I am loading the coefficient memory over I2C just fine, but I would like confirmation on the byte order of the load.
I am using the table generated from the tool Royce provided me; the table is of four-byte values:
#define LM48901_TAB_LEN 0x500
const unsigned long lm48901Table0[LM48901_TAB_LEN] = {
looking at the first value as an example, would the register be loaded over I2C as
<dev_addr> 00 00 00 2e ff c4 (usual 7-byte I2C write packet)
<dev_addr> 00 00 c4 ff 2e 00
There's no byte order info in the file generated by Dat2Tab, and not much documented info about the coefficient memory, either.
Again, any input is appreciated.
Ron Sturtevant