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TLC5955: How to set dynamically set the display intensity


Part Number:TLC5955

How  is the display intensity dynamically adjusted for changing ambient light conditions?  Is this done by updating the brightness control registers (BC) with new values for each color group?

CC3220: Problem with HTTP POST from iOS devices


Part Number:CC3220


I am having a problem similar to the problem discussed here.

I am porting code from the CC3200 to the CC3220.  On the CC3200 HTTP server, I have no problems with the User Token feature using GET and POST requests.

With the CC3220, the GET is working as it should with User Tokens.  However, the POST is not working when the client is an iOS device.

When I POST to the CC3220 from Android or the Windows Postman app, the slcb_NetAppHttpServerHdlr callback is called, and the CC3220 returns 204.  When I POST from iOS, I receive 404 not found.  The exact same iOS code works when posting to the CC3200.

I have looked for differences in the POST request when made from Android, Postman, and iOS and I cannot find any.

  • Has anything changed with the way POST requests are handled from the CC3200 to the CC3220?
  • Why does the same iOS code for POST work with CC3200 but not with CC3220?
  • Why does the POST work with the CC3220 when the client device is Android or Postman but not iOS?
  • Does the order of the header fields matter?

Android (Success)

Postman (Success)

iOS (404 with CC3220, Success with CC3200)

CCS/TM4C123GH6PM: Issue on TIMERS frequency


Part Number:TM4C123GH6PM

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I need to generate two signals for driving a device, one at 25 Hz and another one to 1.4MHz. I have been testing with the code below but I can only achieve 645 kHz even setting the Load to 1.4Mhz, is there something am I doing wrong?
I can also notice that in some frequencies the duty cycle changes with no reason since I left it on 50%. I am trying to figure out what is happening on the datasheet and the TIVA peripherals library but since I am beginner with the Tiva C any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "inc/tm4c123gh6pm.h"
#include "inc/hw_memmap.h"
#include "inc/hw_types.h"
#include "driverlib/sysctl.h"
#include "driverlib/interrupt.h"
#include "driverlib/gpio.h"
#include "driverlib/timer.h"

int main(void)
    uint32_t ui32Period;


    ui32Period = (SysCtlClockGet()/25) / 2 ;
    TimerLoadSet(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A, ui32Period -1);
    TimerEnable(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A);

    ui32Period = (SysCtlClockGet()/10) / 2;
    TimerLoadSet(TIMER2_BASE, TIMER_A, ui32Period -1);
    TimerEnable(TIMER2_BASE, TIMER_A);

    ui32Period = (SysCtlClockGet()/1400000) /2 ;
    TimerLoadSet(TIMER1_BASE, TIMER_A, ui32Period -1);
    TimerEnable(TIMER1_BASE, TIMER_A);


void Timer0IntHandler(void)
    // Clear the timer interrupt

    // Read the current state of the GPIO pin and
    // write back the opposite state
        GPIOPinWrite(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, GPIO_PIN_2, 4);

void Timer1IntHandler(void)
    // Clear the timer interrupt

    // Read the current state of the GPIO pin and
    // write back the opposite state
        GPIOPinWrite(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, GPIO_PIN_1, 0);
        GPIOPinWrite(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, GPIO_PIN_1, 2);

void Timer2IntHandler(void)
    // Clear the timer interrupt

    // Read the current state of the GPIO pin and
    // write back the opposite state
        GPIOPinWrite(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, GPIO_PIN_3, 0);
        GPIOPinWrite(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, GPIO_PIN_3, 8);

SN74LV165A-EP: Clarification on SER pin


Part Number:SN74LV165A-EP

Hi Team,

We'd like to get some clarification on the functionality of the SER pin (pin 10) on the SN74LV165A-EP. In the function table on page 2 of the datasheet, there is no mention on the operation of this pin.

Thanks in advance for your help,

TIDA-00961: firmware source code for application is requested.


Part Number:TIDA-00961

Hi I am Mohan Govindan. I am working on firmware for a 1KW AC to DC converter design based on TMS320F280049 MCU. In this regard I looked at the TIDA-00961 application note. WHere, it is mentioned that there is step-by-step firmware is available. I would like to have a copy of the firmware source code for my reference and use. Can Mr. Hrishkesh Nene or Mr. Salil Chellappan help me. I could not find your e-mail. Can you please help to get the firmware for TIDA-00961.


Mohan Govindan

BQ24630: Problem with the Vref output being out of spec, 4.076V instead of 3V3.


