Document SPRUH87C page 99 says the LDO Control Register is at 0x7004. However, document SPRS737B page 19 says the address range 0x3B2F ~ 0x7FFF of C5533/4 is reserved, yet address range 0x7000 ~ 0x70FF of C5535 is available. All three devices support the USB LDO..Am I missing something?
Ultimately I am trying to power-on the USB core at boot-time (by setting register configuration) due to the following condition:
Note: If the device is powered up with the USB cable connected to an active USB host and the USB PHY (USB_VDDA3P3) is powered up before the USB Core (USB_VDD1P3, USB_VDDA1P3), the USB Core must be powered within 100 ms after the USB host detects the device has been attached.
It is unclear what results when the core is powered on after 100 ms.
1. Would you please confirm if there is an error/discrepancy in the documentation?
2. Does this mean it is not possible to switch on USB LDO during boot-time register configuration in C5533/4 devices, but possible with C5535?