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C2000 Launchpad Example Problem



I am a new user of C2000 Launchpad and CCS. I imported an example from ControlSUITE with the code below. After running the code, only one of the variables suggested (LoopCount) is adding up. The rest three of the variables are all zeros. From my point of view, this is an example to generate the PWM signal, but I have no idea on how to watch the signals. Can anyone help with this and how to make other three variables change?

Many Thanks

//  File:   f2802x_examples_ccsv4/adc_soc/Example_F2802xAdcSoc.c
//  Title:  F2802x ADC Start-Of-Conversion (SOC) Example Program.
//  Group:          C2000
//  Target Device:  TMS320F2802x
//! \addtogroup example_list
//!  <h1>ADC Start-Of-Conversion (SOC)</h1>
//!   Interrupts are enabled and the ePWM1 is setup to generate a periodic
//!   ADC SOC - ADCINT1. Two channels are converted, ADCINA4 and ADCINA2.
//!   Watch Variables:
//!   - Voltage1[10] - Last 10 ADCRESULT0 values
//!   - Voltage2[10] - Last 10 ADCRESULT1 values
//!   - ConversionCount - Current result number 0-9
//!   - LoopCount - Idle loop counter
//  (C) Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments, Inc.
// $TI Release: LaunchPad f2802x Support Library v100 $
// $Release Date: Wed Jul 25 10:45:39 CDT 2012 $

#include "DSP28x_Project.h"     // Device Headerfile and Examples Include File

#include "f2802x_common/include/adc.h"
#include "f2802x_common/include/clk.h"
#include "f2802x_common/include/flash.h"
#include "f2802x_common/include/gpio.h"
#include "f2802x_common/include/pie.h"
#include "f2802x_common/include/pll.h"
#include "f2802x_common/include/wdog.h"

// Prototype statements for functions found within this file.
interrupt void adc_isr(void);
void Adc_Config(void);

// Global variables used in this example:
uint16_t LoopCount;
uint16_t ConversionCount;
uint16_t Voltage1[10];
uint16_t Voltage2[10];

ADC_Handle myAdc;
CLK_Handle myClk;
FLASH_Handle myFlash;
GPIO_Handle myGpio;
PIE_Handle myPie;
PWM_Handle myPwm;

void main(void)
    CPU_Handle myCpu;
    PLL_Handle myPll;
    WDOG_Handle myWDog;
    // Initialize all the handles needed for this application    
    myAdc = ADC_init((void *)ADC_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(ADC_Obj));
    myClk = CLK_init((void *)CLK_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(CLK_Obj));
    myCpu = CPU_init((void *)NULL, sizeof(CPU_Obj));
    myFlash = FLASH_init((void *)FLASH_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(FLASH_Obj));
    myGpio = GPIO_init((void *)GPIO_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(GPIO_Obj));
    myPie = PIE_init((void *)PIE_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(PIE_Obj));
    myPll = PLL_init((void *)PLL_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(PLL_Obj));
    myPwm = PWM_init((void *)PWM_ePWM1_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(PWM_Obj));
    myWDog = WDOG_init((void *)WDOG_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(WDOG_Obj));

    // Perform basic system initialization    
    //Select the internal oscillator 1 as the clock source
    CLK_setOscSrc(myClk, CLK_OscSrc_Internal);
    // Setup the PLL for x10 /2 which will yield 50Mhz = 10Mhz * 10 / 2
    PLL_setup(myPll, PLL_Multiplier_10, PLL_DivideSelect_ClkIn_by_2);
    // Disable the PIE and all interrupts
// If running from flash copy RAM only functions to RAM   
#ifdef _FLASH
    memcpy(&RamfuncsRunStart, &RamfuncsLoadStart, (size_t)&RamfuncsLoadSize);

    // Setup a debug vector table and enable the PIE

    // Register interrupt handlers in the PIE vector table
    PIE_registerPieIntHandler(myPie, PIE_GroupNumber_10, PIE_SubGroupNumber_1, (intVec_t)&adc_isr);

    // Initialize the ADC
    ADC_setVoltRefSrc(myAdc, ADC_VoltageRefSrc_Int);

    // Enable ADCINT1 in PIE
    PIE_enableAdcInt(myPie, ADC_IntNumber_1);
    // Enable CPU Interrupt 1
    CPU_enableInt(myCpu, CPU_IntNumber_10);
    // Enable Global interrupt INTM
    // Enable Global realtime interrupt DBGM

