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BQ34Z100-G1: Remove Digital Temperature Control


Part Number:BQ34Z100-G1


I know there is no spec provision for updating temperature digitally. However, I would like to know if there is a way to update

internal or external temperature value digitally (via a flash update for example). Or this a firmware revision that may allow this as a command?

Having a the capability for a remote digital temperature sensor could be an added selling point for this component.

Can you help me in this regard? It is very important for my application. I have a remote sensing element that is not analog.


IWR1443: LVDS Interface - Is the clock running continuously?


Part Number:IWR1443


Regarding the LVDS interface, does the LVDS clock run continuously or does it burst on and off when there is valid data?





Part Number:TAS5755MEVM

Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools

Hi TI,

I am trying to get my TAS5755MEVM up and running.  The Purepath GDE fails on startup.  It gives me the following error: 

Unable to create an instance of the process flow controller.

C:Program Files(x86)\Texas Instruments Inc\TAS57x1 GDE\ComponentCache\TAS570xAudioApp_TI_v1\PfcTAS570xAudioApp_TI_V1.dll not found

I have tried to search for this file on the TI website to replace it, but could not find it.  I tried to repair the installation with the GDESetup.msi file, but was unable to solve the problem that way.

I was looking for what version of GDE I am using, but the program closes before I can get any information from it.  I used the setup file version 8.0.50727.42

I have attached the error log to this post.  Please let me know how I can repair this program and work with the GDE.  Thank you

Marshall Kinnison(Please visit the site to view this file)

Linux/TMDSEVM572X: Safely Ejecting USB Drive


Part Number:TMDSEVM572X

Tool/software: Linux

Hi team,

I am working with the TMDSEVM572X running Processor SDK Linux.What is the best way to safely eject a USB drive that I have plugged in and make sure nothing is using any files on the USB drive?


Akash Patel

LM5145: LM5145 Availability in 2018


Part Number:LM5145

I have not been able to locate small quantities, 20-200 pieces, of the LM5145 from United States distributors. In fact, it looks like there will not be any parts available until October, 2018. Please let me know if this information is correct? Is there any LM5145s inventory in non-US markets?




I'm trying to integrate the SCS code into a CCS project and am following the i2c light sensor example (although I cant get that to run in CCS for some reason).

I do have my code triggering an initial task execution, but am unclear how to keep executing the task at regular intervals.

In my SCS execution code, I'm calling


which runs repeatedly in the task testing tab.

Over in CCS, I am starting it up with:



which triggers the callback and unblocks the semaphore, at which point I can tell that I got an execution of the task and subsequently call

    // Clear the ALERT interrupt source


    // Acknowledge the alert event

At this point, I "think" it should run another task execution in a second, but nothing happens. Am I missing something, or misunderstanding the execution process?

Compiler/TMS320F28075: Custom Flash Programming Issues


Part Number:TMS320F28075

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler

I am developing a framework for the TMS320F28075 that allows it to be reprogrammed from an RS-485 connection. I created two projects in CCS with .cmd files configured such that their flash program memory would not overlap. The first project is generic code that simply toggles an LED (but theoretically can have any code that fits into its program space); it occupies flash sectors C through J. The second project contains routines that allow it to erase, flash, and verify the sectors from the first project from commands over the serial port; it occupies flash sectors A and B. In this second project, I modified F2807x_CodeStartBranch.asm to jump to an .asm file I wrote (instead of jumping to _c_int00). This .asm code checks if the first memory location in flash sector M (configured as a data section in both projects) is set, and either jumps to the beginning of flash sector A (to boot to the the second project) or sector C (the beginning of the first project). Doing this allows me to make the processor to boot to either project depending on whether or not flash sector M is erased (obviously, both projects have code that allows me to flash data to or erase sector M; the processor will boot to the corresponding project after a power cycle).

I first tested this system by programming both projects to the TMS320F28075 using CCS (I changed the flash settings so that the flash sectors belonging to the other project wouldn't be erased). With both projects loading onto the same chip, I then used my RS-485 host to change the value stored in flash sector M, allowing the processor to switch between projects (I verified this by coding different LED toggle routines on each project). So far so good, I was able to get both projects to coexist and switch between them.

The next step was to erase and reprogram the flash sectors corresponding to the first project from the second project (rather than doing this from CCS). I generated a .hex file that my RS-485 host could read, and used the data to complete a programming sequence. However, when I switch to the newly flashed program sectors, my code fails to execute (i.e. none of the LEDs blink). My first thought was that some of the program data must have been flashed incorrectly. I changed the flash settings in CCS from "Erase and Program" to "Verify Only", but the verification completes successfully (indicating that my host did flash the program data correctly). Furthermore, using Debug after "Verify Only" allowed me to step through the code and use the memory browser. I compared exported data from the memory browser from my flash routine (non-functional) against data after reprogramming from CCS (functional). Again, I was not able to find any differences between the flash sectors, though clearly something must be different due to the difference in behavior. When stepping through the code (using "Verify Only" after reprogramming from my utilities) I did notice some anomalies such as the clock_source switch statement jumping to INT_OSC2 even though the variable in Debug showed clock_source to equal "XTAL_OSC". I checked the .switch section in map and found that the section was left uninitialized despite setting it to FLASHJ in my .cmd file.