Part Number:BQ24630


I have a design mostly based on the reference design for a 3S LiFePO4 battery.

I apply 24V to the BQ (checked it on ACN/ACP and on VCC. Draws about 30mA on complete board, so not major fault but the charging does not function.

On closer inspection I measure that Vref is 4.076V instead of the 3V3 specified in the datasheet.

Any ideas why this would be the case?

Other measurements to be done to help resolve?

Schematic below/attached.

Thanks in advance


RTOS/PROCESSOR-SDK-AM335X: Problem with NEON Assembler function. Weird application crash





I've run into a problem. When I'm trying to add a basic neon assembler function from ne10 project my program crash in a weird spot. It completes the ne10 function fine and after it works for only for a couple cycles and then pauses. When I comment out the ne10 add function everything works fine. The function doesn't produce the crash just after running couple line of codes it magically stops. I'm not sure why. Maybe I have to initialize somehow the neon or do something like that. I have to HWI and all the do is printf buffer 0/1 nothing special. It's really weird if the program would crash right after my ne10 function everything would suggest the assembler function cause the problem now I'm not sure what is the problem. Can anybody help?

RTOS/CC1310: How to change beacon broadcast interval time?


Part Number:CC1310


Dear TIs,

     I use CC1310 designing start network in beacon mode. Could you tell me the default awake time of nodes? And whether  change the value of awake time of nodes? And if I changed, the collector beacon broadcast interval time is also change? I was confused about it. Would you pls give me some advice and give me reference material? Thanks a lot.

DS90UB926Q-Q1: Asking for DS90UB926Q pattern application note


Part Number:DS90UB926Q-Q1

Hi Team,

do we have DS90UB926Q pattern application note for explain how to enable the internal test pattern step by step?



CC3220S-LAUNCHXL: Does cloud_ota support multiple OTA updates?


Part Number:CC3220S-LAUNCHXL


It seems to me that after the first OTA update in cloud_ota example the OTA feature vanishes. On the next power up, the device is just executing the new program. I am wondering, is there a possibility for cloud_ota example to support future OTA updates after the first update by pressing the same SW used for the first OTA update? I am wondering if it's possible to keep the OTA feature alive after the first OTA update. Your help is greatly appreciated.



TPL0501-100: Why is ratiometric Temperature Coefficient big for small Codes?


Part Number:TPL0501-100

I have a question concerning digital potentiometer in general and referring specifically to the TPL0501.

See Page 7 of Datasheet

The temperature coefficient in Potentiometer mode is above Code=80 extremely good (good matching). I don't understand why the matching is getting worse, when approaching small Code-Values. I especially don't understand why the TC is getting worse for small Codes, but not for large ones. Does that have to do with the internal switch-resistor architecture?

In my application I need a ratio of around 17:1, which means, that I would have to use DAC-Codes of around 7 to 15. In this region the matching is not good. What would happen with the curve, if I connect the  "HA" Terminal to GND and the "LA" Terminal to +Vref and could therefore set the potentiometer Code to around 250? Would that help concerning TC, or would the curve change?

The datasheet on Page 8 states this is allowed:

CCS/MSP430G2553: Unsupported Loader : dslite


Part Number:MSP430G2553

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


trying to use CCS Cloud for the first time. I've got the TI chrome extension and drivers installed for OSX (latest). I can connect to the port corresponding  to the msp430G2 launchpad, but when I try to run the project, I get the following error:

Unsupported Loader : dslite

Not too sure what to try next. Tried reinstalling drivers and chrome plugin, no joy.

CC1350: HS Mode TX Power Output


Part Number:CC1350


I am trying to transfer data in HS mode and I am curious as to what is the TX power output in this mode.  I have looked at the register values and for HS it shows 0x023F but that does not match anything I have seen for other modes from -10 to +14 dBm.  What does 0x023F stand for?



DRV8703-Q1: Interface Questions


Part Number:DRV8703-Q1

My customer is asking the following questions concerning the DRV8703-Q1:

We will be using SPI to program the gains and thresholds. But initially we thought to make sure we drive the motor through hardwired signals.

So, the SPI pins are left open. The chip select is not used, and this is only used if we want to do the SPI comm.

The Vref pin we currently have it connected to 3.3V. Yes, we are operating in default mode.

With nSLEEP low, the voltage seen on SH1 and SH2 are 0V (mv range) as expected. But when nSLEEP is HIGH, the SH1 and SH2 are 0.747V. Same voltages observed at GH1 and GH2. But GL1 and GL2 are in mV range. When in Hi-Z, the voltages should be all 0V.

