I am trying to use the PSP UART driver with the C6748 with UART 2 and the following setup:
uartParams_.opMode = Uart_OpMode_INTERRUPT;
uartParams_.baudRate = Uart_BaudRate_9_6K;
uartParams_.stopBits = Uart_NumStopBits_1;
uartParams_.charLen = Uart_CharLen_8;
uartParams_.parity = Uart_Parity_NONE;
uartParams_.rxThreshold = Uart_RxTrigLvl_4;
In my application I wish to send a number of bytes representing a command to a remote device and the receive a simple confirmation. To make sure I receive the correct data, I call GIO_control( channelInHandle_, Uart_IOCTL_RESET_RX_FIFO, NULL ) before I write my data so that the first byte I receive should be the start of my confirmation. So far so good and it all appears to work ok.
I have a requirement that I can detect and recover from a read timeout. I have set a timeout in the GIO_attrs structure passed to GIO_create and I have also tried modifying the timeout at run time by modifying channelInHandle_->timeout. I can time out successfully. However, I seem to be unable to recover and resume normal operation following my first timeout. If a timeout occurs I have tried calling GIO_control( channelInHandle_, Uart_IOCTL_CANCEL_CURRENT_IO, NULL ) and/or GIO_abort( channelInHandle_ ) but to no avail and I systematically read the first received byte following a timeout incorrectly. (More frustratingly I can often see the byte I want in RBR in the CCS4 registers view but get a completely different value back from my call to GIO_read()). I don't know if it is a clue but I also see LSR[OE] (and LSR[DR]) asserted in the registers view in CCS4.
Are there any known issues with the PSP driver for the C6748 UART or am I being dozy and following the incorrect procedure for recovering from a timeout. I am getting quite desparate so any ideas would be gratefully received. I would of thought that of all the errors one might need to tolerate in a system using a UART a receive timeout is one of them. That said I was unable to find any other posts relating to my problem.
Thanks in advance