I have writen small code but I am unable to perform function calls from ROM due to errors I get when attempting to compile the project.
I am using CCS 5.2.1 , Win 7 OS and stellaris launchpad with LM4F120H5QR MCU.
This is what I am getting:
At the top of the main.c file I have included rom.h as it should be: #include "driverlib/rom.h" and in project properties added predefined symbol "TARGET_IS_BLIZZARD_RA1"
I have done so tried to include rom.h seperatly in project and tested other functions from driver libarary which work fine.
So I get linking error saying that compiler can't find ROM function declaration of the ROM_SysCtlClockSet function I use and if I add other ROM functions they do not work either.
I will appreciate any constructive advise.