Looking for some help building syslink.
NOTE: All the individual files I mention below are part of attached logs.tar.gz (can be extracted using tar xvzf logs.tar.gz on a linux machine)
I am trying to build syslink and get some compile errors. I am attaching the output of "make syslink". I did a "make clean" before doing "make syslink".
I am also attaching output of "make .show-products" and the "products.mak" I am using. I have tried "SDK = EZSDK" and "SDK = NONE" with same results.
This is on a Ubuntu 10.04 install. As you can see in the products.mak, I have tried a couple of versions of BIOS/IPC/XDC
I built u-boot/kernel before trying to build syslink. U-Boot/Kernel package is from "DaVinci-PSP_SDK-". U-Boot/Kernel were built using instructions on this page http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Building_03.22_PSP_release_Components_for_OMAP-L138
The CCS install I am pointing to for BIOS/IPC/XDC in products.mak is at v5.2 (don't know if that matters)
Can somebody help please?