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Processor SDK 5.0 Released (AM57x, AM437x, AM335x, AMIC1x, K2x, C66x, C674x, OMAP-L13x)


I've recently downloaded and installed the latest PROCESSOR-SDK-RTOS-K2G on both a windows and a Linux host system with CCS v8.  After installation, both installer packages have created directories for mathlib_C66x_3_1_2_2 and dsplib_C66x_3_4_0_1 with nothing in them.  I believe some of the examples need these libraries to build.

CCS: CCS v8 installation fails -- Java


Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I have downloaded both the CCS8.1.0.00011 and CCS8.2.0.00007 installers -- the web version AND the offline ones. I am running Ubuntu 16.04:

aero@drone3:~$ cat /etc/lsb-release 
aero@drone3:~$ uname -a
Linux drone3 4.4.76-aero-1.2 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Dec 21 09:55:38 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

It looks like both CCS packages for installation come with or download the following file: jre-8u112-linux-x64.zip

The problem is that when the installer attempts to extract this file using p7zip, (7za) there is an error at the end, which apparently the installer checks for and decides to abort (v8.2) with an error mentioning something about "logger:loglist" or keeps re-trying again and again (v8.1). I even tried to use a later version of 7za downloaded from the official website to see if the problem was the outdated extractor (circa 2010), but the same error occurred, which leads me to the conclusion that the archive is corrupt, perhaps.

So, with this issue, I'm at a loss as to how to install CCS v8 successfully currently and do not have a workaround available to install it on the affected system. I have attached a copy of the log of how the 8.1 installer shows the error message after extraction.

Please provide a workaround or solution :)

(Please visit the site to view this file)

SN65CML100: SN65CML100 receive sensitivity


Part Number:SN65CML100

Hi there,

We are looking to use SN65CML100 to recover our ac coupled, high speed CML logic (960Mbps) from long cable loss (3m). The eye diagram of the input looks like below, and it is almost closed.

For SN65CML100, we are not sure how low input swing (Vp-p) it could accept, or its sensitivity, given our little eye opening. The datasheet mentioned max positive-going differential input voltage threshold of 100mV. But it is not clear to us what would be the case if the input differential swing is below 100mV, as the datasheet is pretty short in length, compared to SN65LVDS100. I understand there is 25mV hysteresis, but I am not sure how much it is going to help.

In of SN65LVDS100 datasheet, it has the words “When the input signal falls in this –100 mV < VID < 100 mV range, the receiver output state cannot be determined unambiguously. ”. Is that also true for SN65CML100?



TMS320F28377S: # of GPIO on the PZP package of the TMS320F28377


Part Number:TMS320F28377S

For the PZP 100 pin package, the specs list 41 GPIO but I consistently count 42 GPIO.

CC3200: Error "Reading ACK signal failed" with uniflash


Part Number:CC3200


I am programming a custom designed CC3200 board using the CC3200 launch pad.

I've connected jumper J6 (Rx) and jumper J7 (Tx) on the CC3200 Launchpad to pin 57 and pin 55 respectively of CC3200 chip on the custom board. The SOP is set to 100.

However, I get the following error in Uniflash"Reading ACK signal failed". The reset pin is pulled low whenever required by uniflash.

I've done this before and it worked fine. I've soldered a new board now and I get the above mentioned error. I do not see any issue with the soldering or connections.

Can you please suggest me possible solutions to debug and eliminate this error.

I've attached my design schematic for reference.

(Please visit the site to view this file)(Please visit the site to view this file)

Thank You.





Part Number:FDC1004EVM

Hi there,

I am trying to connect FDC1004 and the LaunchPad with the following guide: "Getting Started Guide: FDC1004 with MSP430F5529 LaunchPad".

Is it okay to download the most recent energia-1.8.7E21? I actually downloaded this, but have no idea where *Select “.ino” file* is.


