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SIMPLELINK-CC3220-SDK: Ideal Topology /Technology for a monitoring solution using Wifi




We have a requirement of making a 1000 sensor tags for a student monitoring solution. We need to check the students position and other information from the tags they are wearing from a Centralized Server.

We need to establish a bi directional communication between the tags and the access points, since the students will be moving the communication should establish to the nearest access point and it should switch from one access point other.

So what would be ideal Topology /Technology for a monitoring solution  Whether CC31xx/CC32xx suites the above application since its a low power solution

Otherwise what would be the better solution whether BLE, 6Lowpan etc and let us know how can we do that.

Please help in this regard

Thanks & Regards


CCS/SIMPLELINK-CC2640R2-SDK: Complier Error



Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

The SDK all example are complier error, the console message as below.

SDK Version : simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58

CCS Version:

WIN Version : Win10 Pro

**** Build of configuration FlashROM_StackLibrary for project multi_role_cc2640r2lp_app ****

"C:\\ti\\ccsv8\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k -j 4 all -O
Building file: "../TOOLS/app_ble.cfg"
Invoking: XDCtools
"C:/ti/xdctools_3_50_03_33_core/xs" --xdcpath="C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/source;C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/kernel/tirtos/packages;C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/source/ti/blestack;" xdc.tools.configuro -o configPkg -t ti.targets.arm.elf.M3 -p ti.platforms.simplelink:CC2640R2F -r release -c "C:/ti/ti-cgt-arm_16.9.6.LTS" --compileOptions "-mv7M3 --code_state=16 -me -O4 --opt_for_speed=0 --include_path=\"C:/Users/a0220378/workspace_v8/multi_role_cc2640r2lp_app\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/source/ti/blestack/controller/cc26xx_r2/inc\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/source/ti/blestack/inc\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/source/ti/blestack/rom\" --include_path=\"C:/Users/a0220378/workspace_v8/multi_role_cc2640r2lp_app/Application\" --include_path=\"C:/Users/a0220378/workspace_v8/multi_role_cc2640r2lp_app/Startup\" --include_path=\"C:/Users/a0220378/workspace_v8/multi_role_cc2640r2lp_app/PROFILES\" --include_path=\"C:/Users/a0220378/workspace_v8/multi_role_cc2640r2lp_app/Include\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/source/ti/blestack/common/cc26xx\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/source/ti/blestack/icall/inc\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/source/ti/blestack/profiles/dev_info\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/source/ti/blestack/target\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/source/ti/blestack/hal/src/target/_common\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/source/ti/blestack/hal/src/target/_common/cc26xx\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/source/ti/blestack/hal/src/inc\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/source/ti/blestack/heapmgr\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/source/ti/blestack/icall/src/inc\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/source/ti/blestack/osal/src/inc\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/source/ti/blestack/services/src/saddr\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/source/ti/blestack/services/src/sdata\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58/source/ti/devices/cc26x0r2\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/ti-cgt-arm_16.9.6.LTS/include\" --define=DeviceFamily_CC26X0R2 --define=BOARD_DISPLAY_USE_LCD=0 --define=BOARD_DISPLAY_USE_UART=1 --define=BOARD_DISPLAY_USE_UART_ANSI=1 --define=CC2640R2_LAUNCHXL --define=CC26XX --define=CC26XX_R2 --define=ICALL_EVENTS --define=ICALL_JT --define=ICALL_LITE --define=ICALL_MAX_NUM_ENTITIES=6 --define=ICALL_MAX_NUM_TASKS=3 --define=ICALL_STACK0_ADDR --define=MAX_NUM_BLE_CONNS=1 --define=POWER_SAVING --define=RF_SINGLEMODE --define=STACK_LIBRARY --define=TBM_ACTIVE_ITEMS_ONLY --define=USE_ICALL --define=xdc_runtime_Assert_DISABLE_ALL --define=xdc_runtime_Log_DISABLE_ALL -g --c99 --gcc --diag_warning=225 --diag_wrap=off --display_error_number --gen_func_subsections=on --abi=eabi " "../TOOLS/app_ble.cfg"
TOOLS/subdir_rules.mk:12: recipe for target 'build-9977473-inproc' failed
because: No such file or directory
C:\ti\xdctools_3_50_03_33_core\xdc.exe: can't execute 'gnumake'
js: "C:/ti/xdctools_3_50_03_33_core/packages/xdc/tools/Cmdr.xs", line 52: Error: xdc.tools.configuro: configuration failed due to earlier errors (status = -1); 'linker.cmd' deleted.
gmake[1]: *** [build-9977473-inproc] Error 1
gmake: *** [build-9977473] Error 2
TOOLS/subdir_rules.mk:9: recipe for target 'build-9977473' failed
gmake: Target 'all' not remade because of errors.

