Tiva Evalboard LM4F232 - no JTAG connection
I've been working with this evalboard several month but now I cannot connect any more, neither via ICDI nor via JTAG emulator. LM Flash Programmer told that it cannot find a device. The unlock...
View ArticleEthernet printf sample request
All, I have a customer that is looking at the C6748 for a new project but has a request. Please see the request below. We're going to use a TI C6748 for our DSP in a new project. I've got an EVM on...
View ArticleUCC2804 Note Question
Can someone clarify note 2 with respect to the Vcc voltage on the UCC2804 datasheet page two ? I am getting hit by reliability because we have 11.74V on the Vcc pin. They way I read this note is...
View ArticleBCP Harq input buffer alignment
Hi,I'm facing problems with the RD module of BCP while running PUSCH along with Harq Data.there are two flags to configure the harq:enable_harq_inputenable_harq_outputIf I set to 1 only...
View ArticleCC1101 Software
Looking over forums, I've found functions like wait_GDO0_low(); and CC1101_SFTX();. Which software package are these types of functions coming from? The software on the CC1101 product page doesn't...
View ArticleStellaris EKL-LM4F232 Evaluation Kit Graphics Library Sample Codes
Hi Guys,Good day!!Where can I find Stellaris EKL-LM4F232 Evaluation Kit Graphics Library Sample Codes?Thanks,Sherwin Tiongson
View ArticleLM5071
We have succesfully used the LM5071MT-50 with 13W transformer (coilcraft POE13P-50L) before.In a new design we only require 3W output, therefore I chose the smaller transformer from Coilcraft:...
View ArticleThere is an error on data sheet for SM470R1B1M-HT !!
Hi, I wonder if anyone has come across this. I have tried to have this corrected on the data sheet feedback service but no response from TI.On the latest data sheet for the SM470R1B1M-HT (Rev F,...
View ArticleDriver for dvsdk3 for DM6467t and TVP5158
Hi,I saw this post:http://e2e.ti.com/support/data_converters/videoconverters/f/376/t/41768.aspxand others that were related to this. This was quite a long time ago though, have you guys made a new...
View Article64 bit data type support for MSP430 ccsv5.1
Hi,I need to know if the "signed long long" and "unsigned long long" data types are supported. I am not able to get the compiler to recognize a long long in my application. Is there a compiler option...
View ArticlePeer to peer between TRF7970A-EVM and Nexus 7
Hello,I am working with TRF7970A-EVM and Nexus 7, & trying to establish peer to peer connection between them. I set the TRF7970A as passive target @424kbps. I have referred related documents from...
View ArticleAIF2 CPRI Max throughput
Hi,I have a question about C6670 AIF2.I want to know about max throughput of CPRI.Is CPRI max line bit rate = 4915.2Mbps?C6670 support 6 lines, so max throughput is 4915.2Mbps x 6 = 29491.2Mbps.Is it...
View ArticleReset I2C bus using SCL and SDA pin that in new linux kernel I2C buss code
HiI want to reset I2C bus of DM6467 whenever there is timeout during i2c data transfer. in new kernel 3.9 there is support added using static void i2c_recover_bus(struct davinci_i2c_dev *dev)...
View Articlec6678 H264 HP decoder building h264vdecAlg
Hi,I obtained source code for H264 HP from TI last year. Version is decoder HP and encoder HP The decoder seems to have been built with a version of ccs v4. I tried to compile the...
View ArticleUBL_DM646x_NAND_675_324.zip
Hi,I am following the TVP5158 EVM User's guide and under section 7.2.1 it says to "Unzip the UBL_DM646x_NAND_675_324.zip archive file onto the PC's local hard drive."I can not find this .zip file...
View ArticleuDMA for block transfers to SD card problem
I'm using a custom board featuring the LM4F120H5QR - A3 (as the Tiva devices are not ready yet) on a custom board featuring and SD card in a data logging application. The board also uses the hibernate...
View ArticleADS1241 Registers
Hi All, I am testing ADS1241 chip and would like to simply write to its registers and read the register back to confirm . I am using the following code based on RREG description on page 19 of the data...
View ArticleHPA172 API libraries and source code example
Hi, I would like to use an HPA172 (USB-TO-GPIO interface) with my own software, thus bypassing the TI Fusion software.I'm looking for Application Program Interface (API) libraries and source code...
View ArticlePCM5122 DAC as I2S master troubles with PLL mode
I'm working on a new project and I'm trying to use the PCM5122 DAC clocked by a 12 MHz oscillator as I2S master (the DAC generates BCK and LRCK signals). My goal is to achieve what stated at page 22 of...
View ArticleProblem with Fastboot on am335xevm_sk running JellyBean
Hi,I'm trying to boot an image using fastboot but it's stalling without any error.From the device I can start fastboot correctly: U-Boot# fastbootINFO: [do_fastboot]: fastboot initializedINFO:...
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