Hi all,
After researching a lot in graphic library of StarterWare, I found that there may have some problems in color order.
We can see that all color definitons (in file glib.h) are defined in R-G-B order. For example:
#define ClrBlue 0x000000FF
#define ClrLime 0x0000FF00
#define ClrRed 0x00FF0000
C image array (which are created by pnmtoc tool as instructed at http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/StarterWare_Graphics#Porting_StellarisWare_graphics_application_to_StarterWare) are in R-G-B order too.
Besides that, LCD contronller desired RGB data for 12-, 16-, 24- BPP modes.(AM335x Technical Reference Manual p.1234).
However, graphic functions use B-G-R order to draw its components.
Ex: In GrOffScreen24BPPPixelDrawMultiple function (offscr24bpp.c):
case 16:
unsigned short pixColor = 0; /* 16bpp */
pixColor = *(pucData+1);
pixColor |= (*(pucData)) << 8;
*pucPtr++ = (pixColor & 0x1F) << 3; /* Blue */
*pucPtr++ = (pixColor & 0x07E0) >> 3; /* Green */
*pucPtr++ = (pixColor & 0x0000F800) >> 8; /* Red */
*pucPtr++ = 0x0; /* Alpha */
pucData += 2;
case 32: /* 24bpp with 1-byte hole */
*pucPtr++ = *(pucData+3);
*pucPtr++ = *(pucData+2);
*pucPtr++ = *(pucData+1);
*pucPtr++ = *(pucData+0);
pucData += 4;
I think these code will change pixel data from RGB order to BGR order!
Let me know if I was wrong!
Best regards,