Hello all,
I am currently using hyperlink to communicate between two C6678 DSPs, and I cannot seem to get interrupts to work on it. Ideally, I would like the receiver of hyperlink data to receive an interrupt, primarily to show that data is available and do some other processing on the received data.
I have based my work off the the example given with the hyperlink drivers (within pdk_c6678_1_0_0_17\packages\ti\drv\hyplnk\example), which does seem to have some ISR code, but this appears to be focused on error states. From looking at the documentation, it appears that what I want to do is possible, I just cannot seem to get it to work. I also figure it has something to do with writing to the Generate Soft Interrupt Value Register (I imagine the sender would generate this), but that is as far as my understanding goes.
Can anyone help me out on this?