I recently bought the the Chronos watch (433 MHz version). The production date on the back of the packaging is: 01/2013.
I flashed the watch via IAR Emebedded Workbench with the Firmware provided by eZ430-Chronos Software Package (Rev. B) (slac341). It now seems like the acclerometer and the altitude meter are not working anymore. With the stock firmware these functions were working without problems. I heard that there were some hardware changes in comparison to older hardware revisions but no new software is provided (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ti-chronos-development-/brVwaCNqNmU) . Also no CD was included in the packaging.
I also couldn't get the Wireless BSL (RFBSL) update working. The Control Center on the PC responds with "Failed to Start Wireless Update" when i start the update. Other functions like SimpliciTI Sync or PPT work fine.
Does anybody know where to get the newest firmware for the eZ430-Chronos-433?