The data sheet does not provide details on how SH1/SH2 are used within the chip. Is the driver IC sourcing any voltage on these 2 pins, which in turn might feed back to GH1/GH2 ? The above voltages are seen when SH1/SH2 are not connected to our controller.

Now, if we connect our controller, then the voltages are little different because we have a ladder network for detecting off state faults on the load. This ladder network is pulled up with 12v, and if SH1/SH2 are Hi-Z, then I expect a voltage based on ladder network. But as the driver chip is sourcing some voltage we see much lower voltages.

What does TI's recommendation for off state diagnostics? I understand that the driver IC can detect the over current/temperature, but this could happen only if we drive the motor. We need to detect the faults before to inhibit driving the motor if there is fault detected (STG, STB or Open circuit). The ladder network helps doing this.

Can the customer use the ladder network that he is referring to? Is it normal to see voltages on SH1/SH2? This seems like a diode drop, but I cannot tell. This is the main reason for the questions.

Thanks for your help with this!

Richard Elmquist

CCS/CC2640R2F: MTU fail, OAD fail after CCS optimization and cannot program app_Flash_ROM. hex file


Part Number:CC2640R2F

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I am using ble sdk 1.58 and CCS v7.4

The off chip oad works if I select no optimization in CCS and set the OAD block size in 24 bytes

Once I set the CCS optimization to 0 ~ 5, OAD fails... the OAD downloader stops at "OAD Send Start OAD To ImageControl".

I can not change the block size when running no optimization, I tried to set break point at:

if (pMsg->method == ATT_MTU_UPDATED_EVENT)

It doesn't stop at the break point and continue the OAD process, why it doesn't stop?

If I run the simple peripheral oad off chip example, it can break at this point and change the MTU.

I think it was the problem of heap size, since I find the voice over HID and OAD doesn't work if the heap size is too small( <4000)

I followed the instruction and used AUX_AS_RAM to increase the heap, will the speed of ram affect the OAD?

Or should I try the cache as ram? the doc said it can not uses VIMS?

My project sends hid keys and voice to host, support one I2C sensor and external flash for Off chip OAD, are these functions require VIMS?

One more... I can not program the app_Flash_ROM. hex file, the device can not boot up, but it works when I program the app_FLASH_ROM_oad.bin. I tried the " it doesn't work for me.. :(

It is fine in development, but it will be problem when doing production, the worker need to click two times to do programming, since the programmer can not program app.bin ,bim.hex and stack.hex at the same time.

TPS65982-EVM: What is difference between boards TPS65982EVM, TPS65983EVM and TPS65986EVM?


Part Number:TPS65982-EVM

I need to make a system for a vehicle, electric skateboard, but those are my first steps with USB Type C

I need charger the battery pack of the skate, and the skate need charge a cell phone, all over using USB C.

I believe I should buy two TPS6598X boards reviews to perform the sink source between and after with my board.

1) Which of them are scaled to 5A?

2) I don´t know the differences between boards, TPS65982EVM, TPS65983EVM and TPS65986EVM?

Linux/TMS320DM8148: fail to read with mdc/mdio


Part Number:TMS320DM8148

Tool/software: Linux


I have u-boot which function correctly with emac1 , but now we got new board hardware, which also uses emac1 but with a marvell switch, amd mdc/mdio are connected to switch (and emac1).

Yet, I don't manage to ever read register with mdio  /mdc interface.

1. If with previous hardware we manage to use emac1, does it mean we also used correctly mdc/mdio ? or can it be that it didn't work before even with the successful networking in u-boot/linux ?

2. What can be the reason that we fail in read/write of mdc/mdio ? 

The function miiphy_read / cpsw_mdio_read always fails.

Thank you for any idea,




Part Number:ADS8664

Hello support team,

I have a question about ADS8664

What is the correct spi  mode to communicate with ADS8664? Is that mode 1?



CCS/OMAPL138B-EP: Texas Instruments CCS v3.3 with C6000 Code Generation Tools 6.1.10+ download


Part Number:OMAPL138B-EP

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Where can i find the   

Texas Instruments CCS v3.3 with C6000 Code Generation Tools

LP5910: LP5910-1.3V


Part Number:LP5910


I want use LP5910 for 1.3V output. 

Is that possible to order some from TI? What is the limit amount of this?

Can I use 1.4V in and 1.3V out in 50mA? Is that function can be achieve?

Many thanks.

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