Dear Sir,
We have used your parts SN65LVDT101DGK and SN65LVDS100DGK in our application as a LVDS to LVPECL and LVPECL to LVDS.
For the LVDS to LVPECL (single ended translation we use your application circuit as shown in fig 38. We use only the positive line.
For the LVPECL (Single ended) to LVDS translation we use your application circuit as shown in fig 41.
The LVDS input for the LVDS to LVPECL translation is given from the FPGA. Similarly the LVDS output of the LVPECL to LVDS translation is given to the FPGA.
1. When we have loop back the single ended LVPECL output to the Single ended LVPECL input, we didn't get the actual output.
2. We Remove the loopback, & check the LVDS to LVPECL conversion. When we entered logic high using Fpga the output of the translator is 1.96V. Similarly if we entered logic Low the output of the
translator is 1.46V.
We can't able to identify the issue. Kindly clarify this issue.
Our actual requirement is conversion of LVDS to single ended LVPECL and single ended LVPECL to LVDS conversion. We use your parts for both the circuits. Kindly provide your suggesion for this issue.