I have a CompuLabs SB-T35 board with a CM-T3730 main board. I would like to run some algorithms on the board but don't want any OS loaded. I've already installed CCSv5.3 and the latest OMAP (non-OS). CompuLab seems to suggest going the route of an OS.
The board does have X-Loader and U Boot installed on a MMC (no NAND). Here's what I'd like to do:
1) Develop code to run on the DM3730 (no OS) and simply spit out some UART3 (RS232) data.
-- Which/where include files are for the chip
-- What do I need to consider when setting things up
-- Any other software I need to install?
2) Load the .bin file into memory and run it. (I know I can use the U Boot 'loadb' command and then the 'go' command). I want to make sure the .ORG of the c file is set correctly (don't know if an .out file is similar to .bin).
For me the biggest question is what toolchains/ide do I need (I figure ccs5.3 and omap will do) and also which include files (more where) are needed to get UART3 up and running.