AM335x Benchmarking
Do you know where to find benchmarking for the below algorithms on your AM335x processor?Data type: double complex1K FFT2Kx16 times 16x2K matrix multiplier12x12 matrix inverse.Thanks.Brandon
View ArticleInterrups While writing to the flash
Hi,I have questions related to the Hercules mcu TMS570LS313 running with OS FreeRTOS and LWIP TCP/IP Stack provided from TI.I try to write data (30Kbytes all equal 0x22) to the Flash Bank 1 using the...
View ArticleTSIP, C6678
Hi!I'm trying to run the TSIP.In example in test mode, working both options: DATA_LOOPBACK and LINK_LOOPBACK. Data is transmitted without errors.But data is wrong, when I turn off the test mode. It...
View ArticleCC430F5137 - JTAG problem (unknown device)
Hi,I'm not sure what I am doing wrong in the layout or schematic. All I get is "unknown device" while trying to upload the code via CCS v5. I followed the eval kit and jtag schematics.Please help!This...
View ArticlePiccolo Control Card
Hello, I wonder where can I find the schematic of Piccolo Control card. Indeed, I want to design a PCB which uses Piccolo TMS320F28069PZP. I want to include the Isolated JTAG of Piccolo ControlCard in...
View ArticleLoop buffer exception and Missed stall exception on C647x
Hi,During an endurance test, we encountered the following hardware exception on C674x. The address 0xc1ef22f8 was the very last instruction in an SPLOOP. The CGTool we used was 7.3.8. I couldn't...
View ArticleHow to call ARM application from DSP in OMAP L138
Hi All , 1. We have an ARM side UPP application which i need to call from DSP . This application is an ARM UPP sample application .It interacts with UPP driver on LINUX OS and gets the captured...
View ArticleCompilation/Linking error
Hi TI ,I am using TMS320C6670 with SYS/BIOS, NDK my project compilation i am facing the following errorsDescription Resource Path Location Type#10234-D...
View ArticleTMS320C6678 REV-2.0
Hi ,We were currently working on the second board. In the second board we use one rev-1.0 and one rev-2.0(TMS320c6678 REV-1.0,REV-2.0). I am porting the first board GEL file for the second board. In...
View ArticleTUSB9261 SPI Timing
Hello, is there a timing diagram available for the SPI between the TUSB9261 and the flash memory?Thanks,Brian.
View ArticleLMH6629: Ultra low- noise and variable gain amplifier.
Hello...I working in an application where the objective is to amplify a signal which is not know the exact frequency, but is estimated between 100kHz and 20MHz. Similarly amplitude is not known, this...
Hi Can you please provide the following information for the LMZ12001EXTTZE/NOPB Part ?1. Junction Temperature Max (Tj Max) 2. Typical Power dissipation (Pd typ)3. Maximum Power dissipation (Pd max)4....
View ArticleADS8556 EVM can't obtain BUSY signal
Hello, everyone.I meet some problem right now, that is I can´t obtain the BUSY signal from the ADC.I´m a master student doing my final project right now. I´m using a DSP of TMS320C28346 Experiemnter´s...
View ArticleDM648 CPSW - HostPend Interrupt - RX_HDP[0] weird address
Hi All,I am running a Dm648 based target with Single PHY. The application that works on this hardware is a streaming video client application. This application works fine and has no issues when up. The...
View Article"Cortex_M3_ISS" core
OS : Linux Ubuntu 11.10Tool : CCS 5.3Board: TMDXEVM8148 boardEZSDK: loading the Mistral GEL file and finishing various GEL initialization, I ran the prebuilt...
View Articlesyslink failing with gstreamer pipes -- need complete restart for M3 firmware?
HI all, we are seeing syslink errors with duplicate entries and such, if in a real system we are using e.g. kill <process> -9, which is more aggressive than just <ctrl>c, which could on a...
View Article6657 edma spi
Hi, I am trying to use the edma3 functions to map a spi tx and a spi recv dma. I call edma3init() for each hdma handle. I then try to request channel by calling EDMA3_DRV_request_channel(). I set...
View ArticleGenerating interrupts on hyperlink recieve
Hello all,I am currently using hyperlink to communicate between two C6678 DSPs, and I cannot seem to get interrupts to work on it. Ideally, I would like the receiver of hyperlink data to receive an...
View ArticleMultiple connections with SPP
In general, and more specifically using the SPPDemo or the Keyfob demo, can I connect multiple clients to one server?Let's say I have the keyfob demo running, I can establish a connection to one client...
View ArticleC64x+ but 'SPLOOP not supported'
Hi,We looking at the OMAP4460 for a new product. We already use C64x+ DSPs on existing products (the actual parts are OMAP3530, OMAPL-137 and C6455) and the code for the OMAP4460 will be similar.One of...
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