This is probably a very simple question, but I want to put it out there while i scour the datasheet for answers. Thank you in advance!
I'm using a General purpose counter on the Stellaris, (Timer 0-A), which is configured for a 32 bit periodic timer.
The timer load value (using TimerLoadset() ) is set to 65535.
In order to keep track of time, the timer counts from 0 to 65535, and generates an interrupt at the end so we can count the cycles of time. At the end, when have taken a sample, we want to record this sample and the amount of time it took to get there, meaning the number of cycles*65535 + TimerValueGet() (the amount of time we are at now, ie the remainder i guess).
So I'm trying to figure out what the number 65535 means (the guy before me didn't do a good job commenting his code). Now I know the 32 bit counter is loosely based off of the system clock, or external clock or something. We are using an external crystal of 25MHz.
My question is 65535 in ms, us etc? And how accurate is our clock count?