TM4C123GE6PM: MPU6050 SCL line stays low after MPU6050Init


Part Number:TM4C123GE6PM


I use the following code to try to communicate with the MPU6050 sensor:

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "driverlib/debug.h"
#include "driverlib/gpio.h"
#include "driverlib/pin_map.h"
#include "driverlib/pwm.h"
#include "driverlib/rom.h"
#include "driverlib/sysctl.h"
#include "inc/hw_gpio.h"
#include "inc/hw_memmap.h"
#include "inc/hw_types.h"
#include <stddef.h> // For using the NULL pointer

#define PWM_FREQUENCY 55

// My I2C defines & includes
#include "driverlib/i2c.h"
#include "driverlib/interrupt.h"
#include "inc/hw_i2c.h"
#include "inc/hw_ints.h"
#include "sensorlib/i2cm_drv.h"
#include "sensorlib/mpu6050.h"
#include "sensorlib/hw_mpu6050.h"
#define DEBUG

// My UART defines & includes
#include "driverlib/uart.h"
#include "utils/uartstdio.h"

#include "definitions_mpu6050.h"
tI2CMInstance g_sI2CInst; // I2C master driver structure. "tI2CMInstance" is defined in the i2cm_drv.h file.
tMPU6050 g_sMPU6050Inst; // MPU6050 sensor driver structure. "tMPU6050" is defined in the mpu6050.h file.
volatile unsigned long g_vui8DataFlag; // Data ready flag
volatile unsigned long g_vui8ErrorFlag; // Error flag


int main(void)

    // Configure the clock

// My I2C initialization code

    // Enable GPIO peripheral that contains I2C 2
    //    SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOD);

    // Enable I2C module 2
//    SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_I2C3);

    // Configure the pin muxing for I2C2 functions on port E4 and E5.
//    GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PD0_I2C3SCL);
//    GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PD1_I2C3SDA);

    // Select the I2C function for these pins.


//    I2CMInit(&g_sI2CInst, I2C3_BASE, INT_I2C3, 0xFF, 0xFF, SysCtlClockGet());
    I2CMInit(&g_sI2CInst, I2C2_BASE, INT_I2C2, 0xFF, 0xFF, SysCtlClockGet());
    SysCtlDelay(SysCtlClockGet() / 3);

    float fAccel[3], fGyro[3];

    // USER_MPU6050Callback will modify the g_bMPU6050Done variable to true if MPU6050Init succeeds.
    g_bMPU6050Done = false;
    // Initialize the MPU6050 
    MPU6050Init(&g_sMPU6050Inst, &g_sI2CInst, MPU6050_I2C_ADDRESS, USER_MPU6050Callback, &g_sMPU6050Inst);

    while(!g_bMPU6050Done) { }

    // USER_MPU6050Callback will modify the g_bMPU6050Done variable to true if MPU6050ReadModifyWrite succeeds.
    g_bMPU6050Done = false;
    // Configure the MPU6050 for +/- 4 g accelerometer range.
    MPU6050ReadModifyWrite(&g_sMPU6050Inst, MPU6050_O_ACCEL_CONFIG, ~MPU6050_ACCEL_CONFIG_AFS_SEL_M, MPU6050_ACCEL_CONFIG_AFS_SEL_4G, USER_MPU6050Callback, &g_sMPU6050Inst);

    while(!g_bMPU6050Done) { }

        // USER_MPU6050Callback will modify the g_bMPU6050Done variable to true if MPU6050DataRead succeeds.
        g_bMPU6050Done = false;
        // Request another reading from the MPU6050.
        MPU6050DataRead(&g_sMPU6050Inst, USER_MPU6050Callback, 0);
        while(!g_bMPU6050Done) { }
        // Get the new accelerometer and gyroscope readings.
        MPU6050DataAccelGetFloat(&g_sMPU6050Inst, &fAccel[0], &fAccel[1], &fAccel[2]);
        MPU6050DataGyroGetFloat(&g_sMPU6050Inst, &fGyro[0], &fGyro[1], &fGyro[2]);

I run the code step by step using F6 and get to the MPU6050Init function.

When this function is called I see (using an oscilloscope) the SDA and SCL I2C lines toggle correctly and the MPU6050 acknowledge to address 0x68. 

However, when the transaction is finished the MPU6050 holds the SCL line low and doesn't release it.