**** Build Finished ****

MSP430F6736: MSP430F6736 in bare die version

CCS: gmake error


Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

hi, i was using msp430 in CCSv7......i was getting the following errors

1.  .h file includes itself

2.  gmake[main.obj]

3.   target all not remade because of  errors



Part Number:CC3120BOOST


I want to use CC3120BOOST board with an external board (Nucleo-F413ZH). I followed porting guide for host driver and I can send commands to CC3120 via SPI.

In my application I want CC3120BOOST to connect to my router, so I put it to station role and try to connect manually with SSID and password. sl_WlanConnect returns 0, however CC3120 does not connect to WiFi and I can see a WLAN disconnect event with reason 0xcc - which, acoording to wlan.h, is SL_WLAN_DISCONNECT_SECURITY_FAILURE.

sl_Start(0, 0 ,0) = 0
sl_WlanSetMode(0) = 0
sl_Stop = 0
sl_Start = 0
sl_DeviceGet(SL_DEVICE_STATUS) = 801983c
sl_WlanConnect = 0
sl_DeviceGet(SL_DEVICE_STATUS) = 80197dc
Event ID = 2
Disconnect reason = 0xCC
Event ID = 2
Disconnect reason = 0xCC
Event ID = 2
Disconnect reason = 0xCC
Event ID = 2
Disconnect reason = 0xCC

This however happens only when I try to connect to 2.4GHz network that has a 5GHz counterpart with same base name and '_5GHz' suffix (default setup on many Linksys routers), like this:
- 2.4GHz SSID = "WlanForCC3120" <- this is the one I am trying to connect to
- 5GHz SSID = "WlanForCC3120_5GHz" <- this is a second network on the same router

If 2.4GHz and 5GHz network names are different (no common base) CC3120 connects without any problem. CC3120BOOST also connects to WlanForCC3120 when it is configured via web GUI.

How can I connect to WlanForCC3120 via host driver?

I am using: simplelink_sdk_wifi_plugin_1_55_00_42 + Service pack: sp_3.6.0.3_2.0.0.0_2.2.0.6 (flashed to CC31200BOOST via Uniflash& CC31XXEMUBOOST).

CCS/DRV8301-69M-KIT: Lab 2a problem with ACIM


Part Number:DRV8301-69M-KIT

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hi all,.

I'm using DRV8301-69M-KIT supplying with  40V DC. 

The motor that i use is ACIM without nameplate. I only knows the supply voltage 12V  and connection diagram Y.

I have tried  lab 2a(MotorWare) but I have stucked in MOTOR ID proccess(cannot evaluate the rated flux).

Generally, the motor does not spin with proper 5.0 Hz that i set in the USER.H and I think it does not use the proper algorithm  

LMV552: size of T&R


Part Number:LMV552

Dear Sir/Madam,

What is the diferences between LMV552MM/NOPB and LMV552MMX/NOPB ?

Is the size of T&R only diference ?



Part Number:TDA2PXEVM



I would like to know from A15 processor can USB 3.0 can be accessed?
or is there any way to use usb stack as a data stream?

I am not interested in proper usb usage, just wanted to stream data from USB 3.0 hardware.
Is there any option for configuring USB 3.0 as a data stream port?

Is there any usb drivers in PDK?

Libs: PDK 3.2, SysBios , Vision SDK



RTOS/CC2640R2F: Migrating from SimpleLink 1.3 to 1.5 problem now when using IOCIntRegister function.


Part Number:CC2640R2F



I'm trying to migrate from




At the same time I'm changing so that we start using Lib of stack instead of separate bin.

