Hello everyone,
I am working on TMS320C5535 eZdsp USB KIT & i am using CCSv4.2.4 IDE & this is my 1st experience with any DSP controller.
After going through the Demo LED blink Code which was available inside the CCSv4 installation folder in C:\ drive of my PC I wrote the below mentioned code for the same (but with a different blinking pattern) all by myself, & saved this project in my E:\ drive
#include "stdio.h"
#include "ezdsp5535.h"
#include "ezdsp5535_led.h"
#include "ezdsp5535_gpio.h"
#include "soc.h"
#include "cslr_cpu.h"
void main (void)
Int16 value, i ;
printf("Initializing all the four LEDs") ;
printf("Configuring the Pins connected to LEDs as Output") ;
printf("Initializing all the four LEDs") ;
printf("Enabling all the four LEDs") ;
printf("Initializing all the four LEDs") ;
printf("Turning OFF all the four LEDs") ;
value = EZDSP5535_LED_init( );
if(value == 0)
printf ("Initialization Successful");
for(i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i++)
EZDSP5535_waitusec( 100000 ); //delay
EZDSP5535_LED_on(0) ; // Set user LED
EZDSP5535_waitusec( 100000 ); //delay
EZDSP5535_LED_off(0) ; //Reset user LED
printf("Manual LED glow Successful");
return 0 ;
when i build this code it flashes the error could not open source file "ezdsp5535.h" & stops the build process.
when i commented out #include "ezdsp5535.h" & rebuilt the code it flashes the error could not open source file "ezdsp5535_led.h" & stops the build process.
so i tried to open the ezdsp5535.h file by 1st clicking on ezdsp5535.h present in my program & then on right click a pop-up menu appears, from that menu i selected the option Open file "ezdsp5535.h".
on doing so it again flashed an error could not Open file "ezdsp5535.h", i encountered the same error while trying to open ezdsp5535_led.h & ezdsp5535_gpio.h
so in order to find out the error in my program i imported the Demo LED blink Project that was present inside the CCSv4 installation folder in the C:\ Drive of my PC & compiled it, no error was flashed & it displayed built successful so on running the program it gave the desired output.
In order to find out the difference between the properties of My LED Project& Demo LED blink Project I right clicked on my project name in the C/C++ project Menu & selected the Properties option from the pop-up Menu.
In the Properties of the Demo LED blink Project i found out that in the Project references window there was a ezdsp5535bsl check box that was ticked & in the Dependencies tab of CCS Built window there is an entry named ezdsp5535bsl.
In the properties of My LED Project there is NO ezdsp5535bsl check box & the Dependencies tab of CCS Built window was empty, when i clicked on the ADD button in the Dependencies Tab it pooped-up a empty window.
when i expanded the Demo LED blink Project in C/C++ project window along with other files & folders it had an INCLUDESfolder on expanding this folder it displayed the following links
C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/ccsv4/tools/compiler/c5500/include
C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/ccsv4/emulation/boards/ezdsp5535_v1/c55xx_csl/inc
C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/ccsv4/emulation/boards/ezdsp5535_v1/include
but when i expanded the my LED project in C/C++ project window along with other files & folders it also had an INCLUDES folder on expanding this folder it only displayed the following link
C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/ccsv4/tools/compiler/c5500/include
i think if i can add the ezdsp5535bsl to my Dependensies list then it would solve my purpose but from past 2 days i am failing to do so
please help me out i am stuck with this problem from past 2 days & its really frustrating for not able to blink an led.
with regards