I have created a BSP based on MSP4305324 and CC2500. I have followed the porting guidelines and made changes to the all the files as required. I used the ez430 RF board as the base to copy to my board.
The problem I am facing now is on compilation the code is failing at the macro \
#define MRFI_SPI_WRITE_BYTE(x) st( IFG2 &= ~UCB0RXIFG; UCB0TXBUF = x; )
Description Resource Path Location Type
#20 identifier "IFG2" is undefined mrfi_radio.c /Automate-Remote/Components/mrfi/radios/family1 line 358 C/C++ Problem
Description Resource Path Location Type
#20 identifier "UCB0RXIFG" is undefined mrfi_spi.c /Automate-Remote/Components/mrfi/radios/family1 line 217 C/C++ Problem
I've scanned through the MSP430F5324.h file and realized that these are actually not defined. May be I used the wrong base board as reference.
Can someone help with the right way to resolve this issue.