I started from your simple_peripheral project and added our code on it.

When trying to build the project I get this build error.


Error[Lp023]: absolute placement (in [0x20000000-0x200000c7]) overlaps with absolute symbol: C:\ti\simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58\examples\rtos\CC2640R2_LAUNCHXL\blestack\simple_peripheral\tirtos\iar\app\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\source\ti\blestack\common\cc26xx\iar\cc26xx_app_and_stack.icf 267


After long time searching I found that this build error was triggered by my code setting up an interrupt by using this call

 // Set up the interrupt handler.
 IOCIntRegister( DigitalInput_InterruptHandler );


If comment this row out the build error doesn't show.

Is the a new way of set up an interrupt?

You can try for yourself.
Added just this little code into your main.c in your example project and get exact the same build error.

Attached the main.c

(Please visit the site to view this file)

TMS320F28379D: ADCD not responding in my experimenter kit


Part Number:TMS320F28379D


I updated the LAB7 example in C28xx experimenter Kit to include the ADCB0, ADCC0, and ADCD0 in addition to ADCA0. when I debug the code and run it on my experimenter kit, ADCC0 is not working while the other adc work probably and I see the conversion result in the memory browser or expression window and I can plot the conversion outcome. I tried to change the ADCC channel but still, I don't get any conversion result and the output buffer still null.

Below is the ADC file as well as the ISR interrupt for the ADCC:



asm(" EALLOW"); // Enable EALLOW protected register access

//--- Reset the ADC. This is good programming practice.

DevCfgRegs.SOFTPRES13.bit.ADC_A = 1; // ADC is reset

DevCfgRegs.SOFTPRES13.bit.ADC_A = 0; // ADC is released from reset

DevCfgRegs.SOFTPRES13.bit.ADC_B = 1; // ADC is reset

DevCfgRegs.SOFTPRES13.bit.ADC_B = 0; // ADC is released from reset

DevCfgRegs.SOFTPRES13.bit.ADC_C = 1; // ADC is reset

DevCfgRegs.SOFTPRES13.bit.ADC_C = 0; // ADC is released from reset

DevCfgRegs.SOFTPRES13.bit.ADC_D = 1; // ADC is reset

DevCfgRegs.SOFTPRES13.bit.ADC_D = 0; // ADC is released from reset

//--- Configure the ADC base registers

AdcaRegs.ADCCTL1.all = 0x0004; // Main ADC configuration

AdcbRegs.ADCCTL1.all = 0x0004; // Main ADC configuration

AdccRegs.ADCCTL1.all = 0x0004; // Main ADC configuration

AdcdRegs.ADCCTL1.all = 0x0004; // Main ADC configuration

// bit 15-14 00: reserved

// bit 13 0: ADCBSY, ADC busy, read-only

// bit 12 0: reserved

// bit 11-8 0's: ADCBSYCHN, ADC busy channel, read-only

// bit 7 0: ADCPWDNZ, ADC power down, 0=powered down, 1=powered up

// bit 6-3 0000: reserved

// bit 2 1: INTPULSEPOS, INT pulse generation, 0=start of conversion, 1=end of conversion

// bit 1-0 00: reserved


AdcaRegs.ADCCTL2.all = 0x0006; // ADC clock configuration

AdcbRegs.ADCCTL2.all = 0x0006; // ADC clock configuration

AdccRegs.ADCCTL2.all = 0x0006; // ADC clock configuration

AdcdRegs.ADCCTL2.all = 0x0006; // ADC clock configuration

// bit 15-8 0's: reserved

// bit 7 0: SIGNALMODE, configured by AdcSetMode() below to get calibration correct

// bit 6 0: RESOLUTION, configured by AdcSetMode() below to get calibration correct

// bit 5-4 00: reserved

// bit 3-0 0110: PRESCALE, ADC clock prescaler. 0110=CPUCLK/4, Hence ADC Clock = SYSCLK / 4 = 200 MHz/4 = 50MHz

AdcaRegs.ADCBURSTCTL.all = 0x0000;

AdcbRegs.ADCBURSTCTL.all = 0x0000;

AdccRegs.ADCBURSTCTL.all = 0x0000;

AdcdRegs.ADCBURSTCTL.all = 0x0000;

// bit 15 0: BURSTEN, 0=burst mode disabled, 1=burst mode enabled

// bit 14-12 000: reserved

// bit 11-8 0000: BURSTSIZE, 0=1 SOC converted (don't care)

// bit 7-6 00: reserved

// bit 5-0 000000: BURSTTRIGSEL, 00=software only (don't care)

//--- Call AdcSetMode() to configure the resolution and signal mode.

