Hello, everyone.
We faced a problem with MSP430F47187 MCU.
USCI_A in UART mode,
Baudrate = 9600 (register's values taken from table 19-4 of slau056j.pdf);
program is simplest - just one interrupt to transmit 0x00 through UART.
USCI was configured strongly following configuration procedure, shown in slau056j.pdf.
sometimes (not strongly determined conditions) MCU does not transmit stop bit.
We provided sequential 100'000 transmittions and there are ~40 cases when stop bit was not transmitted (on receiver stage there are "Overrun error" and "Brake error" flags);
This situation approved by looking on TxD pin of MCU through oscilloscope.
In MSP430F47187 Errata sheet error like ours is shown, but there are they are speaking about UART in Automatic Baud Rate mode (UCMODEx=11), seems this situation can occur in UART "normal" mode. (UCMODEx=00).
Please, help me - what should I do.