Dear all,
We are evaluating the c5515 EVM with the ADS1298 front-end board for ECG applications. I installed CCS4 that shipped with the EVM and was able to run the led test, etc. I attempted to follow the MDK userguide which leads the user through the demo posted google code, but as it's written for CCS3.3, I've relied on the c5515 wiki and several other posts to properly import the demo as a legacy 3.3 project and remove the errors.
At present, I'm now able to debug the project without errors (15 warnings), and when I select run the OLED displays 'ECG EVM, LEAD II" but no waveform whatsoever. I have a Fluke ECG simulator attached to the db15 serial connector on the 1298 FE, which is mounted atop the EVM. If I attach the 1298FE to the MMBO the simulator works fine. How can I go about collecting data with the demo program?
The MDK makes reference to loading ecgsystem.out after debugging. I've tried this repeatedly, using debug->load program, with no success. CCS4 opens a new window that displays the message "source code not found", and prompts me to locate it. I'm not sure what to do at this point, ecgsystem.out is present in the c/c++ window, and directing it to the folder location does nothing. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could be causing this problem?