Part Number: LAUNCHXL-F28379D
Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
Good afternoon,
It took a lot of work but I was finally able to communicate between my PC with a serial adaptor and the dev board. I am now trying to take in the data that is being sent through TR on the PC to the RX on the board. I have it set up to work with interrupts and it is firing. I am having some weird behavior in that the code will either read in a digit number or a char* but not both. I am going to need to be able to read in both because strings and numbers will be used to configure the device.
Example code is below that shows how I am trying to sort the incoming data. This is in the RX ISR
receivedChar = SCI_readCharBlockingFIFO(SCIB_BASE); if (receivedChar != NULL) { // TODO make it check for char or int and convert accordingly and store it // if its is a digit if (isdigit(receivedChar) || receivedChar == ".") { digitArray[count] = receivedChar - '0'; } // if its is a character else if (isalpha(receivedChar) || receivedChar == '-') { charArray[count] = receivedChar; }
Like I said if I put just characters it reads fine or digits but not if the file is sending both. It is also very difficult to debug because I am running the transmission code from python using pyserial and receiving it with ccs on the dev board. I also tried adding a delay between each send of data thinking it needed it.