// This also performs the correct ADC calibration for the configured mode.





//--- SOC0 configuration

AdcaRegs.ADCSOC0CTL.bit.TRIGSEL = 7; // Trigger using ePWM2-ADCSOCA

AdcaRegs.ADCSOC0CTL.bit.CHSEL = 0; // Convert channel ADCINA0 (Ch. 0)

AdcaRegs.ADCSOC0CTL.bit.ACQPS = 19; // Acquisition window set to (19+1)=20 cycles (100 ns with 200 MHz SYSCLK)

AdcaRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL1.bit.SOC0 = 0; // No ADC interrupt triggers SOC0 (TRIGSEL field determines trigger)

AdcaRegs.ADCSOCPRICTL.bit.SOCPRIORITY = 0; // All SOCs handled in round-robin mode

//---- SOC1 configuration for ADCA2

AdcaRegs.ADCSOC1CTL.bit.TRIGSEL = 7; // Trigger using ePWM2-ADCSOCA

AdcaRegs.ADCSOC1CTL.bit.CHSEL = 2; // Convert channel ADCINA2 (Ch. 2)

AdcaRegs.ADCSOC1CTL.bit.ACQPS = 19; // Acquisition window set to (19+1)=20 cycles (100 ns with 200 MHz SYSCLK)

AdcaRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL1.bit.SOC1 = 0; // No ADC interrupt triggers SOC1 (TRIGSEL field determines trigger)

AdcaRegs.ADCSOCPRICTL.bit.SOCPRIORITY = 0; // All SOCs handled in round-robin mode


//--- SOC0 configuration For ADC B

AdcbRegs.ADCSOC0CTL.bit.TRIGSEL = 7; // Trigger using ePWM2-ADCSOCA

AdcbRegs.ADCSOC0CTL.bit.CHSEL = 0; // Convert channel ADCINB0 (Ch. 0)

AdcbRegs.ADCSOC0CTL.bit.ACQPS = 19; // Acquisition window set to (19+1)=20 cycles (100 ns with 200 MHz SYSCLK)

AdcbRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL1.bit.SOC0 = 0; // No ADC interrupt triggers SOC0 (TRIGSEL field determines trigger)

AdcbRegs.ADCSOCPRICTL.bit.SOCPRIORITY = 0; // All SOCs handled in round-robin mode

//--- SOC0 configuration For ADC C

AdccRegs.ADCSOC0CTL.bit.TRIGSEL = 7; // Trigger using ePWM2-ADCSOCA

AdccRegs.ADCSOC0CTL.bit.CHSEL = 0; // Convert channel ADCINB0 (Ch. 0)

AdccRegs.ADCSOC0CTL.bit.ACQPS = 19; // Acquisition window set to (19+1)=20 cycles (100 ns with 200 MHz SYSCLK)

AdccRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL1.bit.SOC0 = 0; // No ADC interrupt triggers SOC0 (TRIGSEL field determines trigger)

AdccRegs.ADCSOCPRICTL.bit.SOCPRIORITY = 0; // All SOCs handled in round-robin mode

//--- SOC0 configuration For ADC D

AdcdRegs.ADCSOC0CTL.bit.TRIGSEL = 7; // Trigger using ePWM2-ADCSOCA

AdcdRegs.ADCSOC0CTL.bit.CHSEL = 0; // Convert channel ADCINB0 (Ch. 0)

AdcdRegs.ADCSOC0CTL.bit.ACQPS = 19; // Acquisition window set to (19+1)=20 cycles (100 ns with 200 MHz SYSCLK)

AdcdRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL1.bit.SOC0 = 0; // No ADC interrupt triggers SOC0 (TRIGSEL field determines trigger)

