version 0.9+

The overcurrent protection on the DRV8825 on Z is being triggered prematurely; and inconsistently.

The settings for our Z axis are well below what the motor is rated for; and we already tried lowering them further; but the issue persists.

It’s always the DRV8825 attached to Z; sometimes happens within minutes; sometimes it runs for hours without happening

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