I leave the keyfob connected to mac and I see that it gets some random disconnects once in a while, like once in an hour. It connects back immediately though.
I have noticed that happening after I tried to use 16MHz RC oscillator while keeping 32MHz crystal always off. Then it started to behave like this within minutes, but I also see the same thing with 32MHz crystal, just less often.
I do not change connection settings - intervals and timeouts are whatever mac sends when connection is established.
So is it normal? Has anyone been keeping keyfob connected without link loss for a few days?
I saw datasheet says 32MHz crystal has to be used in order for rf to work correctly. Are these disconnects one of correctness problems RC oscillator introduces?
I have quite heavily extended the firmware on top of provided OSAL and HAL code and I noticed that some time consuming tasks I perform can make the keyfob lose the link. Are there some good practices someone can advice and how to know when too much is too much?