According to the I2C specifications - this signifies that the device is serving an interrupt. Only in my case it continues forever.

When I proceed with F6 to the MPU6050ReadModifyWrite function is called and completed - but then when I press F6 again the code gets stuck in the while(!g_bMPU6050Done) { } condition.

Is it possible that MPU6050Init doesn't release the device from reset  ?

Similarly to what mentioned in this post:



ADS1282: ADS1282


Part Number:ADS1282

I am using the ADS1282EVM_PDK to evaluate my ADS1282 design. I am in the process of moving all the circuitry from the ADS1282EVM to my board and plan to continue to use the ADCPro platform to test the new configuration. Looking at the ADS1281/82EVM schematic Dated 21/Aug/2008 I have a question on U7 and U14. Is it possible to eliminate these components? Will the code fail to run? I can place a reset switch on my board. Is there a way signal to the code that a ADS1282 is the DUT?


Dean Gacita

TIDEP-0099: How to configure DSP board for digitial microphone inputs rather than TIDA-01454


Part Number:TIDEP-0099


I see in section 1 of the TIDEP-0099 user's guide that "This device is highly configurable and able to support both analog and digital microphones".

I don't see a section of the user's guide that shows how to setup the board to use external digital microphones rather than the TIDA-01454 microphone array board.

Can you point me in the right directions and/or let me know how to set this up?


DRV8837: Control of a solenoid using DRV8837, DRV8838...


Part Number:DRV8837

OK, here goes - testing the friendliness of the Motor Driver region of E2E... (ha!)  New to Power Management and Motor Drives, so may ask some noob questions - bear with me. Am beginning my studies.

The Need: I'd like to incorporate control of a solenoid into a design which will likely be based on the MSP432E family. Plan is to drive design power over PoE, so will have 48V available at the start.

Part of the design will drive a solenoid - requirements are ~12v @ < 1 amp for 2-3 seconds.

Will one of these parts - DRV8837, DRV8838 - get me there? Other componentry in the mix? Overview design advice will be appreciated.

TDA2PXEVM: Unable to format SD card for boot


Part Number:TDA2PXEVM


I'm trying to format the included SD card for the TDA2P board in order to boot from it. 

When I try to format from the command line, I get a "The specified cluster size is too small for FAT32" error. When I try to format using diskpart, I get "The cluster size is too small" error. 

When I load the generated Appimage and MLO onto the unformatted SD card, the TDA2P is unable to boot from it. 

I have also tried to format a store-bought SD card, but get the same cluster size errors. 

How can I correctly format the SD card to boot from it? 



RTOS/CC2640R2F: Simple_Central.c BLE Functions


Part Number:CC2640R2F

Tool/software: TI-RTOS


I am currently developing a custom application around the simple_central example. I have a custom PCB with the SABLE-X-R2 module on it with several buttons, sensors, and a display. I am trying to get the simple central application merged with another application that I have for reading sensors, talking over SPI with the display, and other things.

I am having trouble making sense of the flow of the functions in the simple_central.c file. I have two buttons on my board that I would like to use to navigate the menu for the example, but I don't want to have them as interrupts like defined in the board_key.c file. I tried calling just the SimpleCentral_startGapDiscovery(); and then the SimpleCentral_connectToFirstDevice(); in my own application thread, but it goes into an aport spin loop.

What is the proper way to go about merging the functionality from the simple_central example into a custom application? I have been unable to find documentation that goes over the specifics of the simple central example and the structure of the program. 



SN65LVDS31-32EVM: Mounting Hole Positions and Dimensions


Part Number:SN65LVDS31-32EVM

Hi. I am trying to build an enclosure for the SN65LVDS31-32EVM and I cannot find the mounting hole dimensions for the board. Can I please get the following measurements for the SN65LVDS31-32EVM?

- Board length

- Board width

- Board Height

- Distance from edges to each hole center (2 measurements for each hole so 12 measurements in total unless they are the same distance from the edges)

- Hole Diameter

Thank you for your time,


TMS570LC4357: L2FMC#5 with the flash prefetch disabled part of the time


Part Number:TMS570LC4357

I have a requirement to read some configuration information out of the EEPROM FLASH area at startup time. I would also like to keep the flash prefetch unit enabled, and all of the data FLASH address space mapped as normal memory after startup. Can you confirm whether this sequence of operations is subject to errata L2FMC#5?

