Part Number:LMX2595EVM
Hi TI-Experts,
I am dealing with some lock time issue with the EVM LMX2595.
If I shfit the frequency from
10475MHz to 10525MHz (PFD = 200MHz, Frac Mode) --> Lock Time = 20us
9975MHz to 10025MHz (PFD = 200MHz, Frac mode) --> lock time = 120ms
I try different sets up :
9960MHz to 10020MHz (PFD = 20MHz, Int mode) ---> lock time = 20us
9975MHz to 10025MHz (PFD = 50MHz, Frac mode) --> lock time = 75us
9999MHz to 10001MHz (PFD = 200MHz, Frac mode) --> lock time = 1s
For each configuration I write the registers with the TICS Pro interface
- I configure the PLL (frequency, PFD_DLY, quick cal EN = 1,...)
- Export the register map with TICS PRO and save the file
- Same procedure for another frequency
- Import the register map file with a different frequency on TIC PRO
- Write all register on TICS PRO and measure the lock time
I attached the register maps for 9975MHz and 10025MHz
(Please visit the site to view this file)
(Please visit the site to view this file)
Thanks for your help,