Hello Sir,
My ADC board is working fine,But some of my customers complainted that after power on the weigh scale,the value slightly increased without any weight on the loadcell upto 1 gm for 10kg/1gm scale and 5 gm for 30kg/5gm scale within 1 - 2 hour.So the customer needs to tare after 1 - 2 hour to make it zero.So i observed my board,s internal counts and it seems increasing slightly upto some level.What is the cause of this.How can i arrest this problem.
And also if i calibrated a 30kg/5gm scale with 20 or 30 kg weight ,i can achieve precision for all the weight above 500gm.But if i put some 10 or 20 gm on the loadcell it shows the precision 05 or 15 gm,why this happening,Please suggest me some ideas,expecting your valuable reply...
Thank you
By Ajit..