  1. Device starts up (with flash prefetch enabled per default), running code out of data FLASH
  2. Disable flash prefetch
  3. Continue executing code out of data FLASH throughout
  4. Read some data from the EEPROM FLASH
  5. Re-enable flash prefetch
  6. Go on to enable the MPU with the data FLASH mapped as normal memory

TPS24751: XOR two devices


Part Number:TPS24751

I'm trying to 'or' two TPS24751 where if first one has a valid source voltage applied, the second one is shut down. I have the first one's PG# connected to EN pin of second device.  After I applied a valid source voltage to first device and an open source on second device, the second device slowly burned itself up, literally with a blackened board around its VCC pin. What is the correct way to 'OR' these two? [ FYI when the TPS65990 is no longer preliminary I intend to replace just the second device. My intent is to have one USB C source and one optional wall/car adapter to run/charge my device. The output to the right feeds 50uF of ceramic caps and a BQ257503 ]

DRV8884: Capacitor VCP


Part Number:DRV8884


Our customer use the DRV8884.

It is recommended the capacitor between VM and VCP as 0.22uF on the datasheet.

Is it possible to use the capacitor as 0.47uF?

Due to poor supply of capacitor, it is difficult to get the recommend parts.

Best Regards,

Naoki Aoyama

TRF7970A: TRF7970A EVM and external amplifier circuit


Part Number:TRF7970A

1. Do you have EVM for TRF7970A?

2. I found 2 reference design for external power amplifiers below from E2E
・TRF7970 Exernal Power Amplifier for general applications_V53(1).pdf

I would like to design external amplifier with 1-2 W output.
Do you have any recommended circuit configurations for this design?
And also, could you recommend some evaluation board for 1-2 W output power amps for TRF7970?

3. Please let me know if you have any technical documents regarding this topic.

TL431LI: PKG option


Part Number:TL431LI


Do we have a plan to release TL431LI SOT-89?

Customer is considering HA17431UA-TL-E.

Best Regards,


BQ27GDK000EVM: GDK general questions


Part Number:BQ27GDK000EVM


I am looking into the GDK as a solution for the calculation of the CHEMId for my Lithium Ion Battery (Charging Voltage = 4.2 V). This tool is great because compared to using a EV2400 we can control the charger and load using a script from bqStudio. This means, after everything is setup, we can leave the characterization running. 

After looking at the documentation, I have the following questions:

1- In my device, I am planning to use a BQ24232 (linear charger) and this GDK has a switched mode charger. Would using the charger provided by GDK make a difference in the estimation of CHEMID? I mean, differences regarding accuracy compared to when the battery is in our device. I would say this can be solved with a learning cycle in the device but I am not sure.  

2- How is it normally used to measure the temperature of the battery for the CHEMID? Does the battery need to be placed in a specific position in order to use the internal sensor of the on board gauge? I think I would be ok with using the internal gauge but I would like the temperature reading to be accurate enough for GPCCHEM.

3- The battery has an NTC so I thought I could also use the bq27520evm (has an NTC pin) and connect it to the GDK. By the way, if I can not use a ROM based gauge, I would use this gauge. One thing I did not understand for this gauge is figure 6 of SLUU426B. Do I need a 3.6V power supply or is the figure wrong?

4- Should I calibrate the gauge before doing the characterization of the battery?

Thanks for your help!

RTOS/TRF7970A: About data writing on DLP_RFID2(Based on the TRF7970A) module


Part Number:TRF7970A

Tool/software: TI-RTOS

Dear TI employees and seniors, I purchased a DLP_RFID2(Based on the TRF7970A), and found in use that the module can only write 0-9.A-F data.G-Z data and a-z data are not written as I want.If I want to write .G-Z a-z and so on, how do I do that?

The following 010 f00030418422100ddccbbaa0000 writing data to send instructions

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