I've attached the .cmd and .map files for both projects. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated (I changed the file extensions to .txt so I could attach them here).

(Please visit the site to view this file)

(Please visit the site to view this file)

(Please visit the site to view this file)

(Please visit the site to view this file)

DS90UB964-Q1: EQ Feature control for DS90UB96x


Part Number:DS90UB964-Q1

Dear Sir:

               As I know 914 EQ gain values is 23 dB at 1.4Gbps as below picture , How about DS90UB964-Q1? It can support 15M  single-ended Coaxial cable ?

Best Regard


Linux/AM5728: Weston startup log, failed to choose EGL config for output


Part Number:AM5728

Tool/software: Linux


a customer is trying to bring up Weston on their custom HW. with AM5728. We tested the modetest colorbar test and that works.

Currently the difference between the AM5728 IDK with Processor SDK weston.log and the customer weston.log is the following:

[failing AM5728 customer HW/SW]


[00:03:28.454] GL ES 2 renderer features:

               read-back format: RGBA

               wl_shm sub-image to texture: no

               EGL Wayland extension: yes

[00:03:28.520] event0  - [00:03:28.520] eGalax Inc. eGalaxTouch EXC3189-2436-08.00.00: [00:03:28.520] is tagged by udev as: Touchscreen

[00:03:28.520] event0  - [00:03:28.520] eGalax Inc. eGalaxTouch EXC3189-2436-08.00.00: [00:03:28.520] device is a touch device

[00:03:28.521] Registered plugin API 'weston_drm_output_api_v1' of size 12

[00:03:28.522] failed to choose EGL config for output

[00:03:28.522] failed to create egl surface

[00:03:28.522] failed to create gl renderer output state

[00:03:28.522] Failed to init output gl state

[00:03:28.522] Enabling output "UNNAMED-1" failed.

[00:03:28.522] Compositor capabilities:

               arbitrary surface rotation: yes

               screen capture uses y-flip: yes

               presentation clock: CLOCK_MONOTONIC, id 1

               presentation clock resolution: 0.000000001 s

[00:03:28.528] Loading module '/lib/weston/desktop-shell.so'

[00:03:28.538] launching '/libexec/weston-keyboard'

[00:03:28.539] caught signal: 11

Failed to process Wayland connection: Broken pipe

failed to create display: Broken pipe

Trace/breakpoint trap

[working AM5728 IDK]

weston.log in the same place

[01:30:40.036] Chosen EGL config details:

               RGBA bits: 8 8 8 8

               swap interval range: 1 - 1

Is there a dependency missing or kernel driver not loading properly?



CCS/TMS570LS3137: CCS/TMS570LS3137


Part Number:TMS570LS3137

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I seem to have lost my memory browser view.  Using the pull down to select memory browser view shows no errors, but cannot find a window anywhere. I often switch between just a laptop and desk station where I have two external monitors. Somehwere switching back and forth, I have lost ability to see a memory browser window.

CCS/LDC1614: EVM - Loading Project CCS7


Part Number:LDC1614

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


New to using TI tools,

Does anyone have loaded and compiled the source code for the LDC1614?

I have imported the code/project into CCS, hit build and nothing happens.


RTOS/CC2640R2F: EventPost causing the BLE connection to drop in Project Zero modified project


Part Number:CC2640R2F



I have modified project zero and the BLE + Sensor BoosterPack tutorial to create a packet handshake program. 
I have one service initialized by project zero init. The service has the following characteristics: 

VoltagePacket (20 bytes) read only &

HexLogic (1 byte)  write with response

I will post the while(1) loop where a packet load variable is modified and then passed into the VoltagePacket loop. EventPend waits for EventPost and then should run. 

I know that event post is killing the connection. I moved eventpost to the buffervoltage_readattr and the buffervoltage_writeattr. When I moved it the writeattr, the connection was killed when I tried writing into a characteristic. When it was in readattr, the connection was broken whenever I tried to initiate a read. 

P.S. I am reading the data from my IOS device. 

Compiler/MSP432P401R: print 32 bits number on terminal


Part Number:MSP432P401R

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler


I'm trying to print 32 bits number (input) to the terminal. However, it didn't print anything (or maybe I do not know where to look for the output). I got warnings when I run the project. Below is the warning and I include the lines.

"../project_zero.c", line 1169: warning #225-D: function "printf" declared implicitly

case LED_CHAR1:
        switch (PROFILE_ID_CHARTYPE(charID))
        case PROFILE_VALUE:
            //32 bits
            LEDService_getParameter(charID, &value);
            printf("%d\n", value);


"../Profile/led_service.c", line 501: warning #70-D: integer conversion resulted in truncation".

 case LED_CHAR1:
        switch (PROFILE_ID_CHARTYPE(charID))
        case PROFILE_VALUE:
            if (len == sizeof(ls_LED0OnOFFVal))
                memcpy((uint8_t *)&ls_LED032BitsVal, pData, sizeof(ls_LED032BitsVal));
                status = SNP_SUCCESS;
                notifyApp = LS_LED0_32BITS_UUID;

./Profile/led_service.c", line 535: warning #169-D: argument of type "uint8_t" is incompatible with parameter of type "void *__restrict__""..

