It is imposible to do a simple ADC sequence when the RF stack is running. Well, the ADC sequence works, but Z_Stack does not anymore (device does not join network). Reproduce it by:
APCFG |= 0xC1; // 0b 1100 0001 - activate analog input pins
TR0 |= 0x01; // temp sensor connect to ch 14
ATEST |= 0x01;
ADCCON2 = 0x27; // 0b 0010 0111 - internal reference (1.15V), 10-bits, sequence end ch 7
ADCCON1 |= 0x30; // - start by ST bit
and I'm using timer3 isr to set the ST bit every millisecond:
// set-up timer 3 for 1ms sample timebase
T3CTL = 0xE2; // modulo count with psc = 128
T3CC0 = 249; // 1ms period
T3CCTL0 |= 0x44; // enable cc interrupt, compare mode
T3IE = 1; // enable t3 interrupts
T3CTL |= 0x10; // start
Now not even using DMA or anything, in timer3 isr just do:
// Timer 3 compare interrupt triggers the ADC sequence every 1ms
P1_3 = ~P1_3;
ADCCON1 |= 0x40;
With the ADCCON1 setting, nothing works except the ADC. When leaving it out (but still using the interrupt to toggle the pin), the Z-stack works again. This bug makes application development on z-stack increasingly useless so I hope there will be a fix soon. Thank you.