Now I encountered a porblem when compling the project, I want to use the sockets of the lwip. Then I obey the suggestions below to change the LWIP_SOCKETS, NO_SYS and LWIP_NETCONN to be 1,1,0.
While, there are many errors in the sockets.c file, most of them are lack of declarations about the errno, I added them in the err.h and it seemed worked. Another error is just as below: the LWIP_TCP and the LWIP_ARP, LWIP_DHCP are 1and others are 0.
I open the declaration of MEMP_NUM_SYS_TIMEOUT in the ..\TCP\lwip-1.3.2\src\include\lwip\opt.h, and changed it to 5(default is 3), then complie the project, there are 8 more errors occoured, just as the picture below:
It happens in the udp.c, tcp.c, tcp_in.c and raw.c under the paths ..\TCP\lwip-1.3.2\src\core, I do not konw how to modify the files now so I come here to look for help.
Any advice would help a lot.