I made one sample program for glowing LED (TMS570LS3137, Dev board TMDX570LS31HDK) using HALCogen and compiled using CCS.
Since i am not able to connect debugger to CCS, the "gio.out" file is flashed using nowFlash v3.42(-bl -er -pr -ve "C:\workspace_v5_2\GIO_Test3\Release\GIO_Test3.bin" -r 0x00000000-0x002FFFFF,0xF0200000-0xF020FFFF -q -emu TIXDS100V2 -p 000 -cpu CORTEX_RXX -targets 1). This programs runs successfully.
Now the problem is, i am not able to flash another program to ECU. Even "hercules safety ecu demos" software loading not happening. The first sample program flashed runs after each reset.