We have built a device to extract the radial pulse from the wrist. At the output of the device we have the required pulses(within 35Hz of frequency) + 50Hz noise. We used data acquisition card(DAQ) and then applied a software FIR filter of cutoff frequency 35Hz in NI Labview software and then we got the perfect radial wrist pulse waveforms.
We are suppose to use MSP430FG4618 and get the waveform instead of using data acquisition card(DAQ). So our idea to give the output of our device to ADC in msp430 and use a digital FIR filter of cutoff frequency 35Hz in msp430 and then DAC conversion to get the analog pulses.
We want to know whether our idea of using ADC-FIR filter-DAC c programs in msp430 works or not? If yes please help us in this regard.