Dear all,
I followed the indications on "Smart Codec features in DM365 user guide" about using the Region Of Interest feature on DM365. In particular I changed the following parameters:
IH264VENC_DynamicParams extDynParams;
IH264VENC_InArgs inH264Args;
VIDENC1_InArgs inArgs;
extDynParams.enableROI = 1;
inH264Args.roiParameters.numOfROI = 1;
inH264Args.roiParameters.listROI[0].topLeft.x = 300;
inH264Args.roiParameters.listROI[0].topLeft.y = 500;
inH264Args.roiParameters.listROI[0].bottomRight.x = 700;
inH264Args.roiParameters.listROI[0].bottomRight.y = 719;
inH264Args.roiParameters.roiPriority[0] = 4;
inH264Args.roiParameters.roiType[0] = FOREGROUND_OBJECT;
inArgs.size = sizeof(VIDENC1_InArgs);
inArgs.inputID = GETID(...);
inArgs.topFieldFirstFlag = 1;
inH264Args.videncInArgs = inArgs;
inH264Args.insertUserData = 0;
inH264Args.lengthUserData = 0;
inH264Args.numOutputDataUnits = 0;
then I run the encoder with
VIDENC1_process(<...>, <...>, <...>, (VIDENC1_InArgs *)&(inH264Args), <...>);
but I can't see any difference compared to the situation without ROI. I tried to check also encoding with low bitrate (150 - 200 Kb/s for 1280x720@15fps), but I didn't notice any difference
Did I forget to set or configure something? I really appreciate any suggestion