Hello, I am using TMS320C5515 EVM and developing under CCSv4. I am using a program to play audio through DMA.
I want to play audio thorough I2S1, so I configured DMA controller 3 channel 0 and channel 0 to play in stereo mode, and after that it should begin to play audio when I execute this instruction:
unsignedshort temp;
temp = DMA3CH0TCR2;
temp |= 0x8000;
DMA3CH0TCR2 = temp;
unsignedshort temp;
temp = DMA3CH1TCR2;
temp |= 0x8000;
DMA3CH1TCR2 = temp;
However, when I debug this and I am in the first line of any of these instruction, I got this:
C55xx: Can't Single Step Target Program: Error 0x20000022/-2130 Severe Error during: Memory, Execution, Cannot access memory address at 0x00000800
I don't know what may be wrong. When I do the same under I2S2 there isn't any problem.
Thank you,
Albert Torné