    LoopCount = 0;
    ConversionCount = 0;

    // Configure ADC
    //Note: Channel ADCINA4  will be double sampled to workaround the ADC 1st sample issue for rev0 silicon errata  
    ADC_setIntPulseGenMode(myAdc, ADC_IntPulseGenMode_Prior);               //ADCINT1 trips after AdcResults latch
    ADC_enableInt(myAdc, ADC_IntNumber_1);                                  //Enabled ADCINT1
    ADC_setIntMode(myAdc, ADC_IntNumber_1, ADC_IntMode_ClearFlag);          //Disable ADCINT1 Continuous mode
    ADC_setIntSrc(myAdc, ADC_IntNumber_1, ADC_IntSrc_EOC2);                 //setup EOC2 to trigger ADCINT1 to fire
    ADC_setSocChanNumber (myAdc, ADC_SocNumber_0, ADC_SocChanNumber_A4);    //set SOC0 channel select to ADCINA4
    ADC_setSocChanNumber (myAdc, ADC_SocNumber_1, ADC_SocChanNumber_A4);    //set SOC1 channel select to ADCINA4
    ADC_setSocChanNumber (myAdc, ADC_SocNumber_2, ADC_SocChanNumber_A2);    //set SOC2 channel select to ADCINA2
    ADC_setSocTrigSrc(myAdc, ADC_SocNumber_0, ADC_SocTrigSrc_EPWM1_ADCSOCA);    //set SOC0 start trigger on EPWM1A, due to round-robin SOC0 converts first then SOC1
    ADC_setSocTrigSrc(myAdc, ADC_SocNumber_1, ADC_SocTrigSrc_EPWM1_ADCSOCA);    //set SOC1 start trigger on EPWM1A, due to round-robin SOC0 converts first then SOC1
    ADC_setSocTrigSrc(myAdc, ADC_SocNumber_2, ADC_SocTrigSrc_EPWM1_ADCSOCA);    //set SOC2 start trigger on EPWM1A, due to round-robin SOC0 converts first then SOC1, then SOC2
    ADC_setSocSampleWindow(myAdc, ADC_SocNumber_0, ADC_SocSampleWindow_7_cycles);   //set SOC0 S/H Window to 7 ADC Clock Cycles, (6 ACQPS plus 1)
    ADC_setSocSampleWindow(myAdc, ADC_SocNumber_1, ADC_SocSampleWindow_7_cycles);   //set SOC1 S/H Window to 7 ADC Clock Cycles, (6 ACQPS plus 1)
    ADC_setSocSampleWindow(myAdc, ADC_SocNumber_2, ADC_SocSampleWindow_7_cycles);   //set SOC2 S/H Window to 7 ADC Clock Cycles, (6 ACQPS plus 1)

    // Enable PWM clock
    CLK_enablePwmClock(myClk, PWM_Number_1);
    // Setup PWM
    PWM_enableSocAPulse(myPwm);                                         // Enable SOC on A group
    PWM_setSocAPulseSrc(myPwm, PWM_SocPulseSrc_CounterEqualCmpAIncr);   // Select SOC from from CPMA on upcount
    PWM_setSocAPeriod(myPwm, PWM_SocPeriod_FirstEvent);                 // Generate pulse on 1st event
    PWM_setCmpA(myPwm, 0x0080);                                         // Set compare A value
    PWM_setPeriod(myPwm, 0xFFFF);                                       // Set period for ePWM1
    PWM_setCounterMode(myPwm, PWM_CounterMode_Up);                      // count up and start

    // Wait for ADC interrupt


interrupt void adc_isr(void)
    //discard ADCRESULT0 as part of the workaround to the 1st sample errata for rev0
    Voltage1[ConversionCount] = ADC_readResult(myAdc, ADC_ResultNumber_1);
    Voltage2[ConversionCount] = ADC_readResult(myAdc, ADC_ResultNumber_2);

    // If 10 conversions have been logged, start over
    if(ConversionCount == 9)
        ConversionCount = 0;
    else ConversionCount++;

    // Clear ADCINT1 flag reinitialize for next SOC
    ADC_clearIntFlag(myAdc, ADC_IntNumber_1);
    // Acknowledge interrupt to PIE
    PIE_clearInt(myPie, PIE_GroupNumber_10);


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