I try connect to Devkit8000(clon Beagleboard OMAP3530) but I get an error :
Error connecting to the target:
Error 0x80000240/-2082
Fatal Error during: Initialization, OCS,
Device driver: Emulation Connection Loss Detected on Target CPU.
It is recommended to RESET EMULATOR. This will disconnect each
target from the emulator. The targets should then be power cycled
or hard reset followed by an emureset and reconnect to each target.
ithappenswhen i connect to c6000 and cortexA8. I use CCS 5.2 and JTAG emulator XDS510 USB. This JTAG i successfully connect to C2000 (TMS28335) .
I have 2 boards Devkit8000 and it happes with both. In target i select omap3530 and spectrum digital XDS510USB emulator.