AdcdRegs.ADCSOCPRICTL.bit.SOCPRIORITY = 0; // All SOCs handled in round-robin mode


//--- ADCA1 interrupt configuration

AdcaRegs.ADCINTSEL1N2.bit.INT1CONT = 1; // Interrupt pulses regardless of flag state

AdcaRegs.ADCINTSEL1N2.bit.INT1E = 1; // Enable the interrupt in the ADC

AdcaRegs.ADCINTSEL1N2.bit.INT1SEL = 0; // EOC0 triggers the interrupt

//--- ADCB1 interrupt configuration

AdcbRegs.ADCINTSEL1N2.bit.INT1CONT = 1; // Interrupt pulses regardless of flag state

AdcbRegs.ADCINTSEL1N2.bit.INT1E = 1; // Enable the interrupt in the ADC

AdcbRegs.ADCINTSEL1N2.bit.INT1SEL = 0; // EOC0 triggers the interrupt

//--- ADCC1 interrupt configuration

AdccRegs.ADCINTSEL1N2.bit.INT1CONT = 1; // Interrupt pulses regardless of flag state

AdccRegs.ADCINTSEL1N2.bit.INT1E = 1; // Enable the interrupt in the ADC

AdccRegs.ADCINTSEL1N2.bit.INT1SEL = 0; // EOC0 triggers the interrupt

//--- ADCD1 interrupt configuration

AdcdRegs.ADCINTSEL1N2.bit.INT1CONT = 1; // Interrupt pulses regardless of flag state

AdcdRegs.ADCINTSEL1N2.bit.INT1E = 1; // Enable the interrupt in the ADC

AdcdRegs.ADCINTSEL1N2.bit.INT1SEL = 0; // EOC0 triggers the interrupt


//--- Enable the ADC interrupt

PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER1.bit.INTx1 = 1; // Enable ADCA1 interrupt in PIE group 1

PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER1.bit.INTx2 = 1; // Enable ADCB1 interrupt in PIE group 1

PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER1.bit.INTx3 = 1; // Enable ADCC1 interrupt in PIE group 1

PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER1.bit.INTx6 = 1; // Enable ADCD1 interrupt in PIE group 1

IER |= 0x0001; // Enable INT1 in IER to enable PIE group

//--- Finish up

AdcaRegs.ADCCTL1.bit.ADCPWDNZ = 1; // Power up the ADC

AdcbRegs.ADCCTL1.bit.ADCPWDNZ = 1; // Power up the ADC

AdccRegs.ADCCTL1.bit.ADCPWDNZ = 1; // Power up the ADC

AdcdRegs.ADCCTL1.bit.ADCPWDNZ = 1; // Power up the ADC

DelayUs(1000); // Wait 1 ms after power-up before using the ADC

asm(" EDIS"); // Disable EALLOW protected register access

} // end InitAdc()

//--- end of file -----------------------

While the ISR code is:

interruptvoidADCC1_ISR(void) // PIE1.3 @ 0x000D44 ADC-C interrupt #1


staticUint16 *AdcBufPtr2 = AdcBuf2; // Pointer to buffer

PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP1; // Must acknowledge the PIE group

//--- Manage the ADC registers

AdccRegs.ADCINTFLGCLR.bit.ADCINT1 = 1; // Clear ADCINT1 flag

//--- Read the ADC result

*AdcBufPtr2++ = AdccResultRegs.ADCRESULT3; // Read the result

//--- Brute-force the circular buffer

if( AdcBufPtr2 == (AdcBuf2 + ADC_BUF_LEN) )


AdcBufPtr2 = AdcBuf2; // Rewind the pointer to beginning



I really appreciate any help



TUSB7320: TUSB7320 / Actual data rate in system level


Part Number:TUSB7320


I know that the ideal data rate of USB3.0 is 5 Gbps that is 625 MB/sec. But typically the actual data rate will be reduced in system level and it depend on the performance of USB device. Then do you have any evaluation test data or benchmark test result to measure actual data rate?

Best Regards,

Satoshi / Japan Disty

TPD1S414: TPD1S414 EN status


Part Number:TPD1S414

Hi Expert,

My customer has a question on TPD1S414 EN status. They have an AIO PC application and want to use TPD1S414 at USB TypeC port.

