Anyone has experience on running xfreerdp with enabling RemoteFX dec on DM8148?
I already installed TC-RDK 1.0 RC3 from TI and setup rfx modules by following the userguide. But when I run xfreerdp command on device console like
"sudo xfreerdp -f --rfx --composition --fonts -u xxxx -p xxxxxx"
I got the failure result like below:
connected to
creating directory /home/user/.freerdp/certs
The hostname used for this connection (
does not match the name given in the certificate:
A valid certificate for the wrong name should NOT be trusted!
Certificate details:
Subject: CN = ryd
Issuer: CN = ryd
Thumbprint: 4f:de:48:e3:79:b5:de:85:2d:21:79:f9:ce:96:61:7d:25:47:c6
The above X.509 certificate could not be verified, possibly because you do not have the CA certificate in your certificate store, or the certificate has expired. Please look at the documentation on how to create local certificate store for a private CA.
Do you trust the above certificate? (Y/N) y
failed to connect to socket: No such file or directory
[453] (__omx_init) ERROR: failed to connect to socket '/tmp/omx_socket'
freerdp_post_connect failed
If run xfreerdp without --rfx option, it works fine.
Anyone can give me an advice? How can I verify the remotefx already installed in my device correctly?
My device spec:
DM8148 1GHz + 1GB DDR3 + Ubuntu OS(TC_RDK 1.0 RC3)
Thanks a lot!
DM814x run xfreerdp with RemoteFX issue