/Profile/led_service.c", line 537: warning #70-D: integer conversion resulted in truncation

 case LED_CHAR3:
        switch (PROFILE_ID_CHARTYPE(charID))
        case PROFILE_VALUE:
            if (len == sizeof(ls_LED0SwitchVal))
                memcpy(ls_LED0SwitchVal, pData, sizeof(ls_LED0SwitchVal));
                status = SNP_SUCCESS;
                notifyApp = LS_LED0_HA_INTENSTITY_UUID;


Janna Razali

WEBENCH® Tools/TPS40210: Can't find suitable FET for the design


Part Number:TPS40210

Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools

When I select 36V Vin, 210V out, 0.5A Iout, WEBENCH reports error:

Can't find suitable FET for the design. Try reducing load current

I close the error window, and simply click recalculate, then WEBENCH chooses a different part, the LM5022

Any suggestions?

BOOSTXL-CC2650MA: MSP432P401R: project zero: Added characteristic not showing on the phone screen, and print 32 bit number as input


Part Number:BOOSTXL-CC2650MA


I'm trying to modify the project zero by adding 4 charactheristic,

1. turn on/off led

2. take 32 bits number as input and print on terminal

3. make user led as toggle to switch on/off home appliance such as desk lamp

4. make user led as pwm signal for desk lamp intensity(dimness)

I have two questions.

1.  For the second characteristic, it didn't print anything (or maybe I do not know where to look for the output). I got warnings when I run the project. Below is the warning and I include the lines.

"../project_zero.c", line 1169: warning #225-D: function "printf" declared implicitly

"../Profile/led_service.c", line 501: warning #70-D: integer conversion resulted in truncation".

./Profile/led_service.c", line 535: warning #169-D: argument of type "uint8_t" is incompatible with parameter of type "void *__restrict__""..

/Profile/led_service.c", line 537: warning #70-D: integer conversion resulted in truncation

2. My forth characteristic not showing on the phone screen. I don't know why.(Please visit the site to view this file)(Please visit the site to view this file)(Please visit the site to view this file)


Janna Razali

TM4C129XNCZAD: Do I need to manually disable Ethernet power?


Part Number:TM4C129XNCZAD

I am in the process of porting code that was originally written for a Stellaris processor over to a TM4C129X chip. I came across the following code in the board initialization:

    /* Disable Ethernet */
    if (SysCtlPeripheralPresent(SYSCTL_PERIPH_ETH))
            /* wait for 100ms - undocumented */
            SysCtlDelay(SysCtlClockGet()/30); /* 3 cycles per loop count */
            EthernetPHYWrite(ETH_BASE, PHY_MR0, 0x00000800); // Power down
Is it really necessary to enable the Ethernet peripheral and explictly set its Power bit in the control register in order to save on power consumption? I would have thought that unless you enable the peripheral, it would not draw any power.



DS90UB927Q-Q1: Design questions


Part Number:DS90UB927Q-Q1

1) Can this part drive a 75Ohm coaxial cable directly (BNC connectors)?
What is the max coax cable length possible when FPD Link input is 85MHz?
Is there  a recomended app note containing this information?

2) Can a DS90CR287 drive the 28-bit FPD Link data interface of the DS90UB927Q-Q1 directly?

3) Is DS90UB927Q-Q1 scheduled for EOL at any point in the near future?

4) Is the FPD-Link III high speed protocol specified and available to the public or does some FPGA IP exist to interface directly to the high speed output of a DS90UB927Q-Q1?



CC2530: which example project to use for battery powered system?


Part Number:CC2530


I'm using cc2530 zstack 3.0.0 

two q.

1.which example project to use for battery powered system?

2.how can I disable hall key and use my interupt routine , so it go to power mode 2 ?

please if you have example that already go to pm2 send it to me

LM3409HV: Shunt FET switching ringing.


Part Number:LM3409HV

I am using the LM3409HV as a modular panel driver. meaning you can add different LEDs to the output, with different specs (stack voltage from 11-22v and what not).
Firstly let me know if allowing different stack voltages with this chip will end up being a pain, because it is now. and im wondering if i should switch to another chip.

But the big questions is when i am using FET dimming, when the N-ch gate is going low, the Output voltage is ringing and spiking a lot.

Any help would be super, Do you guys have any suggestions on what are some common fixes, 

Back to back Gigabit Ethernet Phys???


I found an old thread detailing how I can use the RMII interface to wire up to PHYs back to back to make a repeater.

My question is, are there any gigabit PHYs that I can use to do the same thing?  Any reference designs showing how to wire them up?  Here is the link to the thread I found for reference:

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