Two years ago I had a project with a MSP430F2012, firmware developed using IAR. Now the firmware needs an upgrade, and since my laptop harddrive is a new one now, I looked for an IAR download following "Get Software", selecting "Code size limited Kickstart version download", downloading and after installation following IAR Embedded Workbench Version 3+ for MSP430(tm) User's Guide (Rev. AA) - seems to be this users guide is totally outdated. Despite some different titles I got it managed following this User's Guide up to the point 5. where it says "Click Project → Rebuild All to build and link the source code."
There it ended with this:
Building configuration: msp430x2xx (C - SpyBiWire) - Debug
Updating build tree...
2 file(s) deleted.
Updating build tree...
Fatal Error[Cp001]: Copy protection check, No license found. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the
problem.[LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:430.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.00]
Error while running C/C++ Compiler
Total number of errors: 1
Total number of warnings: 0
The License Manager asks for an evaluation license, that's what I would have expected when using the IAR Embedded Workbench for TI MSP430 Evaluation edition.
I guess I better look if I can get an older IAR version somewhere.
Why does this happen?
Does anybody work on a IAR Embedded Workbench Version 3+ for MSP430(tm) User's Guide (Rev. AA) update on
MSP430 Kickstart - IAR License needed !?