Part Number:TSC2046
We see sbas265g page 15 table3, and temperature measurement is available
in case Single-ended only.
Customer had chosen TSC2046 for their portable equipment 2018 model ( Mass Production is soon),
but due to their MCU software error, customer has case#2 occasionally.
10000100b : A2~A0=0 SER/DFR=1 ==> definded in Table 1 : "+IN TEMP0 measurement"
10000000b : A2~A0=0 SER/SFR=0 ==> not defined in data sheet. So, it it not applicable
As per customer, Case#1 has always no problem ( resolution 1.6 deg-C) , but in Case#2,
resolution is 3.2 deg-C.
(see below ~~~)
Customer had fixed by changing their software correctly, but customer need your comment.
Measure at Ta=22deg-C
deg-C times
12.8 1
16 1
19.1 7
22.2 10
Total N-19 times
Ta=26 deg-C
deg-C times
19.1 2
20.7 11
22.2 6
23.8 6
25.4 241
27 284
28.5 9
30.1 4
31.7 6
41.1 1
resolution is 1.6 deg-C ( its correct)
< Question >
As per customer's data, it looks like just LSB of data is lost, when they set wrong setting
as case2( differential).
However, would you please give your comment or idea about the reason?
Customer willing to use TSC2046 in correct way, but please have your opinion.
Best Regards