Hi !
I'am working with EM-LM4F120XL Rev A. My current aim is interrupt driven communiation via UART0 (Modbus© protocol) with FIFO. I`am using 3 UART interrupt RX, TX complete (RX/TX FIFO interrupt level select configured to default = 1/2 -> 8 bytes) and Recieve Timeout interrut. I use Recieve Timeout interrut to detect Modbus end of message event. I've used this method with LPC's Cortex -M0, so I just ported source code and rewrote some MCU-specific features. When I started to debug, I've noticed that:
if ( UART message length ) == N*(FIFO interrupt level select register value) then Recieve Timeout interrut is not triggered.
N - integer
#define RX_TOUT_INT (1<<6)
#define RX_INT (1<<4)
#define TX_INT (1<<5)
#define RX_FIFO_EMPTY (1<<4)
#define TX_FIFO_FULL (1<<5)
static uint32_t FUARTStatus;
void Init_UART (){
SYSCTL_RCGCUART_R |= (1<<0); //Enable and provide a clock to UART module 0 in Run mode
SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R |= (1<<0); //Enable and provide a clock to GPIO Port A in Run mode
GPIO_PORTA_DEN_R |= (1<<0) | (1<<1);
GPIO_PORTA_AFSEL_R |= (1<<0) | (1<<1); //pin A.0 and A.1 function as a peripheral signal UART0 RX/TX
GPIO_PORTA_DR4R_R |= (1<<0) | (1<<1); //pin A.0 and A.1 function with 4 mA drive load
GPIO_PORTA_PCTL_R = (GPIO_PORTA_PCTL_R & 0xFFFFFF00)+0x00000011; //pin A.0 and A.1 function as a peripheral signal UART0 RX/TX
UART0_IBRD_R = 43; //UART_BAUD_RATE = 80000000/(16*115200)= 43.402777(7); Integer = 43
UART0_FBRD_R = 26; //Fractional 0,4027777(7) -> UART0_FBRD_R = 0.4027777*64+0.5=26
UART0_LCRH_R = (1<<4) | (1<<5) | (1<<6); //none parity, 1 stop bit, 8-bit length, FIFO enabled
UART0_CC_R = 0; //UART clock from SystemClock
UART0_CTL_R |= (1<<0) | (1<<8) | (1<<9); //Enable UART block, enable reciever, enable transmitter
// UART0_IFLS_R = (UART0_IFLS_R & 0xFFFFFFC0); //Interrupt level select RXFIFO > 1/2 Full, TXFIFO < 1/2 Full
UART0_IM_R = (1<<4) | (1<<6); //UART Receive Interrupt and Timeout Interrupt
void UART0_IRQHandler (){
uint32_t _interrupt_source = UART0_MIS_R;
if(_interrupt_source & (RX_INT | RX_TOUT_INT)){
UART0_ICR_R |= (1<<4);
while(!(UART0_FR_R & RX_FIFO_EMPTY)){
BuffMBSlave[MBBuffIndex++] = (uint8_t)UART0_DR_R;
if(MBBuffIndex >= SLAVE_BUF_LEN) MBBuffIndex = SLAVE_BUF_LEN;
if((_interrupt_source & RX_TOUT_INT)){
UART0_ICR_R |= (1<<6);
EndRecieve = TRUE;
MBMessLength = MBBuffIndex;
UART0_ICR_R = _interrupt_source;