They want to know internal MOSFET status when EN is floating and VBUS_CON 5V exist.

The reason that they have this question is MB will be no power when adapter is absent. In the other words, EN will be no pull up power rail in MB and it would be floating. They want to make sure VBUS power would not go to MB(block by internal MOSFET)

Could you kindly help to answer it? Thanks a lot!!

Best regards,

Ann Lien

TMS320F28335: SciCommsGui.c


Part Number:TMS320F28335

Dear Sir,

Can you please support me about the protocol used in "SciCommsGui.c"

I am working on a UPS project and need to monitor and tune some PID coefficients.


Dinesh Dhiman

TUSB9261DEMO: Does TUSB9261 put the attached SSD to Standby Mode/Partial/Slumber/DevSLP power modes after it powers up and during normal operation?


Part Number:TUSB9261DEMO


Does TUSB9261 put the attached SSD to Standby Mode/Partial/Slumber/DevSLP power modes after it powers up and during normal operation? If so, will sending a command to SSD wake it up?



RTOS/TMDSEVM6678: Do timers run between the time they are created and the Timer_start() call?


Part Number:TMDSEVM6678



I'm working on a c6678 evaluation module using ccstudio 6.2 and bios 6.42. 

I'm running a single image on all 8 cores.  But at the start I check the DNUM and create 3 timers with a period of 4 microseconds in core1 with StartMode_USER. 

I have a task that each core runs and it takes about 13 microseconds to complete.  Now even without calling the Timer_start() I see a significant overhead in my task running in core0 and not in other cores with just the timer creations!!

Is this expected or I'm doing something wrong?!

Thanks in advance for your respond!

CSD19532Q5B: CSD19532Q5B


Part Number:CSD19532Q5B

I am using a a bridge of 6 CSD19532Q5B smd mosfets for motor contro on FR4 PCB. My rated current is 10Amp rms ( 14amp) peak. As I move beyond, 10Amp the mosfet temperature starts crossing 65 deg.

In view of this, is there an TI guideline app note about how to take out heat from SMD mosfets? Do I need an special PCB with Al base or something like that for 10Amp rms current? 

BQ24295: How to disable automatic D+/D- detection


Part Number:BQ24295

I have a device that needs to use the USB port for data as well as charging, so the D+ and D- lines are connected to the micro controller in the device. The microcontroller has the necessary hardware in its USB peripheral to perform the BC1.2 detection procedure and both the dead and good battery algorithms have been fully implemented in the firmware. The firmware sets the input current limit of the bq24295 appropriately.

Since the selection of input current limit is fully under the control of the firmware I would like to completely disable the detection built into the bq24295 as it is unnecessary and incorrectly overwrites the current limit set by the firmware. I have not been able to identify any register fields that would prevent the detection from running at all. The only field that sounds like it might be related is the DPDM_EN field (bit 7) of the Misc Operation Control Register (REG07), however that is to force the bq24295 to perform the detection procedure again, not to stop it from performing it in the first place.

Is it possible to stop the detection all together? I see that there are three reserved fields in the Misc register and one of them suspiciously has a reset value of 1. Does that by any chance stop the detection?



BMS for lead acid battery



i am looking for battery management system for lead acid battery. so please suggest me some  ICs & our requirements are as below. 

1)IC should monitor Battery pack voltage .

2)under voltage and over voltage protection.

3)short circuit protection ,over current protection and etc.

4)cell balancing/pack balancing.

kindly clarify my below querie. 

1)cell balancing is possible in lead acid battery?

DP83848K: Question for AGND/DGND


Part Number:DP83848K

Hi team,

In DP83848N, it has AGND and DGND. Should GND pin be separated by BEAD? If not, is it possible to use the same GND?


Sam Lee

DRA77P: emmc v5.x can I use ?


Part Number:DRA77P

Hello everybody , 

please  I see in TRM  we declare   fully compliant   "MMC/eMMC   standard specification, v4.5  ". 

now  I can find in the market  v5.x :  can I use ?   any tradeoff / precaution to keep ?

thank you very much



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