We're having a problem with a TPS65023, it worked fine for several days (including temperature tests) and at some point out of the blue it failed.
The component was hitting our PSU's current limit and heating to temperature of 130deg celsius, it seems like the over current is going into VINDCDC1.
We removed the component from our board and mounted it on an EVB, when all the regulators and bucks are set to off the current is hitting 0.8A (it starts with about 0.3A and after several minutes it reaches 0.8A and heats up quite a lot).
DCDC2 and DCDC3 seem to be working fine, DCDC1 is quite weird, if we enable it the current jumps to our 1.7A limit and the output seems to be 1.2V (as it is programmed to be), we didn't want to increase the current limit any further because we didn't want to burn the component.
When DCDC1 is off the output voltage of that buck converter is about 1.4V and the pin seems to behave like a linear regulator when we apply some load.
the component responds to I2C transactions (reports power failiure) and the LDOs seem to work fine.
We're unsure as to what part of the device failed, what could be drawing the extra current? and how does it change when we turn the DCDC1 converter ON?
What could have caused this failiure? we haven't been able to recreate it on other components (we managed to do some damage by temporarily shorting DEF1 to VCC, the supply current increased permanently by 400mA but we're not seeing any of the other weird behaviours so the failiure mode must be different).